Industry guidance related to the Corded Window Coverings Regulations

From Health Canada


Health Canada’s Consumer and Hazardous Products Safety Directorate has developed various guidance documents and videos for the Corded Window Coverings Regulations. These include Question & Answer documents, a Corded Window Coverings Test Method (M22) related to the Corded Window Coverings Regulations, and supplementary guidance videos for the test method.

Who these guidelines are for

  • Manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers of corded window coverings
  • Testing laboratories
  • Other interested parties who are affected by the regulations

Details and history

Published: November 18, 2021

To ask questions or request a copy of a document or video

These documents and videos may be updated from time to time.

For questions related to the Corded Window Coverings Regulations or to request a copy of a related guidance document or guidance videos, contact a Health Canada Consumer Product Safety Office via email ( or telephone at 1-866-662-0666 (toll-free within Canada and the United States).

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