Pesticide Label Search
Mobile label application
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Online label search
The online Label Search is a flexible tool that is used to gather pesticide product information by searching the available Product Information Elements, or the full textual content of the entire label collection from the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) Registered Products Database.
There are three ways to search:
- Select one or more elements under the Search Product Information heading, such as the Search Field drop down list and Criteria, Year of Expiry, Registration Status, and Marketing Type.
- Perform a full-text keyword search of the entire label collection (see rules in section below).
- Or use a combination of all the sections of the Product Label Search Tool.
Full-text Search Rules
When doing a full-text search, the following expressions can help in specifying your search:
- Use the and operator to search for documents that contain at least one occurrence of each of the search terms. For example, cats and dogs.
- Use the or operator to search for documents that contain at least one occurrence of any of the search terms. For example, cats or dogs.
- Use the not operator to search for documents that contain one query term and not another. For example, animals not dogs.
- You must use the wildcard (%) if you want to widen the search. For example, cat will search cat, whereas cat% will search cat, cats, catch, and so forth.
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