Chemical Substances in Batch 2 of the Challenge: An order amending the Domestic Substances List to vary the requirements under the Significant New Activity provisions for epichlorohydrin (CAS RN 106-89-8) was published. [2025-03-12]
Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): The proposed order adding the class of PFAS, excluding fluoropolymers as defined in the state of PFAS report, to Part 2 of Schedule 1 to CEPA was published for a 60-day public comment period ending on May 7, 2025. A notice related to the Risk Management Approach for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), Excluding Fluoropolymers was also published for a 60-day public comment ending May 7, 2025. [2025-03-08]
Boric Acid, its salts and precursors substance grouping: The Updated Draft Assessment for Boric Acid, its Salts and its Precursors and the Revised Risk Management Scope for Boric Acid, its Salts and its Precursors were published for a 60 day public comment period ending on May 7, 2025. [2025-03-08]
Benzotriazoles and Benzothiazoles Group: The Final Assessment for Benzotriazoles and Benzothiazoles Group was published. The Risk Management Approach for 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT) and its Precursors (from the Benzotriazoles and Benzothiazoles Group) was also published for a 60-day public comment period ending on May 7, 2025. [2025-03-08]
Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): The State of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Report and the Risk Management Approach for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), Excluding Fluoropolymers. were published. [2025-03-05]
Tricyclic Sesquiterpenes and Triterpenoids Group: the Draft Assessment for Terpenes and Terpenoids Tricyclic Sesquiterpenes and Triterpenoids and the Risk Management Scope for Terpenes and Terpenoids Tricyclic Sesquiterpenes and Triterpenoids Group: Cedarwood oil, Texan cedarwood oil, Enoxolone, Mimosa oil, and Ivy extract were published for a 60-day public comment period ending April 30, 2025. [2025-02-28]
Internationally Classified Substance Grouping: An order amending the Domestic Substances List to apply the Significant New Activity (SNAc) provisions of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 to AEEA was published. [2025-02-26]
Chlorinated Alkanes: A Consultation Document on the Risk Management on Short-chain, Medium-chain and Long-chain Chlorinated Alkanes was published for a 60-day public comment period ending on April 14, 2025. [2025-02-13]
Chlorhexidine and its salts: A final order adding chlorhexidine and its salts to Part 2 of Schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 was published. [2025-02-12]
Fourteen Terpene and Terpenoid Substances Group: The Draft Assessment for the Fourteen Terpene and Terpenoid Substances Group and the Risk Management Scope for Certain Substances in the Fourteen Terpene and Terpenoid Substances Group were published for a 60-day public comment period ending March 26, 2025. [2025-01-25]
Certain Organic Flame Retardants Substance Grouping: The Additional Risk Characterization Document – Update to the Human Health Assessment of Melamine and the Revised Risk Management Scope for 1,3,5-Triazine-2,4,6-triamine (Melamine) were published for a 60-day public comment period ending March 26, 2025. [2025-01-25]
CMP Contribution Program: A call for proposals for the public participation stream of the Chemicals Management Plan’s Contribution Program has been published. The call for proposals will close on February 17, 2025. [2025-01-20]
Coal tars and their distillates: A final order adding coal tars and their distillates to Part 2 of Schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 was published. [2025-01-01]