Draft - Table of microbiological reference methods for food


On November 4, 2023, Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency pre-published in the Canada Gazette, Part I the Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Concerning Food Additives and Compositional Standards, Microbiological Criteria and Methods of Analysis for Food. The following document is proposed to be incorporated by reference into the Food and Drug Regulations as part of the proposal.

How to provide comments on this document: To learn more about this regulatory proposal, including how to provide feedback on this document, please go to Consultation on the proposed Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Concerning Food Additives and Compositional Standards, Microbiological Criteria and Methods of Analysis for Food.

The Table of Microbiological Reference Methods for Foods sets out the reference methods that may be used to determine the level of microorganisms present in or on a food, for the purposes of Division 30 of the Food and Drug Regulations.

The Table of Microbiological Reference Methods for Foods is published and maintained by Health Canada and is incorporated by reference in Division 30 of the Food and Drug Regulations.

Date published: November 4, 2023

Column 1 Column 2
Microorganism Reference MethodsFootnote *
Aerobic colony count (ACC) MFHPB-18 - Determination of the Aerobic Colony Counts in Foods
Staphylococcus aureus

MFHPB-21 - Enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus in Foods

Note: MFHPB-21Suppl - Supplement to MFHPB-21 (This supplement may be used along with MFHPB-21)

Escherichia coli MFHPB-19 - Enumeration of Coliforms, Faecal Coliforms and of E. coli in Foods using the MPN Method
Coliforms MFHPB-19 - Enumeration of Coliforms, Faecal Coliforms and of E. coli in Foods using the MPN Method
Salmonella MFHPB-20 - Isolation and Identification of Salmonella from Food and Environmental Samples

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