Canada-Alberta Aging with Dignity funding agreement (2023-24 to 2027-28)

Tables of contents

Funding agreement

(the "Agreement")


HIS MAJESTY THE KING IN RIGHT OF CANADA (hereinafter referred to as "Canada" or "Government of Canada") as represented by the Minister of Health (herein referred to as "the federal Minister")

- and -

HIS MAJESTY THE KING IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA (hereinafter referred to as "Alberta" or "Government of Alberta") as represented by the Minister of Health (herein referred to as "the provincial Minister")

REFERRED to collectively as the "Parties", and individually as a "Party"


WHEREAS, on February 27, 2023, Canada and Alberta announced an overarching agreement in principle on Working Together to Improve Health Care for Canadians, supported by almost $200 billion over ten years in federal funding, including $46.2 billion in new funding to provinces and territories, Canada and Alberta acknowledged the importance of helping Canadians age closer to home;

WHEREAS, Canada has also announced a 5 per cent Canada Health Transfer (CHT) guarantee for the next five years, starting in 2023-24, which will be provided through annual top-up payments as required. This is projected to provide approximately an additional $17 billion over 10 years in new support. The last top-up payment will be rolled into the CHT base at the end of the five years to ensure a permanent funding increase, providing certainty and sustainability to provinces and territories;

WHEREAS, in the area of home and community care, Working Together to Improve Health Care for Canadians also includes a commitment by Canada and Alberta to continue to work to support collaboration on the Common Statement of Principles on Shared Health Priorities (hereinafter referred to as the "Common Statement", attached hereto as Annex 1), supported by the federal Budget 2017 investment of $6 billion over ten years;

WHEREAS, this Agreement also provides financial support for long-term care as it relates to the Government of Canada's Budget 2021 investment of $3 billion over 5 years to support provinces and territories in keeping long-term care residents safe and improve their quality of life;

WHEREAS, Alberta makes ongoing investments in health consistent with its broader responsibilities for delivering health care services to its residents and in supporting diversity, equity, and the needs of First Nations, Inuit and Métis; and underserved and/or disadvantaged populations, including, but not limited to official language minority communities, rural and remote communities, children, racialized communities (including Black Canadians), and 2SLGBTQIA+;

WHEREAS, Canada authorized the federal Minister to enter into agreements with the provinces and territories, for the purpose of identifying activities that provinces and territories will undertake in respect of long-term care, and for funding in this Agreement associated with the federal investment for home and community care consistent with the Common Statement (and menu of actions outlined in Annex 1);

WHEREAS, the Government Organization Act authorizes the provincial Ministers to enter into agreements with the Government of Canada under which Canada undertakes to provide funding toward costs incurred by the Government of Alberta associated with the federal investment for long-term care, and home and community care consistent with the Common Statement; and

NOW THEREFORE, this Agreement sets out the terms between Canada and Alberta as follows:

1.0 Key principles and collaboration

The key principles and commitment to collaboration agreed to in Working Together to Improve Health Care for Canadians are outlined below.

1.1 Canada and Alberta acknowledge that this Agreement will mutually respect each government's jurisdiction, and be underpinned by key principles, including:

1.2 Canada and Alberta acknowledge the importance of supporting health data infrastructure, data collection and public reporting, and will work together to improve the collection, sharing and use of de-identified health information, respecting federal/provincial/territorial privacy legislation, to improve transparency on results and to help manage public health emergencies, and to ensure Canadians can access their own health information and benefit from it being shared between health workers across health settings. This includes:

1.3 Canada and Alberta acknowledge they will work with other provinces and territories to streamline foreign credential recognition for internationally-educated health professionals, and to advance labour mobility, starting with multi-jurisdictional recognition of health professional licences.

1.4 Canada and Alberta acknowledge a mutual intent to engage in a two-phased formal review process:

  1. Phase 1: This review will be done in 2026 by a joint committee of Federal, Provincial, and Territorial health and finance officials to assess results and determine next steps for bilateral agreements related to improvements to home and community care, mental health, substance use, and addiction services associated with the Common Statement and long-term care; and
  2. Phase 2: A formal five-year review of the healthcare plan outlined on February 7, 2023, recognizing the importance of long-term sustainability for provincial-territorial health systems. This review would consist of an assessment of both the bilateral agreements (herein) and the CHT investments (not included as part of this bilateral agreement). The review will be done by a joint committee of Federal, Provincial, and Territorial health and finance officials, commencing by March 31, 2027, and concluded by December 31, 2027, to consider results achieved thus far in the four shared health priority areas and will include:
    1. an assessment of progress-to-date on public reporting to Canadians using the common indicators;
    2. sharing of de-identified health information, and other health data commitments; and
    3. current and forward-looking Federal, Provincial, and Territorial investments to support this plan.

2.0 Objectives

2.1 Canada and Alberta agree that, with financial support from Canada, Alberta will continue to build and enhance health care systems towards achieving some or all of the objectives of:

3.0 Action plan

3.1 Alberta set out in their Action Plan (attached as Annex 4) how the federal investment under this Agreement will be used, as well as details on targets and timeframes for each of the initiatives supported under the Agreement.

3.2 Alberta will invest federal funding as part of the 2017 commitment for home and community care provided through this Agreement in alignment with the menu of actions listed in the Common Statement.

3.3 Alberta will invest federal funding for long-term care provided through this Agreement to bolster efforts to support workforce improvements and standards by:

3.4 In developing initiatives under this Agreement, Alberta agrees to implement the commitments in the Action Plan specific to the needs of First Nations, Inuit and Métis; and underserved and/or disadvantaged populations, including, but not limited to official language minority communities, rural and remote communities, children, racialized communities (including Black Canadians), and 2SLGBTQIA+.

3.5 Alberta's approach to achieving home and community care and long-term care objectives is set out in their five-year Action Plan, as set out in Annex 4.

4.0 Term of agreement

4.1 This Agreement comes into effect upon the date of the last signature of the Parties and will remain in effect until March 31, 2028, unless terminated in accordance with section 12 of this Agreement. Funding provided under this Agreement will be for five years and will cover the period April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2028 ("the Term").

5.0 Financial provisions

5.1 The funding provided under this Agreement is in addition to and not in lieu of those that Canada currently provides under the CHT to support delivering health care services within the province.

5.2 Allocation to Alberta

5.3 Payment

5.4 Retaining funds

5.5 Repayment of overpayment

5.6 Use of funds

5.7 Eligible expenditures

6.0 Accountability mechanisms for long-term care

6.1 Where federal funding is provided to privately-owned, for-profit facilities in accordance with this Agreement, Alberta agrees to put in place the accountability mechanisms outlined in Annex 4.

6.2 Where Alberta has cost-recovery agreements in place with one or more privately-owned for-profit facilities pursuant to subsection 6.1, Alberta agrees to report on these in accordance with the requirements set out in subsection 8.1.1 and invest all funds recovered through those agreements in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the initiatives outlined in Annex 4.

7.0 Performance measurement

7.1 Alberta agrees to designate an official or official(s), for the duration of this Agreement to participate in a CIHI led Federal-Provincial-Territorial indicator process to:

  1. Improve reporting on common indicators to measure pan-Canadian progress on improving access to home and community care, associated with the commitment in the Common Statement;
  2. Work to develop new common indicators for long-term care that are mutually agreed upon; and
  3. Share available disaggregated data with CIHI and work with CIHI to improve availability of disaggregated data for existing and new common indicators to enable reporting on progress for Indigenous peoples, First Nations, Inuit, Métis; and underserved and/or disadvantaged populations including, but not limited to, official language minority communities, rural and remote communities, children, racialized communities (including Black Canadians), and 2SLGBTQIA+.

8.0 Reporting to Canadians

8.1 Funding conditions and reporting

8.2 Audit

8.3 Evaluation

9.0 Communications

9.1 The Parties agree on the importance of communicating with citizens about the objectives of this Agreement in an open, transparent, effective and proactive manner through appropriate public information activities.

9.2 Each Party will receive the appropriate credit and visibility when investments financed through funds granted under this Agreement are announced to the public.

9.3 In the spirit of transparency and open government, Canada will make this Agreement, including any amendments, publicly available on a Government of Canada website.

9.4 Alberta will make publicly available, clearly identified on a Government of Alberta website, this Agreement, including any amendments.

9.5 Canada, with prior notice to Alberta, may incorporate all or any part of the data and information in 8.1, or any part of evaluation and audit reports made public by Alberta into any report that Canada may prepare for its own purposes, including any reports to the Parliament of Canada or reports that may be made public.

9.6 Canada reserves the right to conduct public communications, announcements, events, outreach and promotional activities about the Common Statement and this Agreement. Canada agrees to give Alberta 10 days advance notice and advance copies of public communications related to the Common Statement, this Agreement, and results of the investments of this Agreement.

9.7 Alberta reserves the right to conduct public communications, announcements, events, outreach and promotional activities about the Common Statement and this Agreement. Alberta agrees to give Canada 10 days advance notice and advance copies of public communications related to the Common Statement, this Agreement, and results of the investments of this Agreement.

9.8 Canada and Alberta agree to participate in a joint announcement upon signing of this Agreement.

9.9 Canada and Alberta agree to work together to identify mutually agreeable opportunities for joint announcements relating to programs funded under this Agreement.

10.0 Dispute resolution

10.1 The Parties are committed to working together and avoiding disputes through government-to-government information exchange, advance notice, early consultation, and discussion, clarification, and resolution of issues, as they arise.

10.2 If at any time a Party is of the opinion that the other Party has failed to comply with any of its obligations or undertakings under this Agreement or is in breach of any term or condition of the Agreement, that Party may notify the other Party in writing of the failure or breach. Upon such notice, the Parties will endeavour to resolve the issue in dispute bilaterally through their Designated Officials.

10.3 If a dispute cannot be resolved by Designated Officials, then the dispute will be referred to the Deputy Ministers of Canada responsible for health and to Alberta's Deputy Minister responsible for health, and if it cannot be resolved by them, then the federal Minister(s) and the provincial Minister shall endeavour to resolve the dispute.

11.0 Amendments to the agreement

11.1 The main text of this Agreement may be amended at any time by mutual consent of the Parties. Any amendments shall be in writing and signed, in the case of Canada, by the federal Minister(s), and in the case of Alberta, by the provincial Minister(s).

11.2 Annex 4 may be amended at any time by mutual consent of the Parties. Any amendments to Annex 4 shall be in writing and signed by each Party's Designated Official.

12.0 Termination

12.1 Either Party may terminate this Agreement at any time if the terms are not respected by giving at least 6 months written notice of intention to terminate.

12.2 As of the effective date of termination of this Agreement, Canada shall have no obligation to make any further payments.

12.3 Sections 1.0 and 9.0 of this Agreement survive for the period of the 10-year Working Together to Improve Health Care for Canadians plan.

12.4 Sections 5.4 and 8.0 of this Agreement survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement until reporting obligations are completed.

13.0 Notice

13.1 Any notice, information, or document provided for under this Agreement will be effectively given if delivered or sent by letter, email, postage or other charges prepaid. Any communication that is delivered will be deemed to have been received in delivery; and, except in periods of postal disruption, any communication mailed by post will be deemed to have been received eight calendar days after being mailed.

The address of the Designated Official for Canada shall be:

Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic Policy Branch

Health Canada
70 Colombine Driveway
Brooke Claxton Building
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K9

The address of the Designated Officials for Alberta shall be:

Assistant Deputy Minister, Continuing Care

Alberta Health
18th Floor, ATB Place North Tower
10025 Jasper Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB
T5J 1S6

14.0 General

14.1 This Agreement, including Annexes, comprises the entire Agreement entered into by the Parties.

14.2 This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Canada and Alberta.

14.3 No member of the House of Commons or of the Senate of Canada or of the Legislature of Alberta shall be admitted to any share or part of this Agreement, or to any benefit arising therefrom.

14.4 If for any reason a provision of this Agreement, that is not a fundamental term, is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be or to have become invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, it will be severed and deleted from this Agreement, but all the other provisions of this Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable.

14.5 This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, in which case (i) the Parties have caused this Agreement to be duly signed by the undersigned authorized representatives in separate signature pages in accordance with the following signature process, which together shall constitute one agreement, and (ii) the Parties agree that facsimile signature(s) and signature(s) transmitted by PDF shall be treated as original signature(s). Electronic signature(s) may be accepted as originals so long as the source of the transmission can be reasonably connected to the signatory.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have executed this Agreement through duly authorized representatives.

SIGNED on behalf of Canada by the Minister of Health

The Honourable Mark Holland, Minister of Health

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have executed this Agreement through duly authorized representatives.

SIGNED on behalf of Alberta by the Minister of Health

The Honourable Adriana LaGrange, Minister of Health

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have executed this Agreement through duly authorized representatives.

Approved pursuant to Alberta's Government Organization Act:
Intergovernmental Relations, Executive Council

Annex 1 – Common Statement of Principles on Shared Health Priorities

Common Statement of Principles on Shared Health Priorities

Annex 2 – Shared pan-Canadian interoperability roadmap

Figure 1: 5-Year Shared Pan-Canadian Interoperability Roadmap
Figure 1. Text version below.
Figure 1: Text description

5-Year Shared Pan-Canadian Interoperability Roadmap

The Roadmap outlines 8 categories of activities planned for fiscal years 2023 to 2027, followed by anticipated outcomes enabled. Notes are also included throughout to highlight a "milestone", where "vendor input is required", and/or when an activity is "continued" across multiple fiscal years.

Patient Summary

  • Fiscal Year 2023
    • Alberta & Ontario Trial Implementation & onboard 2-3 Jurisdictions
    • Update based on Trial Implementations
    • Update and publish the Canadian Health Data Exchange (CA:FeX) Specification
  • Fiscal Year 2024
    • Update specification to fully align to IPS/CA Core+ and reflect implementation feedback
    • Onboard remaining jurisdictions
    • Publish vendor conformance requirements and represent in national procurements [vendor input required]
  • Fiscal Year 2025
    • Advance implementation and adoption
    • Pan-Canadian vendor compliance service *(Pan-Canadian interoperability compliance testing service in place, vendors conform to pan-Canadian standards in stages.) [vendor input required]
  • Fiscal Year 2026
    • Advance implementation and adoption [continued]
    • Conduct performance evaluation
    • Update specification to reflect updated CA Core+ [milestone]
  • Fiscal Year 2027
    • Advance implementation and adoption [continued]
    • Conduct performance evaluation [continued]

Data Portability

  • Fiscal Year 2023
    • Develop Primary Care Dataset V1 & EMR Extract Specification V1 [milestone]
    • Represent Data Portability components in the Canadian Health Data Exchange (CA:FeX) Specification
  • Fiscal Year 2024
    • Trial Implementation of specifications
    • Extend CA Core+ to include other settings (e.g. Acute Care, Mental Health)
  • Fiscal Year 2025
    • Expand adoption and refinement to include LTC, Community Care and implementation feedback
    • Include requirements in national procurements (e.g. Acute Care, LTC, Mental Health, Community Care)
  • Fiscal Year 2026
    • Expand adoption of Specifications
    • Complete specifications [milestone]
    • Pan-Canadian vendor compliance service *(Pan-Canadian interoperability compliance testing service in place, vendors conform to pan-Canadian standards in stages.) [vendor input required]
    • Conduct performance evaluation
  • Fiscal Year 2027
    • Expand adoption of Specifications [continued]
    • Conduct performance evaluation [continued]

Patient Access

  • Fiscal Year 2023
    • Assess patient data and access needs across jurisdictions
    • Assess the feasibility of IPA standard and decide on Canadian adoption of same
  • Fiscal Year 2024
    • Co-design patient data access design/Blueprint to represent policy and consent in alignment with IPA
    • Implementation and refinement of the Canadian Health Data Exchange Specification to include Patient Access components [milestone]
  • Fiscal Year 2025
    • Update data exchange specification to support patient Digital Identities
    • Expand adoption of Canadian Health Data Exchange Specification
  • Fiscal Year 2026
    • Develop pan-Canadian guidance documentation for basic digital consent
    • Expand adoption of Canadian Health Data Exchange Specification [continued]
    • Conduct performance evaluation
  • Fiscal Year 2027
    • Develop advanced guidance documentation to integrate policy and consent into data access
    • Expand adoption of Canadian Health Data Exchange Specification [continued]
    • Conduct performance evaluation [continued]

eReferral & eConsult

  • Fiscal Year 2023
    • Consolidate existing specifications and publish pan-Canadian specification with procurement requirements [milestone]
  • Fiscal Year 2024
    • Publish conformance requirements for vendors [vendor input required]
    • Implementation of pan-Canadian specifications
  • Fiscal Year 2025
    • Evolve specification to integrate other services (e.g. PS-CA. Provider Directories and Digital Identities)
    • Pan-Canadian vendor compliance service *(Pan-Canadian interoperability compliance testing service in place, vendors conform to pan-Canadian standards in stages.) [vendor input required]
  • Fiscal Year 2026
    • Complete Specification [milestone]
    • Conduct performance evaluation [continued]
  • Fiscal Year 2027
    • Conduct performance evaluation [continued]


  • Fiscal Years 2023 to 2027
    • Governance
    • Change Management
    • Vendor Mobilization


  • Fiscal Year 2023
    • p-CHDCF, CA Core+ and Consistent Data Semantics
    • Data Matching
  • Fiscal Year 2024
    • p-CHDCF, CA Core+ and Consistent Data Semantics [continued]
    • Data Matching [continued]
  • Fiscal Year 2025
    • p-CHDCF, CA Core+ and Consistent Data Semantics [continued]
    • Data Matching [continued]
  • Fiscal Year 2026
    • p-CHDCF, CA Core+ and Consistent Data Semantics [continued]
  • Fiscal Year 2027
    • N/A

Access & Exchange

  • Fiscal Year 2023
    • Consistent, Secure, HIE Exchange
    • Healthcare Directories and Resource Locations
  • Fiscal Year 2024
    • Consistent, Secure, HIE Exchange [continued]
    • Provider Directories
    • Digital Identities & Identity Proofing
    • Healthcare Directories and Resource Locations [continued]
  • Fiscal Year 2025
    • Consistent, Secure, HIE Exchange [continued]
    • Provider Directories [continued]
    • Digital Identities & Identity Proofing [continued]
    • Healthcare Directories and Resource Locations [continued]
  • Fiscal Year 2026
    • Consistent, Secure, HIE Exchange [continued]
    • Provider Directories [continued]
    • Digital Identities & Identity Proofing [continued]
    • Consistent Patient Access
    • Healthcare Directories and Resource Locations [continued]
  • Fiscal Year 2027
    • Consistent, Secure, HIE Exchange [continued]
    • Consistent Patient Access [continued]

Trusted Framework

  • Fiscal Year 2023
    • Jurisdictional Needs Assessment [milestone]
    • Scalable Data Sharing Governance Framework
    • Industry-wide, Testing and Conformance
  • Fiscal Year 2024
    • TEF development (contingent on PT support)
    • Scalable Data Sharing Governance Framework [continued]
    • Industry-wide, Testing and Conformance [continued]
  • Fiscal Year 2025
    • Consistent Representation of Policy & Consent
    • Scalable Data Sharing Governance Framework [continued]
    • Industry-wide, Testing and Conformance [continued]
  • Fiscal Year 2026
    • Consistent Representation of Policy & Consent [continued]
    • Scalable Data Sharing Governance Framework [continued]
    • Industry-wide, Testing and Conformance [continued]
  • Fiscal Year 2027
    • Consistent Representation of Policy & Consent [continued]
    • Scalable Data Sharing Governance Framework [continued]
    • Industry-wide, Testing and Conformance [continued]


  • Ability to import/export primary care data to, from and between EMRs
  • Clinicians able to change EMRs
  • Governance model established
  • Vendor support services available to all jurisdictions
  • National procurement framework established
  • Change management program in place
  • 50% of Canadians enabled to directly access their longitudinal record
  • 60% of primary care physicians reporting ability to exchange patient summary record
  • 70% of clinicians with EMRs enabled to send clinical summaries through a vendor conformed solution
  • 75% of Canadians enabled to access their patient summary record
  • Benefits realized:
    • Health System – $500M in improved interactions, effective use of ED, in-patient services, an reduction in duplicate tests
    • Canadians – over $500M in saved patient time
    • Clinicians – over $350M in saved time

Annex 3 – Indicators: Access to home and community care


Annex 4 – Action plan

Working Together to Improve Health Care for Canadians: Alberta Action Plan - Aging with Dignity

Introduction of Home and Community Care and Continuing Care Homes

The Government of Alberta is committed to a stable, accountable, high quality, and person-centered health system that emphasizes staying healthy and well, while also supporting equitable access to required care when needed. The Government of Alberta continues to prioritize strengthening the continuing care system in order to meet the increasing demand for continuing care in a more sustainable way and to ensure the needs and desires of Albertans are met. We are also committed to reducing the gap in health outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples through collaborative program design and delivery.

As the population increases and demographics change, the demand for health services in Alberta continues to grow. There is an increased need for continuing care services, including both home and community care and facility-based continuing care services. Currently, about 16% of Alberta's population is age 65 or older. By 2046, this population is projected to exceed 1.2 million, representing one in five, or 20% of Albertans. Alberta's demand for continuing care services is projected to increase by 80% over the next 10 years.

To help Albertans remain independent and active in their communities as they age or as their needs change, Alberta is shifting focus towards increasing community-based care to support seniors and those living with disabilities to stay in their homes longer, particularly in rural areas. Doing so meets the expressed desire of Albertans to remain in their homes as they age. However, for those who require facility-based care, resident quality of life and care remains an utmost priority. Supporting both home and community care, as well as facility-based care, requires investments in the continuing care workforce to ensure that the workforce needed is available and supported.

Alberta's continuing care system offers a spectrum of health and personal care services and accommodation settings to support safety, independence, and quality of life for Albertans of any age. Eligibility for publicly funded health care services is based on a professional assessment of a person's care needs. Any Albertan can receive continuing care services, no matter their age, diagnosis, or the length of time they need support. Continuing care services include assistance with dressing, eating, bathing, respite, wound care, medication administration, and various other health care and support services.

In Alberta, continuing care includes home and community care, continuing care homes (long-term care and designated supportive living accommodations), and palliative and end-of-life care.

Alberta's publicly funded continuing care system has a mixed model of publicly and privately operated (both for-profit and not-for-profit) continuing care providers. As of March 31, 2023, Alberta Health Services (AHS) operated 29% (107) of the continuing care home sites, not-for-profit organizations operated 36.7% (137) of the sites, and for-profit organizations operated 34.3% (128) of the sites.Footnote 5

Continuing care homes are governed by several pieces of legislation, which include the Nursing Homes Act, the Hospitals Act, the Supportive Living Accommodation Licensing Act and subsequent standards that operators must comply with, including:

The Government of Alberta monitors all licensed supportive living and long-term care accommodations at least annually to verify their compliance to the Accommodation Standards. The Government of Alberta investigates complaints related to the Accommodation Standards as required. Additionally, AHS and Alberta Health regularly audit compliance of continuing care homes and home care (by inspecting AHS Home Care offices and some contracted providers) to the Continuing Care Health Services Standards. Public reporting on continuing care homes' compliance to standards is posted online.

The Government of Alberta is modernizing the provincial continuing care legislative framework to bring all existing continuing care legislation and regulations into a single framework while addressing gaps and barriers in the current legislation and regulations. The new Continuing Care Act is expected to be in effect on April 1, 2024, and will streamline legislation for the continuing care sector; enable improvements for continuing care residents and clients, their families, support staff, and operators; increase clarity regarding continuing care services; and support health system accountability and sustainability.

The Government of Alberta completed a comprehensive review of continuing care homes in 2021. The Facility-Based Continuing Care Review final report was released in May 2021, and includes 42 recommendations for system-wide improvements that will benefit residents and families, improve the work environment for staff, and increase system sustainability. Alberta has already implemented several recommendations including improving public reporting on continuing care inspections; phasing out ward rooms in facility-based continuing care; allocating capital grant funding to support Indigenous communities and organizations; and expanding access to client-directed home care. Actions to implement recommendations will continue for several years to come, particularly in the areas of: increased community-based services and supports to ensure Albertans receive the care they need to age in place; enhanced workforce capacity and supports to meet client and resident needs; increased choices for clients and residents; enhanced innovation amongst care providers and operators; and enhanced quality across the continuing care system. To this end, in Budget 2023, the Government of Alberta invested $1 billion over three years to initiate transformation of the continuing care system.

The Office of the Auditor General released its findings on the Government's response to COVID-19 in Continuing Care Facilities in February 2023. Aligned with continuing care transformation, the findings provide the Government of Alberta additional information on ways to provide Albertans with more choices of continuing care services, with a focus on increasing care services and supports, improving pandemic preparedness, increasing workforce resilience, and improving facility infrastructure.

Areas of Action

This Action Plan supports the commitment to the bilateral agreement structure. Initiatives described in this action plan represent incremental investments in areas that align with the Government of Alberta and federal government's shared commitment to help Albertans age with dignity, closer to home, with access to home care or care in a safe long-term care facility.

The Action Plan is designed to ensure Alberta has maximum flexibility to adapt its approach to reflect the evolving needs of Albertans. Should Albertans provide new direction, the Government of Alberta will work with Health Canada under the terms of the agreement to pursue new, revised, or enhanced initiatives that align with the shared priorities as necessary.

Home and Community Care

Context of Home and Community Care

Alberta's Home Care Program offers an array of health and support services to Albertans of all ages in their own homes and communities. Home care is designed to support the wellness and independence of clients within a wide range of settings including private homes or apartments, community settings and congregate living facilities (e.g., seniors' lodges, supportive living facilities). In Alberta, home care service delivery is flexible to reflect the unique needs of clients, families, and healthcare staff. Flexibility is considered as part of the home care intake processes and services that may be adjusted as needed to support clients and families with diverse needs of language, culture, level of education, lifestyle, and complex care needs.

In 2020/21, provincial funding of $20 million was committed to improving access to palliative and end-of-life care for Albertans and their families.Footnote 6 The Government of Alberta also invested approximately $2 million in health- and community-based partners for initiatives to support Albertans living with dementia.Footnote 7 Furthermore, in 2021/22, provincial funding was used to support targeted COVID-19 initiatives including funding for personal protective equipment and additional cleaning supplies, as well as $12 million to support wage increases for home care agencies contracted with AHS to help retain and recruit additional staff.Footnote 8 The additional funding provided a pay increase of $2 an hour for health-care aides working in home care agencies contracted with Alberta Health Services.Footnote 9 Federal funding from 2017/18 – 2022/23 complemented provincial efforts to improve Alberta's existing home and community care programs and services and helped to scale and spread innovative initiatives over the past six years in areas such as home support services and provision of medical supplies and equipment, caregiver respite, adult day programs, and palliative and end-of-life care.

To further support Alberta's shift towards improved home and community-based care, Alberta's Budget 2023 included an investment of $893 million, an increase of $149 million or 20% from 2022/23, to support a shift to home and community care from facility-based care. This investment includes increasing the number of home care hours provided and the number of unique/individual clients served. Alberta continues to invest in improved access for palliative and end-of-life care in the community, supporting Albertans to remain in their communities through increased investment in palliative-focused home care and increased community hospice capacity.

The funding provided through this Agreement will complement Alberta's investments to have increased choice and flexibility about how to receive the care services they require to age in place. As well, the funding will enhance supports for the home and community care workforce and caregivers, as they are both critical enablers to aging in place.

Description of Home and Community Care Initiatives Supported by Federal Funding

Priority 1: Spreading and scaling evidence-based models of home and community care that are more integrated and connected with primary health care

Priority 2: Enhancing access to palliative and end-of-life care at home or in hospice

Priority 3: Increasing support for caregivers

Priority 4: Enhancing home care infrastructure

Continuing Care Homes

Context of Continuing Care Homes

Alberta's continuing care homes include long-term care and designated supportive living accommodations. Long-term care (which includes nursing homes and auxiliary hospitals) is provided for Albertans with complex medical needs who are unable to remain safely at home or in a supportive living setting. In long-term care, residents receive accommodation, meals, and publicly funded 24-hour on-site professional health services and personal care. Designated supportive living settings are a community-based living option where publicly funded 24-hour on-site professional health services and personal care are provided for Albertans who are no longer able to live independently, however, can have their care needs met without complex intervention.

Access to continuing care homes is determined based on a client's assessed care needs. Those that are admitted to continuing care homes reflect diverse communities, including rural Albertans, multicultural communities, and Indigenous communities. Continuing care home operators are committed to ensuring that accommodations may provide residents with inclusiveness and recognition of individual religious practices, cultural customs, and language needs. Operators are also committed to empowering a continuing care workforce that is diverse, ensuring that culturally competent care is provided for resident quality of care and wellbeing.

The Government of Alberta continues to prioritize improvements in facility-based continuing care. In Budget 2023, the Government of Alberta invested $1.4 billion for continuing care homes, an increase of $120 million or 9.4% from 2022/23. This investment supports increased average hours of care provided to continuing care home residents, enabling more person-centred care. This is expected to result in increasing quality of life and care for residents. As well, Alberta is investing significant capital funding to meet the rising needs of Alberta's aging population by modernizing existing continuing care spaces, developing culturally appropriate spaces to support Indigenous groups, creating small care homes, and adding new spaces in priority areas with the greatest needs. Furthermore, the Government of Alberta is supporting a strong and resilient continuing care workforce through targeted investments in recruitment and retention, and mental health supports.

The funding provided through this Agreement will complement Alberta's investments to improve quality of life and person-centred care for all continuing care home residents, increase resident care choices and improve coordination of assessed health service needs, increase direct hours of care, and improve workplace conditions and wellness supports for staff. The funding will also support Alberta's efforts to enhance compliance and monitoring capacity as well as the implementation of quality-of-care best practices and standards.

Description of Continuing Care Homes Initiatives Supported by Federal Funding

Priority 1: Workforce

Priority 2: Compliance and enforcement of quality and safety

Funding Allocations

Home and Community Care
Initiative Incremental Investments ($M)
2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 Total
Priority Area 1 – Spreading and scaling evidence-based models of home and community care that are more integrated and connected with primary health care
1. a. Enhanced home and community care capacity $70.0 $41.7 $39.2 $21.7 $172.6
Priority Area 2 – Enhancing access to palliative and end-of-life care at home or in hospice
2. a. Enhanced palliative and end-of-life care - $5.0 $5.0 $5.0 $15.0
Priority Area 3 – Increasing support for caregivers
3. a. Expanded caregiver supports - $3.3 $3.3 $3.3 $9.9
Priority Area 4 – Enhancing home care infrastructure
4. a. Expanded use of remote devices, virtual technologies and information technologies - $7.0 $7.0 $12.0 $26.0
4. b. Expanded non-medical supports - $5.0 $7.5 $20.0 $32.5
4. c. Enhanced residential modification access - $8.0 $8.0 $8.0 $24.0
Total Spending $70.0 $70.0 $70.0 $70.0 $280.0
Federal Funding Available Under Aging with Dignity $70.0 $70.0 $70.0 $70.0 $280.0
Continuing Care Homes
Initiative Incremental Investments ($M)
2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 Total
Priority Area 1 – Workforce
1. a. Continuing care workforce education, training, development, engagement, and data collection - $36.7 $35.9 $30.0 $30.0 132.6
1. b. Continuing care workforce mental health supports - $3.9 - - - $3.9
1. c. Rural continuing care workforce capacity development - $7.9 $7.9 $10.9 $10.9 $37.6
Priority Area 2 – Compliance and Enforcement of Quality and Safety
2. a. Enhanced compliance and monitoring capacity $0.5 $5.8 $5.8 $5.8 $5.8 $23.7
2. b. Enhanced quality of life best practices and initiatives - $10.0 $10.0 $10.0 $10.0 $40.0
2. c. Continuing care homes equipment, technology, and training - $5.0 $5.0 $5.0 $5.0 $20.0
2. d. Continuing care homes operational and capital investments $68.8 - $4.7 $7.6 $7.6 $88.7
Total SpendingTable a5.t2 Footnote * $69.3 $69.3 $69.3 $69.3 $69.3 $346.0
Federal Funding Available Under Aging with Dignity $69.4 $69.4 $69.4 $69.4 $69.4 $347.0
Table a5.t2 - Footnote *

Some annual amounts may not appear to sum to five year totals due to rounding.

Return to Table a5.t2 Footnote * referrer

Total Funding Allocations
  2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 Total
Home and Community Care $70.0M $70.0M $70.0M $70.0M - $280.0M
Continuing Care Homes $69.4M $69.4M $69.4M $69.4M $69.4M $347.0M
Total $139.4M $139.4M $139.4M $139.4M $69.4M $627.0M

Accountability Measures

Reporting on Results

Reporting on Home and Community Care Results
Indicator Baseline Target Timeframe
Priority Area 1 – Spreading and scaling evidence-based models of home and community care that are more integrated and connected with primary health care
Number of home care clients 127,012 home care clients
(baseline year: March 2023)
157,445 home care clients 2026/27
Priority Area 2 – Enhancing access to palliative and end-of-life care at home or in hospice
Number of palliative and end-of-life care clients 9000 clients
(baseline year: March 2020)
9500 clients March 2026
Number of community hospice spaces 261 community spaces
(baseline year: March 2023)
286 community spaces March 2026
Priority Area 3 – Increasing support for caregivers
Number of unique adult day/support program spaces 3057 spaces
(baseline year: June 2022)
3,859 spaces 2026/27
Priority Area 4 – Enhancing home care infrastructure
Number of approved residential access modification applications 865 individuals
(baseline year: 2023/24)
4,065 individuals 2026/27
Reporting on Continuing Care Home Results
Indicator Baseline Target Timeframe
Priority Area 1 – Workforce
Number of health care aide graduates 1149 graduates
(baseline year: 2022/23)
2900 graduates 2027/28
Number of staff that access funded mental health supports 0 staff
(baseline year: 2023/24)
3625 staff October 2025
Priority Area 2 – Compliance and Enforcement of Quality and Safety
Worker hours per weighted resident day 3.15 hours per weighted resident day
(baseline year: 2022/23)
A 3% increase to 3.25 hours per weighted resident day 2023/24 (maintained across the total years of the agreement to 2027/28)
Timeliness of complaints resolution (within 15 business days from date received) 18%Table a5.t5 Footnote a
(baseline year: February 2023 – January 2024)
80% 2027/28
Accommodation Standards Inspection Pass Rate 45%Table a5.t5 Footnote b
(baseline year: February 2023 – January 2024)
80% 2027/28
Continuing Care Health Service Standards Audit Pass Rate 0%Table a5.t5 Footnote c
(baseline year: February 2023 – January 2024)
10% 2027/28
Number of funded operators/providers reporting completion of the funded quality improvement actions supported under 2b 0
(baseline year: 2023/24)
100% 2027/28
Table a5.t5 - Footnote a

Measure includes a point in time period of 12 months and is calculated by number of complaints received that were closed within 15 business days divided by the total number of complaints received in given time frame. Factors that affect the length of time for complaint resolution include: complexity of issues, availability of documentation, and/or whether specific expertise (e.g., legal services) is required.

Return to Table a5.t5 Footnote a referrer

Table a5.t5 - Footnote b

Measure includes a point in time period of 12 months and is calculated by number of facilities inspected to the Accommodation Standards that "passed" with no deficiencies (e.g., adherence to legislative requirements by licensee, readiness for inspection, and estimates of the volume of follow-up visits by Alberta Health) divided by the total number of inspections completed.

Return to Table a5.t5 Footnote b referrer

Table a5.t5 - Footnote c

Measure includes a point in time period of 12 months and is calculated by number of facilities audited to Continuing Care Health Service Standards that "passed" with no deficiencies (e.g., adherence to legislative requirements by licensee, readiness for inspection, and estimates of the volume of follow-up visits by Alberta Health) divided by the total number of audits completed.

Return to Table a5.t5 Footnote c referrer


Footnote 1

2022-2023 Alberta Health Services Annual Report. Retrieved from:

Return to footnote 1 referrer

Footnote 2

Alberta Health Services reporting to Alberta Health

Return to footnote 2 referrer

Footnote 3

2022-2023 Alberta Health Services Annual Report. Retrieved from:

Return to footnote 3 referrer

Footnote 4

Alberta Health Services reporting to Alberta Health

Return to footnote 4 referrer

Footnote 5

Alberta Health Services reporting to Alberta Health

Return to footnote 5 referrer

Footnote 6

2020-2021 Government of Alberta Health Annual Report. Retrieved from:

Return to footnote 6 referrer

Footnote 7

2020-2021 Government of Alberta Health Annual Report. Retrieved from:

Return to footnote 7 referrer

Footnote 8

2021-2022 Government of Alberta Health Annual Report. Retrieved from:

Return to footnote 8 referrer

Footnote 9

2021-2022 Government of Alberta Health Annual Report. Retrieved from:

Return to footnote 9 referrer

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