COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination Fund: Federal letter to Prince Edward Island

October 25, 2022

The Honourable Ernie Hudson
Minister of Health and Wellness
4th Floor North, Shaw Building
105 Rochford Street
Charlottetown, PE
C1A 7N8

Dear Minister Hudson,

Since early 2020, our governments have worked together to protect the health and safety of people in Canada in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As part of these efforts, our considerable collaboration over the past year on the development and issuance of the standardized Canadian COVID-19 proof of vaccination credential (Canadian PVC) is a true success story. The effective implementation of the Canadian PVC has provided its holders with a reliable and secure way to demonstrate their COVID-19 vaccination history as required in the context of international travel.

Building on your government’s substantial work to develop and implement the Canadian PVC, I am writing to provide additional information about the Government of Canada’s COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination Fund, as announced in the Economic and Fiscal Update on December 14, 2021. This $300 million Fund will support provincial and territorial expenditures related to the implementation and maintenance of proof of vaccination programs.

This letter is intended to outline your jurisdiction’s allocation, as well as shared objectives and areas of collaboration going forward, recognizing that provinces and territories have jurisdiction over health care services and are the custodians of health data, including vaccination registries, while the Government of Canada is committed to facilitating the ability of Canadians to travel internationally.

The Government of Canada will be seeking your continued collaboration to preserve holders’ access to Canadian PVCs as records of their COVID-19 vaccination history. This will ensure that our governments, collectively, can continue to leverage proof of vaccination to support existing and future public health measures, as required. The Government of Canada will also seek your collaboration to continue to facilitate travel by Canadians internationally, as we expect that proof of vaccination requirements for entry to other countries will be required for some time.

Government of Canada commitments

Funding under the COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination Fund will be made available through single statutory payments to each province and territory. Each jurisdiction will receive a base allocation of $10 million, with the remainder of the Fund distributed on a per capita basis. Funding will be provided according to the following formula:

$10M + (($300M – [13 x $10M]) X population ratio per Statistics Canada 2021 population estimateFootnote 1)

Based on this formula and subject to your response, Prince Edward Island will receive $10,730,377.

The Government of Canada remains a committed partner in the ongoing implementation of a pan-Canadian PVC. In addition to the $300 million Fund, the Government of Canada commits to continued action in the following areas to support your jurisdiction:

Provincial and territorial commitments

The Government of Canada is requesting that your jurisdiction continue to ensure that Canadian PVCs remain available. As a condition of funding, I am seeking your commitment in writing to:

Areas of continued FPT collaboration

Finally, the Government of Canada is committed to further improving the Canadian PVC and user experience, and is seeking to continue working with you in the following areas.

Additional information about the COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination Fund

The Government of Canada is committed to making this funding available as quickly as possible, in acknowledgement that significant work has already been completed in this area, and to support ongoing work on proof of vaccination by provinces and territories.

In order to access the funding and to maintain transparency and accountability for Canadians, I ask that you respond to this letter indicating your agreement with the commitments and areas of collaboration outlined above, noting that this letter, along with your response, will be made public via the Government of Canada website. In the spirit of our continued close collaboration on this work, the Government of Canada will seek updates regarding PT progress on PVC initiatives from time to time through existing governance to help inform our collaborative efforts.

I am forwarding, for their information, a copy of our exchange of correspondence to the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance; and the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities.

Thank you again for the efforts that your government has made in the service of our shared objectives of keeping Canadians safe and promoting mobility. I look forward to our continued collaboration.


The Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos, P.C., M.P., F.R.S.C
Minister of Health


Footnote 1

The per capita portions of the allocations are calculated using Statistics Canada 2021 annual population statistics.

Return to footnote 1 referrer

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