Placemat: 2019-2022 Regulatory Operations and Enforcement Branch Strategic Plan

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To be a world class compliance and enforcement organization


To be a compliance and enforcement leader that informs and protects Canadians from health risks associated with products, substances, and their environment

Guiding Principles

  • Excellence
  • Respect
  • Consistency
  • Transparency
  • Agility

Strategic Priorities

Modern Program Delivery

We are strengthening our strategic partnerships and operational infrastructure to modernize our regulatory programs and scientific services. We are investing in mobile tools and integrated processes to be more efficient and effective. Our goal is to protect the health and safety of Canadians and be a more agile and responsible regulator and partner.


  • Strengthen partnerships by clarifying accountabilities and aligning with industry and international practices
  • Invest in technology by developing modern and interoperable systems and tools
  • Ensure national consistency by developing standardized and streamlined business practices

Key Initiatives

  • Enhance engagement and improve effectiveness of outreach and scientific advice to industry, stakeholders and partners
  • Improve reporting of non-compliance and the management of drug shortages in collaboration with our partners
  • Expand and enhance international partnerships and respect our international Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRA)
  • Ensure that the ROEB Laboratories have the capacity necessary to conduct analyses of samples, as well as develop and maintain its laboratory equipment and services, and scientific expertise
  • Implement a new IM/IT strategy, including modernizing tools for inspectors, analysts and specialists such as upgrading our licensing databases
  • Support department-wide modernization initiatives, such as GCWiFi and GCDocs
  • Invest in our skills and assets, including project management, scientific analysis, and fleet management
  • Develop an occupational health and safety program

Compliance and Enforcement Transformation

We are enhancing oversight to continuously improve how we conduct our regulatory activities and responsibilities. Our goal is to be a truly dynamic organization that is proactive and intelligence-driven so that we are at the forefront of existing and emerging risks.


  • Become more proactive by leveraging data to better identify and manage risks
  • Strengthen oversight of regulated parties by better targeting resources and increasing foreign and domestic inspection and investigation capacity
  • Improve programs by establishing new, innovative, and transparent regulatory frameworks

Key Initiatives

  • Provide timely analysis and information to law enforcement partners and clients. This includes eliminating sample backlogs, keeping pace with national and international standards, and improving expertise to better react in the face of new and complex legal and illegal drugs
  • Leverage data to be more proactive, including targeting regulated parties based on risk and incenting and promoting compliance through online and social media platforms
  • Increase domestic and foreign surveillance and inspections, including developing virtual inspection capacity and a compliance and enforcement toolkit
  • Strengthen our borders by increasing surveillance and inspections of shipments in collaboration with our partners
  • Develop and implement investigative capacity, including establishing formal networks and policies
  • Develop clear and consistent policies and guidelines, such as a inspectors’ guide, and designation and oversight policies
  • Explore potential legislative and regulatory modifications, including updating and expanding our cost recovery regimes

People and Workplace Excellence

We are delivering our mandate in an environment where our employees will thrive. Our goal is to embrace a healthy, inclusive, and respectful work experience with a modern workplace, mobile workforce, and positive branch culture.


  • Create an innovative workplace by ensuring we are equipped to achieve our vision
  • Strengthen our workforce by attracting, retaining, and developing our talent
  • Foster employee engagement by promoting frequent and meaningful interactions
  • Support a healthy, productive workforce by ensuring the right tools and resources are in place to support and recognize staff

Key Initiatives

  • Implement a people and workplace plan, which includes accommodations and national staffing strategies
  • Champion virtual work by promoting consistent practices
  • Develop a branch manager’s network, including managers’ forums
  • Enhance employee skills by implementing an employee training and development program across ROEB, including targeted training for inspectors and analysts
  • Support career development opportunities, including micro-missions and assignments
  • Engage staff regularly through virtual cafés, regional management visits, and all-staff town halls
  • Implement an official languages strategy, including a language exchange initiative
  • Prioritize employee well-being by promoting mental health, workplace wellness, diversity, and linguistic duality

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