Government spending

Government spending

Federal budget, spending plans and reports on expenses, the reporting cycle, payment methods, investment.

Services and information

Federal budget

Government’s plan for how it collects and spends money each year

Planned government spending

Expenditure plan, main estimates, supplementary estimates, departmental plans

Reporting of government spending

Public accounts, departmental results reports, quarterly financial reports, proactive disclosure, federal initiatives

Payments to and from government

Direct deposit, interest and exchange rates, information about the Receiver General

Guidance for government spending

Guide for setting fees, guide to costing

GC InfoBase

Data visualizations about government spending, employment, performance measurement

Federal support to provinces and territories

Financial support for provinces and territories, programs and services

Government securities

Managing debt, legal terms and conditions, guide on financial tools


More: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat news


Public Accounts of Canada

Find the government’s financial statements for the previous fiscal year

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat’s Results Report

Results and performance achieved for the previous fiscal year

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