Backgrounder: Parliamentary Secretary Oliphant concludes participation in General Assembly of Organization of American States and announces new funding to support Colombia’s peacebuilding process


Canada has announced a total of $6.3 million in funding for three projects that support Colombia’s peacebuilding process. It is being distributed as follows:

Project title: Multi-partner Trust Fund for Sustainable Peace in Colombia

Recipient: United Nations Development Programme

Funding: $2.9 million

Launched in 2016, the United Nations Multi-partner Trust Fund for Sustainable Peace in Colombia supports the implementation of the peace accord between the Government of Colombia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) through initiatives led by civil society, multilateral organizations and government authorities. This funding supports projects that promote stabilization, victims’ rights, transitional justice and communications.

Project title: Justice, Gender and Peacebuilding in Colombia

Recipient: Lawyers without Borders Canada
Funding: $1.9 million

The project Justice, Gender and Peacebuilding in Colombia aims to enhance citizen participation in Colombian transitional justice processes, with a focus on Indigenous women and girls, as well as LGBTQI+ communities. It also strengthens the capacities of the Colombian justice sector, including those from the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, to pursue cases involving serious human rights violations committed during the conflict between government forces and the FARC.

Project: Mission to Support the Peace Process in Colombia

Recipient: Organization of American States

Funding: $1.5 million

This project supports the Organization of American States’ Mission to Support the Peace Process in Colombia, assisting in its mandate to observe, report on and bolster peacebuilding efforts in Colombia. 

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