Minister Ng speaks with Chile’s Undersecretary for International Economic Relations


July 14, 2021 - Ottawa, Ontario - Global Affairs Canada

Yesterday, the Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade, spoke with Rodrigo Yáñez, Chile’s Undersecretary for International Economic Relations.

Minister Ng and Undersecretary Yáñez discussed the importance of achieving a positive outcome at the upcoming July 15 WTO ministerial meeting on the Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations to help reduce harmful subsidies contributing to unsustainable global fisheries. During the call, they also discussed the other items on the meeting agenda, including increasing transparency, moving on dispute settlement resolution reform, and the need for special and differential treatment for developing-country members. They also spoke of the importance of working on upholding human rights and international labour standards and addressing the problem of forced labour.

During the call, Minister Ng highlighted the importance of continuing to push for progress on a WTO Declaration on Trade and Health that would strengthen global supply chains and facilitate the flow of essential goods and services, including COVID-19 vaccines, and the need to advance on other WTO reform priorities in the lead-up to the Twelfth WTO Ministerial Conference, and beyond.

She also stressed how supporting sustainable and inclusive economic growth benefits everyone and is crucial to maintaining confidence in an open, rules-based trading system.

Minister Ng and Undersecretary Yáñez noted the 80 years of diplomatic relations between Canada and Chile and the robust economic and commercial relationship between the countries that has flourished to the benefit of their citizens.

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Alice Hansen
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade

Media Relations Office
Global Affairs Canada
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