Canada’s support to enhance the security and stability of Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon and ensure accountability in Syria


Today’s announcement is part of Canada’s Middle East engagement strategy, which includes $205 million in stabilization and security programming. Our objective is to significantly contribute to the Global Coalition’s efforts to dismantle and defeat Daesh, restore stability and promote regional security.

Projects announced by the Government of Canada

Funding Facility for Stabilization in Iraq

Implementing partner: United Nations Development Programme

Funding: Additional $3 million for 2018 to 2019

The Funding Facility for Stabilization provides the Government of Iraq with a mechanism to address the local population’s immediate needs in communities that have been liberated from Daesh. The project supports four areas of engagement: 1) rehabilitation of essential infrastructure, 2) support for income-generation opportunities (including grants for small businesses), 3) conflict prevention in liberated communities, and 4) capacity support for local governments. This commitment is in addition to earlier contributions totalling $13.6 million.

Syria accountability mechanism - International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism

Implementing partner: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Funding: Additional $1.5 million for 2018 to 2020

In December 2016, the United Nations General Assembly established the International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism (IIIM) to assist in the investigation and prosecution of individuals responsible for the most serious crimes under international law committed in Syria. This further contribution to the IIIM will reinforce the progress made thus far and help to ensure that the IIIM continues to expand its activities, including through hiring a full complement of staff, upgrading its technological capacity and developing case files. This commitment is in addition to an earlier contribution of $1.4 million.

IED clearance in critical infrastructure sites of Ninewah and Anbar

Implementing partner: U.S. Department of State

Funding: Additional $2 million for 2018 to 2019

Canada will contribute an additional $2 million to support U.S. Department of State efforts to clear improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in liberated areas from Daesh in the governorates of Ninewah and Anbar. This additional funding will help address Daesh’s deadly explosive remnants of war legacy, which is a major obstacle to the return of displaced persons and the delivery of assistance by both stabilization and humanitarian actors. This commitment is in addition to previously announced commitments of $5.7 million.

Preparing for the prosecution of breaches of international criminal and humanitarian law in Syria

Implementing partner: The Commission for International Justice and Accountability

Funding: Additional $1.2 million for 2018 to 2020

The Commission for International Justice and Accountability (CIJA) remains the sole body collecting evidence at a necessary standard to establish responsibility for widespread and systematic violations of international criminal and humanitarian law (ICHL) in Syria. This project supports the Commission in: 1) continued capacity building and strengthening of organizational performance, 2) the ongoing investigation of egregious violations of crimes with an eye to gathering testimony, collecting evidence, including in neighbouring countries, and developing case-ready prosecution files, 3) drawing on CIJA’s in-country access to ensure justice processes in post-conflict areas, and 4) enhancing support to national and international authorities and the IIIM. This brings Canada’s total contribution to CIJA’s work in Iraq and Syria to $7.5 million.

Bringing stability to Arsal through strengthening the Lebanese Armed Forces

Implementing partner: The Risk Advisory Group

Funding: $2.8 million for 2018 to 2019

This project is bolstering the Lebanese Armed Forces’ (LAF) ability to secure the highly unstable Lebanese town of Arsal, located close to the Syrian border, against terrorist threats and violent extremism. This will be achieved by building a training facility for the LAF, by training and mentoring the LAF’s 9th Brigade and other units on operational procedures, planning and tactics, and by engaging with the population of Arsal to better understand the relationship between security forces and civilians.

Responding to violent attacks and terrorist threats: Building the Jordanian Gendarmerie’s capabilities

Implementing partner: The Stabilisation Network

Funding: $2 million for 2018 to 2019

This project is increasing the Jordanian police’s capacity to respond effectively to terrorist threats and violent attacks. It will train 40 female officers in the use of firearms and in tactical searches so the officers can be deployed in environments in Jordan where having mixed gender teams is critical, such as in searching private residences where only female residents are present or in responding to female casualties. This initiative will also train a cadre of male and female gendarmes with limited or no previous medical experience in emergency trauma care to enable them to keep casualties alive until trained medical professionals arrive.

Countering violent extremist narratives: Digital literacy for women and families in Jordan

Implementing partner: International Research and Exchanges Board

Funding: $992,000 for 2018 to 2020

Through workshops and training, this initiative will enhance digital literacy among women—mothers, family members and community leaders—and men in targeted communities, helping them understand and recognize early signs of violent extremism in their homes or communities. This project will also offer training to create safe spaces for dialogue about grievances and injustice perceived by vulnerable youth in Jordan.

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