Backgrounder - Canada announces humanitarian assistance following meeting on Venezuela crisis


As the situation in Venezuela deteriorates, growing numbers of individuals continue to leave the country, heading toward Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and the Southern Caribbean. The people fleeing this crisis are vulnerable and in need of international protection and humanitarian assistance, particularly access to shelter, health care and other essential services.

Additional humanitarian assistance related to the Venezuela crisis

Implementing partners: World Food Programme and Action Against Hunger

Funding: $1.3 million

Working through the UN’s World Food Programme and Action Against Hunger, Canada is providing $1.3 million in humanitarian assistance to help meet the emergency needs of crisis-affected Venezuelans and Colombians in Colombia, focusing on food, nutrition, water and sanitation assistance.

Humanitarian assistance in Latin America and the Caribbean

Implementing partners include: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

Funding: $4 million

Canada is providing $4 million in funding for regional humanitarian assistance to help respond to the humanitarian needs in Latin America and the Caribbean. This funding, channelled through UNHCR and OCHA, gives partners the necessary flexibility to respond to evolving needs, including population movements. Partner organizations will use Canada’s regional allocations to respond to various crises in the region, including in northern Central America and in countries affected by the crisis in Venezuela.

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