Canada alarmed by deteriorating human rights situation in Turkey


July 21, 2017 - Ottawa, Ontario - Global Affairs Canada

The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today issued the following statement:

“Freedom of expression and a free and vibrant civil society are foundational for any democracy.

“As a former journalist and as minister of foreign affairs, I am seriously concerned about the current detention in Turkey of democratically elected officials, journalists, academics and human rights defenders—including the head of Amnesty International in Turkey and other prominent leaders—as well as the closing of media outlets and shutting down of NGOs.

“No one should ever be threatened or face violence for expressing ideas and opinions.

“Turkey faces considerable security challenges—internally and regionally. We call on Turkish authorities to respond to current challenges without violating international legal obligations and human rights. We will continue to closely monitor this situation.”


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