CFIA gives Canadian grain industry a REGAL option for testing

News Release

August 3 2017 – Ottawa – Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Canadian grain is in demand and trusted around the world. Exports have been increasing and are expected to continue to grow. In support of that growth, the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, today announced an alternative service delivery program from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) for grain testing.

The REGAL (Recognition of Export Grain Analysis by Authorized Laboratories) program will provide exporters the option of having their grain shipments to certain countries tested for phytosanitary purposes by authorized private laboratories. This will provide industry with more choices and timely service so they can access and serve international markets. 

The CFIA will continue to offer grain export inspections. This new program will also build on the CFIA's partnership with the Canadian Grain Commission to help serve the grain sector more efficiently. 

The REGAL program will initially be focused primarily on grain exports to India and China because these countries represent the highest export volumes from Canada. Strong oversight mechanisms will provide assurance to importing countries that Canada remains committed to the highest standards for grain exports.


"Canadian grain exports are continuing to rise because of bigger crops and industry improvements in how grain is stored and shipped demonstrating a need for grain testing options. By implementing the REGAL program, our Government is helping grain farmers and exporters to more efficiently get their product to market and achieve our goal of reaching $75B worth of annual agri-food exports by 2025."

-- The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Canada’s Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

Quick Facts

  • Approximately $5.1 billion of grain was shipped to India and China in 2016.

  • The CFIA will remain solely responsible for issuing phytosanitary certificates for export shipments of grain.

  • REGAL will expand the successful model whereby private authorized laboratories already test canary seed samples destined for export to Mexico.

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