Newfoundland and Labrador small craft harbours, Budget 2024


Projects funded by Budget 2024 will be undertaken at the following harbours managed by Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Projects could range from repairs, to reconstruction of assets or dredging related work.

Further details on the nature and cost of each project will be made available as the respective tendering processes are completed.

Small craft harbours severely impacted by Hurricane Fiona are marked by *.

Table - Ports pour petits bateaux du Québec – Investissements d'ici 2027
Port Projets
Arnold's Cove Wharf reconstruction
Bay de Verde Breakwater extension
Blue Beach* Reconstruction of breakwater wharf and breakwater
Bonavista Wharf reconstruction
Branch Channel dredging
Burnt Islands* Wharf reconstruction and repairs
Channel-Port aux Basques* Wharf, launchway and floating dock reconstruction
Construction of a new electrical system and shed
Codroy* Breakwaters and wharf reconstruction
Greenspond Wharf reconstruction
Harbour Breton Wharf reconstruction
Harbour Grace Install shoreline protection
Harbour Le Cou* Breakwater and wharf reconstruction
Isle aux Morts* Wharf and launchway reconstruction
L'Anse-au-Loup Floating dock reconstruction
Lark Harbour* Wharf, launchway and breakwater reconstruction
Margaree* Wharf reconstruction, top up shore protection, cleanup, empty containment cell, and dredge
Musgrave Harbour Enhance shoreline protection (Phase 2)
Petty Harbour Feasibility study for breakwater
Pinsent's Arm Wharf construction
Port aux Choix Wharf reconstruction
Port de Grave Wharf repairs
Ramea* Floating dock and slipway reconstruction
Rose Blanche* Wharf and building reconstruction
St. Lawrence Wharf reconstruction
Torbay Wharf reconstruction
Woody Point Wharf repair

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