Loans and lines of credit

Loans and lines of credit

Lines of credit, personal loans, payday loans, financing a car and what to consider before you borrow.


Services and information

Personal loans

Types of personal loans, comparing loan options, how much personal loans cost and more.

Lines of credit

Choosing a line of credit, interest rates, credit limits, pros, cons and more.

Payday loans

The high costs of borrowing, what happens if you miss a payment and what to ask a payday lender.

Student lines of credit

Borrowing from or repaying your student line of credit.

Financing a car

Buying or leasing a car (or other vehicle) and making sure you can afford the payments over time.

Title loans

What to expect when you get a title loan, fees, paying it back and rules where you live.

Buy now, pay later plans

Understanding equal and deferred payment plans, things to consider, pros and cons and more.

Rent-to-own retail plans

How rent-to-own retail plans work, how much they cost, pros and cons.

Borrowing against home equity

Refinancing your home, home equity lines of credit and second mortgages.

Home equity lines of credit

Understanding home equity lines of credit, choosing and using a home equity line of credit.

Reverse mortgages

The pros and cons of reverse mortgages, how to qualify and other tips to keep in mind.

What to consider before borrowing money

Loan agreements and questions to ask yourself before you borrow money.

Credit and loans: know your rights

Understanding the terms and conditions of loans, lines of credit and more.

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