Create new resource, new event or new funding process — Canadian Financial Literacy Database

Upcoming temporary service interruption

The Canadian Financial Literacy Database will be temporarily unavailable for important maintenance and upgrades starting March 20, 2025.  We understand this may be an inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we work to improve the Database.

During the downtime, you can explore other financial literacy resources available at or access helpful financial tools at FCAC’s Financial Tools and Calculators.

To submit a resource, event or funding program for consideration in the resource database, you need an FCAC account. To learn more about FCAC accounts, please view the Account management process​ page.

Section A: Getting to know the input tool dashboard

  1. Each time you log in, you will see a table that summarizes the status of all resources, events and funding programs entered for your organization. This is your resource database input tool dashboard.
  2. At any time, you can switch between your dashboard (Resources and events link at the top right of the page), Account management or view the Terms of use. These links can be found in the upper right hand corner of your page.
  3. You can search the dashboard by type, name or status. You can use each search function separately, or in combination with each other. Regardless of which you use, click on the Search button to start the search.
  4. You can sort your dashboard by Type, Name, Version, Status, Publish Date, or Expiration Date. Click on each column name to sort by that column. You can sort before or after you perform a search.
  5. In the Actions column, you can perform several actions. Please see Section E for more information.
  6. Organization Administrators can also submit directly from the dashboard by clicking the Submit button in the final column.

Section B: Input a new resource

  1. To enter a new resource into the database, click on the Create new resource button.
  2. Follow the instructions at the top of each page for more information. Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory.
  3. Begin with the Resource information tab and enter the information requested.
  4. Click on the Resource detail tab and enter the information.
  5. If you wish to link the resource to an event you or another at your organization have entered into the database, click on the Related events tab. This step is optional or can be done at a later date.
  6. To save a draft of the information, click on the Save button at the top or bottom of any page. This will also allow you to continue entering information about the resource at a later date.
    Note:  the Save button does not submit the resource to FCAC for approval and publishing in the database. The organization’s Administrator must click on the Submit button to send to FCAC for review and approval to be posted to the database.
    Click on Cancel to clear the text entered on the page since you last hit Save.
  7. Delegates: If you have finished entering all the information and would like the resource submitted to FCAC, notify your organization’s Administrator.

Section C: Input a new event

  1. To enter a new event into the database, click on the Create new event button.
  2. Follow the instructions at the top of each page for more information. Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory.
  3. Click on the Event information tab and enter the requested information.
  4. Click on the Event details tab and enter the requested information.
  5. To enter information about the event time, date and location, click on the Event schedule tab. Click on the Add new scheduled event button.
  6. Enter the requested information for the event and click on Save.
    Note:  you must either choose Virtual event or In-person event by checking the appropriate box under each title. The Venue box is checked by default.
  7. You will see a summary of the schedule details you have just entered for the event.
  8. Option: Add a reoccurring event within the same entry. If your event takes place in the same location, at the same time over a period of time, click on the Add recurrence button and enter the recurrence details.
  9. You must enter the Recurrence pattern. Click on Save to save the recurrence information. Click on Cancel to exit this activity.
  10. Once saved, you can go back and Edit or Delete the information.
  11. Option: Add another scheduled event with the same event information and details.
    If you are offering the same event, but at another location, you can simply create a new event by clicking on the Add new scheduled event button. This saves you the time of re-entering the event information and event details again. The entry will show up as its own entry in the resource database.
  12. If you wish to link the event to a resource you or another at your organization have entered into the database, click on the Related resources tab. This step is optional or can be done at a later date.
  13. At any time while entering information, click on the Save button. This will permit you to continue entering information about the event at a later date.
    Note:  the Save button does not submit the event to FCAC for approval and posting in the database. The Administrator must click on the Submit button at the top or bottom of any page to send to FCAC for review and approval to be published to the database.
  14. Delegates: If you have finished entering all the information and would like the event submitted to FCAC, notify your organization’s Administrator.

Section D: Input a new funding program

  1. To enter a new funding program into the database, click on the Create new funding button.
  2. Follow the instructions at the top of each page for more information. Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory. 
  3. Begin with the Funding information tab and enter the information requested.
  4. Click on the Funding detail tab and enter the information.
  5. To save a draft of the information, click on the Save button at the top or bottom of any page. This will allow you to continue entering information about the funding program at a later date.
    Note: the Save button does not submit the funding program to FCAC for approval and publishing in the database. The organization’s Administrator must click on the Submit button to send to FCAC for review and approval to be published in the database. 
  6. Delegates: If you have finished entering all the information and would like the funding program submitted to FCAC, notify your organization’s Administrator.​

Section E: Edit, make a copy or delete a resource, event or funding program

  1. You can perform up to four different actions in the Actions column, depending on the status of your entry.
    View / Edit / Duplicate / Delete
  2. Clicking on the magnifying glass icon will allow you to view an entry. This option is available for every status except Draft status.
  3. Clicking on the pencil icon will give you access to the edit screen where you may edit, save or submit a product (based on your role’s accessibility).
  4. If the resource, event or funding program you want to edit is already published, a new version is automatically created when you hit Save in the edit screen.
  5. Clicking on the copy icon will allow you to duplicate an entry to create a new submission with the same data. You can then proceed to edit the new entry.
  6. Clicking on the X icon will delete the entry from the dashboard. Once deleted, the entry cannot be retrieved.

If you have any questions, comments or require assistance, please contact FCAC at​.

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