Appearance before the Standing Committee on Finance (July 7, 2020): Policy options working group


In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, FCAC contributed to the Government of Canada’s policy response in a coordinated, coherent and timely manner. In March 2020, FCAC formed a cross-functional policy options working group. The group’s purpose was to identify challenges and gaps facing financial consumers, and to recommend potential policy responses aligned with FCAC’s mandate. 


The cross-functional policy options working group included members from FCAC’s supervision, research, policy and education divisions. The group communicated with officials from the Department of Finance on a regular basis.

The working group’s efforts complemented supervisory staff's engagements with the financial industry to gather intelligence on operational impacts and challenges faced by bank clients.    

Data/Quick facts

The working group’s activities and outputs include: 

Key messages

Page details

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