Copyright clearance requests

Crown copyright protects literary works, as well as video and sound recordings that have been created under the direction and control of the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC).

When Crown copyright clearance permission is required

Crown copyright clearance permission is always required when the work is being revised, adapted, or translated regardless as to whether the purpose of the reproduction is for personal or public non-commercial distribution, or for cost-recovery purposes.

Permission is always required when the work being reproduced will be distributed for commercial purposes.

When Crown copyright clearance permission is not required

Permission to reproduce FCAC works, in part or in whole, and by any means, for personal or public non-commercial purposes, or for cost-recovery purposes, is not required, unless otherwise specified in the material you wish to reproduce.

reproduction means making a copy of information in the manner that it is originally published, the reproduction must remain as is and must not contain any alterations whatsoever.

The terms personal and public non-commercial purposes mean a distribution of the reproduced information either for your own purposes only, or for a distribution at large whereby no fees whatsoever will be charged.

The term cost-recovery means charging a fee for the purpose of recovering printing costs and other costs associated with the production of the reproduction.

When reproducing FCAC works, the following requirements must be met:

How to get Crown copyright clearance permission

Please submit your request using the online form. You must submit your request at least 15 business days before your publication deadline.

Please ensure all necessary details are provided in the online form to ensure expedient processing of your request.

FCAC will evaluate your request and respond within 10 business days by e-mail.

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