Exeter radar visibility map

This map shows a view of the Exeter weather radar located at coordinates 43.37199° latitude and -81.38056° longitude. A circle is defined around the radar with a radius of 50 km. There is also a coloured region indicating the locations where a turbine is visible to the radar. As well, major cities and roads are shown. An explanation on how to view this map can be found in the section “How to view the map”.


Radar station near Exeter, Ontario

How to view the map

The radar site locations are marked with a black dot. A green circle shows a 50 kilometre radius around the radar.  Inside this 50 kilometre ring, potential interference with the radar may exist and direct consultation is strongly suggested. Major roads and cities are indicated in dark blue.

The colour display surrounding the radar(s) represents whether wind turbine blades can be seen by the respective radar (in yellow) and if the wind turbine towers can be seen (in red). The visibility maps have been created for turbine models with turbine tower heights of 100 meters and blade lengths of 50 meters (for a total blade height of 150 meters). If any part of a turbine is visible to a weather radar, interference is expected, but if the turbine tower is visible (in red) more severe impacts may occur. Any region not covered by the colour display indicates that a wind turbine with a total height of 150 meters should not be visible to the radar. However, a turbine with a blade height greater than 150 meters may be seen and further analysis is necessary.

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