Near Ground Forecast for astronomical observations

The winds are represented by 6 shades of blue and grey. Dark blue indicates the best wind conditions and grey indicates the worst conditions.

Categories and colors associated with the wind speed
Categories Color Wind conditions
0/5 White Very strong winds
1/5 Grey Strong winds
2/5 Light blue Moderate winds
3/5 Medium blue Light to moderate winds
4/5 Bright blue Light winds
5/5 Dark blue Calm winds

Negative temperatures are represented by 9 shades of white, blue and pink (temperatures between 0 and -5C are represented in white and temperatures below -40C are represented in pink) while positive temperatures are represented by 10 shades of green, yellow, red and gray (gray representing temperatures above 45C).

Relative humidity is represented by 16 shades of blue, green, yellow and red (dark blue representing relative humidity below 25% and red shades of relative humidity of or near 100%). Dark blue indicates the best relative humidity conditions and red indicates the worst conditions.

Regional model, surface winds forecast for North America

The image forecast is updated four times a day.

Schedule of imagery available for surface winds forecast
00 UTC 06 UTC 12 UTC 18 UTC
Animation     Animation Animation Animation
T+01 T+01 T+01 T+01
T+02 T+02 T+02 T+02
T+03 T+03 T+03 T+03
T+04 T+04 T+04 T+04
T+05 T+05 T+05 T+05
... ... ... ...
T+84 T+84 T+84 T+84

Regional model, temperature forecast for North America

The image forecast is updated four times a day.

Schedule of imagery available for temperature forecast
00 UTC 06 UTC 12 UTC 18 UTC
Animation     Animation Animation Animation
T+01 T+01 T+01 T+01
T+02 T+02 T+02 T+02
T+03 T+03 T+03 T+03
T+04 T+04 T+04 T+04
T+05 T+05 T+05 T+05
... ... ... ...
T+84 T+84 T+84 T+84

Regional model, relative humidity forecast for North America

The image forecast is updated four times a day.

Schedule of imagery available for relative humidity forecast
00 UTC 06 UTC 12 UTC 18 UTC
Animation     Animation Animation Animation
T+01 T+01 T+01 T+01
T+02 T+02 T+02 T+02
T+03 T+03 T+03 T+03
T+04 T+04 T+04 T+04
T+05 T+05 T+05 T+05
... ... ... ...
T+84 T+84 T+84 T+84

T+hh refers to the forecast time interval (hh), in hours, from the model initialization time T. The time T is indicated, in universal time, at the top of each column.

To convert UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) to local time, you must calculate the offset between your time zone and Greenwich Mean Time and take into account Daylight Saving Time, if applicable.

For example,

Please note that Saskatchewan does not use Prairie Daylight Saving Time.

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