International Red River board
The International Red River Board (IRRB) is a bi-national group created by the International Joint Commission (IJC) in April 2000 to ensure a more ecosystemic approach to transboundary water issues between Canada and the United States. The geographic scope of the IRRB’s mandate is the Red River basin excluding the Assiniboine and Souris Rivers. The IRRB is also responsible for reporting on water development activities and transboundary concerns in the Poplar River and Big Muddy Creek basins, previously the responsibility of the International Souris-Red Rivers Engineering Board.
The Red River flows north from its headwaters in Minnesota, across the Canada-United States international boundary, to its outlet at Lake Winnipeg in Manitoba. It meanders through the flat and fertile valley of the former glacial Lake Agassiz. The river basin occupies substantial portions of North Dakota, northwestern Minnesota, southern Manitoba and a very small portion of northeastern South Dakota. It covers 116,500 square kilometers or 45,000 square miles, excluding the Assiniboine River basin, which joins the Red River at Winnipeg.
Lake Winnipeg is an important feature of the basin. It is the 10th largest freshwater body in the world and receives drainage from a number of major streams, including the Red River. Lake Winnipeg supports a productive commercial, recreational, and subsistence fishery.
Responsibilities of the IRRB
The IRRB assists the IJC in avoiding and resolving transboundary disputes regarding the waters and aquatic ecosystems of the Red Rivers and its tributaries and aquifers. These responsibilities include:
- recommending appropriate strategies concerning water quality, quantity, and aquatic ecosystem health objectives;
- continuous surveillance of water quality and quantity at the International Boundary;
- maintaining an awareness of basin activities that affect streamflows, water quality, and ecosystem health of the Red River and its transboundary tributaries; and
- providing a forum for identification and resolution of existing and emerging transboudary water-related issues.
Water Management in the Red River Basin
The hydrologic system of the Red River basin is complex, and is influenced by many natural and human forces. To deal with this system, dozens of government agencies and organizations have evolved with management responsibilities or interests in various aspects of its water and land resources. These resources are managed and controlled through myriad federal, provincial, state and local laws, regulations, rules, and ordinances. In addition, there are a number of bi-national, interstate and international arrangements as well as committees and working groups that oversee and coordinate many aspects of basin water management.
For further information, please go to the International Joint Commission Web site.
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