Turkey Lakes watershed site selection
The Turkey Lakes Watershed (TLW) is 1 of 5 hydrologically "calibrated" basins in eastern Canada that were originally devoted to process-oriented research into "acid rain" effects. They were selected to cover a wide range of climatic and hydrological conditions, deposition magnitudes, and terrain characteristics. The TLW represents moderately sensitive terrain receiving elevated but not maximum levels of acidic deposition. It is located on the Canadian Shield in the Algoma District of central Ontario, approximately 50 km north of Sault Ste. Marie. The TLW is an undisturbed, completely forested basin (mixed hardwoods), 10.5 km2 in area, that contains a chain of 4 lakes (5 distinct lake basins) which ultimately drain into Lake Superior via the Batchawana River. For an Ontario setting, the basin has high relief (~300 m) and receives high levels of precipitation (ca. 1200 mm.yr-1). Between 1982 and 1996, annual bulk deposition of SO4 ranged from 21 to 36 kg.ha-1. More detailed information is provided in the Site Information section.
Long Description
Location map of the Turkey Lakes Watershed showing the watershed boundary, the chain of four, named lakes within it, the inter-connecting stream that links the lakes and eventually exits the watershed to the northwest, and the headwater streams within the watershed. The map also has an index map showing the location relative to the Great Lakes, i.e., just north of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.
Long Description
Three-dimensional representations of the Turkey Lakes Watershed in which the variation in elevation is depicted by a 21-step colour gradation from green, corresponding to the lowest elevation (240 m above mean sea level) to yellow, corresponding to the highest elevation (640 m above mean sea level). There are two basin views, one from the southeast and one from the northwest. The watershed's drainage pattern is particularly apparent in the three-dimensional maps.
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