Air and precipitation chemistry at Turkey Lakes watershed

The Canadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network (CAPMoN) has been making atmospheric chemistry measurements at the Turkey Lakes Watershed since 1985. CAPMoN comprises 21 measurement sites across Canada and 1 in the U.S.A. The Network was initially established to monitor acidic deposition, more commonly known as acid rain. Acid rain is primarily caused by emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Once these pollutants are released into the atmosphere, they can be carried long distances by prevailing winds and deposited as acids in wet deposition (rain, snow, or fog) or as dry deposition.

Images of a Precipitation Chemistry Collector, Snow Gauge, Rain Gauge, and a Sequential Sampler

The precipitation chemistry collector, snow gauge and rain gauge are used to collect the rain and snow and estimate the amount of wet deposition. Dry deposition is monitored by measuring particles and gases using filter packs suspended 10 metres from the ground in a sequential sampler.

CAPMoN measures the concentration of ground level ozone, the primary pollutant in smog. The measurement of ozone at the Turkey Lakes Watershed helps to determine background concentrations of ozone and assist with the development of computer models used to predict air pollution episodes.

Additional Information about CAPMoN can be found at the CAPMoN website.

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