Pallid bat (Antrozous pallidus) proposed recovery strategy 2017
Official title: Recovery Strategy for the Pallid Bat (Antrozous pallidus) in Canada - 2017 [Proposed]
Table of contents
Species at Risk Act
Recovery Strategy Series
Adopted under Section 44 of SARA
Pallid Bat

Photo: © Barry Mansell
Part 1 - Table of contents
- Part 1 – Federal Addition to the Recovery Plan for the Pallid Bat (Antrozous pallidus) in British Columbia, prepared by Environment and Climate Change Canada
List of figures
- Figure 1. Critical habitat for Pallid Bat in the Okanagan Valley (north) of B.C. is represented by the shaded pink polygons (roosting and foraging critical habitat), and the shaded yellow polygons (additional foraging critical habitat), where the criteria set out in Section 1.1 are met.
- Figure 2. Critical habitat for Pallid Bat in the Okanagan Valley (south) of B.C. is represented by the shaded pink polygons (roosting and foraging critical habitat), and the shaded yellow polygons (additional foraging critical habitat), where the criteria set out in Section 1.1 are met.
List of tables
- Table 1. Schedule of studies required to identify critical habitat for the Pallid Bat
- Table 2. Examples of activities likely to result in the destruction of critical habitat for the Pallid Bat. IUCN Threat numbers are in accordance with the IUCN-CMP (World Conservation Union–Conservation Measures Partnership) unified threats classification system (CMP 2010).
Part 2 - Table of contents
- Part 2 – Recovery Plan for the Pallid Bat (Antrozous pallidus) in British Columbia, prepared by the Pallid Bat Recovery Team for the British Columbia Ministry of Environment.
List of figures
- Figure 1. Global distribution of Pallid Bat, excluding an isolated population in Cuba (Pallid Bat Recovery Team 2008).
- Figure 2. Estimated Pallid Bat distribution (solid orange) in British Columbia created by buffering capture records by 4.5 km, and then clipping the areas to Bunchgrass and Ponderosa Pine biogeoclimatic subzones (BGxh1 and PPxh1). The potential range (checkered orange and grey) is created using the same methodology but includes visual and acoustic records that have not been verified by capture data. The potential range highlight areas for more intensive surveys but these areas are not included in the area of occupancy and other range/occupied area estimations.
List of tables
- Table 1. Summary of essential functions, features, and attributes of Pallid Bat habitat in British Columbia.
- Table 2. Threat classification table for Pallid Bat in British Columbia.
- Table 3. Examples of areas in the south Okanagan that are being managed to maintain natural ecological systems. New properties are regularly added to protected areas. This is not a complete list. Pallid Bat has not been confirmed to use all of the habitat listed.
- Table 4. Existing mechanisms that afford habitat protection for the Pallid Bat.
- Table 5. Recovery actions and performance measures for Pallid Bat for each recovery objective.
Page details
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