Wild species 2010: chapter 27


Appendix 1 – Contacts for members of the National General Status Working Group

Environment Canada

Working Group Co-Chair and Coordinator
Rémi Hébert, Ph.D.

Scientific Project Coordinator
General Status of Species in Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service
Environment Canada
351 St. Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau, QC K1A 0H3


Working Group Co-Chair
James R. Duncan, Ph.D.

Manager Biodiversity Conservation Section
Wildlife and Ecosystem Protection Branch
Manitoba Conservation
200 Saulteaux Crescent
P.O. Box 24
Winnipeg, MB R3J 3W3


Syd Cannings
Species at Risk Biologist
Canadian Wildlife Service
91780 Alaska Highway
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5B7

Thomas Jung
Senior Wildlife Biologist
Fish and Wildlife Branch
Department of Environment
Government of Yukon
P.O. Box 2703 Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2C6

Northwest Territories

Suzanne Carrière, Ph.D.
Ecosystem Management Biologist
Wildlife Division
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Government of the Northwest Territories
5102, 50th Avenue, Scotia Centre
Yellowknife, NT X1A 3S8


Chris Hotson
Legislation and Management Biologist
Department of Environment
Government of Nunavut
P.O. Box 209
Iglulik, NU X0A 0L0

British Columbia

Leah Ramsay
Program Zoologist
Ecosystem Branch
Ministry of Environment
Government of British Columbia
P.O. Box 9358, Station Provincial Government
Victoria, BC V8W 9R7


Gordon Court, Ph.D.
Provincial Wildlife Status Biologist
Fish and Wildlife Division
Department of Sustainable Resource Development
Government of Alberta
9915, 108 Street, South Petroleum Plaza
Edmonton, AB T5K 2M4


Jeff Keith
Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre
Ministry of Environment
3211 Albert Street
Regina, SK S4S 5W6


Michael Oldham
Natural Heritage Information Centre
Ministry of Natural Resources
Government of Ontario
300 Water Street, North Tower
P.O. Box 7000
Peterborough, ON K9J 8M5


Nathalie Desrosiers, M.Sc.
Ministry of Natural Resources and Wildlife
Quebec Wildlife Sector
Wildlife and habitats expertise division
Biodiversity and wildlife diseases service
880 Sainte-Foy Road
Quebec, QC G1S 4X4

Jacques Labrecque
Ministry of Sustainable development, Environment and Parks
Sustainable development, ecological heritage and parks division
675 René-Lévesque-Est Boulevard, Marie-Guyart Building
Quebec, QC G1R 5V7

New Brunswick

Stewart Lusk
Species at Risk Program
Fish and Wildlife Branch
Department of Natural Resources
Government of New Brunswick
P.O. Box 6000
Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1

Nova Scotia

Mark F. Elderkin
Species at Risk Biologist
Wildlife Division
Department of Natural Resources
Government of Nova Scotia
136 Exhibition Street
Kentville, NS B4N 4E5

Prince Edward Island

Rosemary Curley
Program Manager
Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation
Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division
Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry
Government of Prince Edward Island
P.O. Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Newfoundland and Labrador

Shelley Ann Pardy Moores
Ecosystem Management Biologist
Endangered Species and Biodiversity Section
Wildlife Division
Department of Environment and Conservation
117 Riverside Drive
P.O. Box 2007
Corner Brook, NL A2H 7S1

Parks Canada

Patrick Nantel, Ph.D.
Parks Canada
National Parks Directorate
25 Eddy Street
Gatineau, QC K1A 0M5

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

James Kristmanson
Fish Population Science
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
200 Kent Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0E6

Ex officio members:

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Henri Goulet, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Environmental Health
690 Carling Avenue, K.W. Neatby Building
Ottawa, ON K1A 0C6

Natural Resources Canada

Gregory Pohl
Insect/Disease Identification Officer
Forest Entomology and Pathology
5320, 122nd Street
Edmonton, AB T6H 3S5

NatureServe Canada

Marilyn Anions
Director of Science
960 Carling Avenue, K.W. Neatby Building
Ottawa, ON K1A 0C6

Appendix 2 – Credits and Acknowledgements

General Status contractor:
Patrick Henry.

Leader: Mark F. Elderkin.
Main expert: Janet Marsh.
Other experts: Frances Anderson, Curtis Björk, Sean Blaney, Irwin Brodo, Robert Cameron, Stephen Clayden, Chris Friesen, Trevor Goward, Derrick Ko-Heinrichs, Tom Neily, Michele Piercey-Normore, Ph.D., David Richardson and Dwayne Sabine.
Text: Janet Marsh.

Leader: Gordon Court.
Main expert: René J. Belland, Ph.D.
Other experts: Bruce Bagnell, Sean Blaney, Bernard DeVries, Jennifer Doubt, Jean Faubert, Chris Friesen, Derrick Ko-Heinrichs and Michele Piercey-Normore, Ph.D.
Text: René J. Belland, Ph.D.

Vascular plants
Leader: Marilyn Anions.
Main expert: Marilyn Anions.
Other experts: George W. Argus, Bev Benedict, Bruce Bennett, Gart Bishop, Sean Blaney, Suzanne Carrière, Ph.D., Paul Catling, Ph.D., Laurie Consaul, Ph.D., Mike Crowell, Bob Decker, Marta Donovan, Jennifer Doubt, Dave Downing, Bruce Ford, Ph.D., Catherine Foster, Rick Fournier, Chris Friesen, Lynn Gillespie, Jim Goltz, Mike Gravel, Erich Haber, Cary Hamel, Claudia Hanel, Jim Harris, Ph.D., Kelly Honeyman, Jeff Keith, Jacques Labrecque, Judy Loo, Mike MacDonald, David Mazerolle, Dave McLeod, Steve Moore, Michael Oldham, Debbie Peck, Diane Pelley, Theo Popma, Elizabeth Punter, Diana Robson, Ph.D., Jim Saunders and Richard Staniforth, Ph.D.

Molluscs – Freshwater mussels
Leaders: Rémi Hébert, Ph.D., and James Kristmanson.
Main expert: James Kristmanson.
Other experts: Becky Cudmore, Colin Jones, Donald McAlpine, Dwayne Sabine and Don Sutherland.

Leaders: Marilyn Anions and Syd Cannings.
Main experts: Robb Bennett, Ph.D., Don Buckle, Charlie Dondale, Ph.D., Nadine Duperré, Raymond Hutchinson, Maxim Larrivée, Ph.D., Pierre Paquin, Ph.D., and Roger Pickavance.
Other experts: Joey Bowden, Benoit Godin, Colin Jones, Brian Latham and Don Sutherland.
Text: Robb Bennett, Ph.D.

Insects – Odonates
Leaders: Syd Cannings and Leah Ramsay.
Main expert: Leah Ramsay.
Other experts: Joe Ackerman, Kristin Archibald, Hayat Azmat, Irenne Bader, Rob Cannings, Syd Cannings, Paul Catling, Ph.D., Doug Collicutt, Dustin Crawford, Phillip deMaynadier, Deanna Dodgson, Nick Donnelly, Denis Doucet, Bill Duchart, Cameron Eckert, Brent Elliot, Ph.D., Jonina Ewart, Helen Fabbri, Katrina Froese, Terry Galloway, Ph.D., Kevin Hannah, Colin Hughes, Marjorie Hughes, Gord Hutchings, Christine Ivey, Colin Jones, Glen Klassen, Barry Konzelman, Karl Kroeker, Margaret MacLean, Deanna Mains, Larry de March, Randy Mooi, Ph.D., Stan Olson, Roger Poitras, Bill Preston, Ph.D., Rob Roughley, Ph.D., Lisa Rumak, Dwayne Sabine, Lynn Sinclair, Stuart Slattery, Don Sutherland, Doug Tate, Peter Taylor, Ph.D., Teresa Visser, Jim Welsh, Tara Welsh, Sue Werner, Penny Wilson, Rick Wilson and Robert Wrigley, Ph.D.

Insects – Predaceous diving beetles
Leader: James R. Duncan, Ph.D.
Main expert: James R. Duncan, Ph.D.
Other experts: Syd Cannings, Suzanne Carrière, Ph.D., Terry Galloway, Ph.D., Colin Jones, David Larson, Ph.D., Karen Needham, Rob Roughley, Ph.D., Don Sutherland and Bruce Young, Ph.D.
Text: James R. Duncan, Ph.D.

Insects – Ground beetles
Leaders: Syd Cannings (all species except tiger beetles) and Shelley Ann Pardy Moores (tiger beetles).
Main experts: George Ball, Ph.D., Yves Bousquet, Ph.D., Henri Goulet, Ph.D., David Langor, Chris Majka, Gregory Pohl, Danny Shpeley, John Spence, Ph.D. and Reginald Webster.
Other experts: Benoit Godin, Colin Jones, Rob Roughley, Dwayne Sabine and Don Sutherland.
Text: Henri Goulet, Ph.D.

Insects – Lady beetles
Leader: Syd Cannings.
Main expert: David McCorquodale, Ph.D.
Other experts: Colin Jones and Don Sutherland.
Text: David McCorquodale, Ph.D.

Insects – Bumblebees
Leader: Syd Cannings.
Main expert: Sheila Colla.
Other experts: Colin Jones, Cory Sheffield, Ph.D., and Don Sutherland.
Text: Sheila Colla.

Insects – Black flies
Leader: Syd Cannings.
Main expert: Doug Currie, Ph.D.
Other experts: Terry Galloway, Ph.D, Colin Jones and Don Sutherland.
Text: Doug Currie, Ph.D.

Insects – Horse flies
Leader: Syd Cannings.
Main experts: David Beresford, Phil Taylor and Tony Thomas.
Other experts: Terry Galloway, Ph.D., Colin Jones, Don Sutherland and Anthony Thomas.
Text: Syd Cannings.

Insects – Mosquitoes
Leader: Syd Cannings.
Main experts: Fiona Hunter and Aynsley Thielman.
Other experts: Peter Belton, Brett Elkin, Ph.D., Terry Galloway, Ph.D., Colin Jones, Don Sutherland and Richard Westwood, Ph.D.
Text: Aynsley Thielman.

Insects – Selected macromoths
Leader: Syd Cannings.
Main experts: Gary Anweiler and Christian Schmidt.
Other experts: Cris Guppy, Colin Jones, Don Lafontaine, Andre Langlois, Maria Leung, Gregory Pohl, Don Sutherland and Jenny Tucker.
Text: Gregory Pohl.

Insects – Butterflies
Leader: Gordon Court.
Other experts: Denis Doucet, Bonnie Fournier, Mike Fournier, Keith Hickling, Tracy Hillis, Colin Jones, Ross Layberry, Richard Popko, Dwayne Sabine, Don Sutherland, Anthony Thomas and Reginald Webster.

Crustaceans – Crayfishes
Leader: James Kristmanson.
Main expert: James Kristmanson.
Other experts: Colin Jones, Donald McAlpine and Don Sutherland.

Leader: Michael Oldham.
Main expert: Michael Oldham.
Other experts: Danny Allaire, Danny Beaulieu, Syd Cannings, Cameron Eckert, Susan Fleck, Mike Fournier, Scott Gilbert, Manfred Hoefs, Thomas Jung, Piia Kukka, Maria Leung, Donald McAlpine, Randi Mulder, Mark O’Donoghue, Don Reid, Danna Schock, Ph.D., Brian Slough and Carmen Wong.

Leaders: James Kristmanson (marine species) and Michael Oldham (terrestrial species).
Main experts: James Kristmanson and Michael Oldham.
Other experts: Danny Allaire, Danny Beaulieu, Susan Fleck, Mike Fournier, Donald McAlpine and Danna Schock, Ph.D.

Leader: Bev McBride.
Main expert: Bev McBride.
Other experts: Marilyn Anions, Lindsay Armer, Yves Aubry, Ursula Banasch, Ron Bazin, Gerard Beyersbergen, Sean Blaney, Mike Cadman, Wendy Calvert, Syd Cannings, Keith Chaulk, David Christie, Brigitte Collins, Fiep deBie, Ken De Smet, Kathy Dickson, Garry Donaldson, Steve Duffy, Cameron Eckert, Dave Elliot, Gilles Falardeau, Corinna Freake, Tony Gaston, John Gosse, Michel Gosselin, Diane Griffin, Thomas Jung, Roland Kemuksigak, John Klymko, Richard Knapton, Rudolf Koes, Labrador Institute of Memorial University, Claudie Latendresse, Jim Leafloor, Christine Lepage, Hélène Lévesque, Craig Machtans, Bruce MacTavish, Scott Makepeace, Mark Mallory, Kim Mawhinney, Blake Maybank, Dan McAskill, Phil McCabe, Jon McCracken, Lee Mennell, Jennifer Mitchell, Dave Mossop, Lindsay Notzl, Dwayne Oakley, Joachim Obst, Julie Paquet, Sébastien Paradis, Tony Parr, Gordon Parsons, Cynthia Pekarik, Frank Phillips, Jean-François Rail, Jennie Rausch, Regroupement Québec-Oiseaux, Isabelle Robichaud, Bruce Rodrigues, Ken Ross, Wayne Russell, Dan Seeler, François Shaffer, Pam Sinclair, Paul Smith, Erin Spiewak, Becky Stewart, Jennifer Stewart, Don Sutherland, Josée Tardif, Doug Tate, Peter Taylor, Peter Thomas, Torngat Secretariat, Joseph Townley, Debbie van de Wetering, Darroch Whitaker, Jackie Waddell, Mark Wayland, Chip Weseloh and Becky Whittam.

Leaders: Thomas Jung (terrestrial species) and James Kristmanson (marine species).
Main experts: Thomas Jung and James Kristmanson.
Other experts: Jan Adamczewski, Danny Allaire, Marsha Branigan, Syd Cannings, Suzanne Carriere, Ph.D., Dean Cluff, Cameron Eckert, Graham Forbes, Robert Gau, Scott Gilbert, Anne Gunn, Ph.D., Lois Harwood, Manfred Hoefs, Colin Jones, Allicia Kelly, Piia Kukka, Nicolas Larter, Ph.D., Cori Lausen, Ph.D., Maria Leung, Donald McAlpine, Randi Mulder, Robert Mulders, John Nagy, Mark O’Donoghue, Richard Popko, Don Reid, Dwayne Sabine, Brian Slough, Don Sutherland, Alasdair Veitch, Judy Williams, Joanna Wilson and Carmen Wong.

Many people were consulted over the course of the assessments; we apologize if someone was inadvertently omitted. The National General Status program relies on the efforts of numerous volunteers who are involved in data collection, provide their personal data for consideration during general status assessments, and participate in regional and national roll-ups. We wish to thank everyone who has volunteered their time for the National General Status program, without whom this work would not be possible.

Appendix 3 – Regional websites

Environment Yukon (Accessed February 23, 2010).

Northwest Territories
Environment and Natural Resources (Accessed February 23, 2010).

Department of Environment (Accessed February 23, 2010).

British Columbia
Species & Ecosystems at Risk (Accessed February 23, 2010).

Alberta's Species at Risk Strategies

(Accessed February 23, 2010).

Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre (Accessed February 23, 2010).

Sustainable Development - Wildlife Branch (Accessed February 23, 2010).

Natural Heritage Information Centre (Accessed February 23, 2010).

Natural Heritage Data Center of Quebec (Accessed February 23, 2010).

New Brunswick
Energy and Resources Development (Accessed February 23, 2010).

Nova Scotia
General Status Ranks of Wild Species (Accessed February 23, 2010).

Prince Edward Island
Nature, Animals and Plants (Accessed February 23, 2010).

Newfoundland and Labrador
Department of Environment and Climate Change (Accessed February 23, 2010).

NatureServe Explorer
NatureServe Explorer - An Online Encyclopedia of Life (Accessed February 23, 2010).

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