Canadian Wildlife Species at Risk 2016: chapter 6

Table 7 - Extirpated Category (23)

Table 7. Wildlife species assessed and designated in a "risk category" (Extirpated, Endangered, Threatened or Special Concern) (724 wildlife species), with range of occurrence (by province, territory or ocean), and date of assessment. For Extirpated wildlife species, the historical range of occurrence and the approximate date of disappearance from Canada are shown. Mammals (2), Birds (2), Reptiles (5), Amphibians (2), Fishes (2), Arthropods (4), Molluscs (2), Vascular Plants (3), Mosses (1), Lichens (0)
Taxon Assessment Details Common Name Scientific Name Population Name Historical Range of Occurrence Extirpation Date Assessment Date
Mammals Ferret, Black-footed Mustela nigripes - AB SK 1974 April 2009
Mammals Whale, Grey Eschrichtius robustus Atlantic population Atlantic Ocean before end of 1800s November 2009
Birds Prairie-Chicken, Greater Tympanuchus cupido - AB SK MB ON last reported in 1987 in Saskatchewan November 2009
Birds Sage-Grouse phaios subspecies, Greater Centrocercus urophasianus phaios - BC not observed since 1960s April 2008
Reptiles Gophersnake, Pacific Pituophis catenifer catenifer - BC not observed since 1957 May 2012
Reptiles Lizard, Pygmy Short-horned Phrynosoma douglasii - BC last reported in 1898, near Osoyoos, BC April 2007
Reptiles Rattlesnake, Timber Crotalus horridus - ON 1941 November 2010
Reptiles Turtle, Eastern Box Terrapene carolina - ON - November 2014
Reptiles Turtle, Pacific Pond Actinemys marmorata - BC not observed since 1959 May 2012
Amphibians Salamander, Eastern Tiger Ambystoma tigrinum Carolinian population ON 1915 November 2012
Amphibians Salamander, Spring Gyrinophilus porphyriticus Carolinian population ON - May 2011
Fishes Chub, Gravel Erimystax x-punctatus - ON last reported in 1958, Thames River drainage April 2008
Fishes Paddlefish Polyodon spathula - ON 1917 April 2008
Arthropods Blue, Karner Lycaeides melissa samuelis - ON 1991 April 2010
Arthropods (no symbol) Burying Beetle, American Nicrophorus americanus - ON QC - November 2011
Arthropods Elfin, Frosted Callophrys irus - ON 1988 April 2010
Arthropods Marble, Island Euchloe ausonides insulanus - BC before 1910 April 2010
Molluscs Puget Oregonian Cryptomastix devia - BC not observed since 1905 May 2013
Molluscs Wedgemussel, Dwarf Alasmidonta heterodon - NB 1968 November 2009
Vascular Plants (no symbol) Lupine, Oregon Lupinus oreganus - BC Last recorded in 1929 November 2008
Vascular Plants Spring Blue-eyed Mary Collinsia verna - ON not observed since 1954 May 2000
Vascular Plants Tick-trefoil, Illinois Desmodium illinoense - ON not observed since 1888 May 2000
Mosses Moss, Incurved Grizzled Ptychomitrium incurvum - ON 1828 May 2012
Lichens (no symbol) - - - - - -

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