Ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea) in Seymour Island Bird Sanctuary: critical habitat description

The Ivory Gull (Pagophila eburnea) is a migratory bird protected under the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 and listed on Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act as an endangered species. In Canada, the Ivory Gull is found in Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, and Newfoundland and Labrador. It breeds exclusively in Nunavut. Ivory gulls require breeding sites that are safe from terrestrial predators. The Recovery Strategy for the Ivory Gull (Pagophila eburnea) in Canada identifies critical habitat for the species in a number of areas, including a federally protected area.

Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to subsection 58(2) of the Species at Risk Act, subsection 58(1) of that Act applies, 90 days after this publication, to the critical habitat of the Ivory Gull, as identified in the recovery strategy for that species on the Species at Risk Public Registry, within the Seymour Island Bird Sanctuary described in the Schedule of the Migratory Bird Sanctuary Regulations made pursuant to the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994.

February 2, 2015

Species at Risk Management
Canadian Wildlife Service

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