Bolander’s quillwort in Waterton Lakes National Park: critical habitat description



Bolander’s Quillwort (Isoetes bolanderi) is a species listed on Schedule 1 to the Species at Risk Act as threatened. Bolander’s Quillwort is an aquatic plant that is known to occur at only three sites in Canada; these sites are entirely within Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada. Critical habitat for Bolander’s Quillwort is identified in the Recovery Strategy and Action Plan for Bolander’s Quillwort (Isoetes bolanderi) in Canada.

Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to subsection 58(2) of the Species at Risk Act, critical habitat of Bolander’s Quillwort in Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada is located within the following three sites, save and except any existing anthropogenic features that occur in these areas, such as trails. Critical habitat parcel numbers are based on the unique Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) species identification number for Bolander’s Quillwort (243), and parcel number. All coordinates below refer to the North American Datum of 1983, UTM Zone 11. Further details regarding critical habitat (including maps) can be found in the Recovery Strategy and Action Plan for Bolander’s Quillwort (Isoetes bolanderi) in Canada, posted on the Species at Risk Public Registry Web site.

Within the identified geographical boundaries, the biophysical attributes of critical habitat include the following: open, unshaded areas with cool, relatively wet climates and a short growing season (< 60 days), within the Upper Subalpine Ecoregion and between elevations of 1 950 and 2 100 m; lightly- or un-glaciated upper subalpine ponds (< 2 m deep); high water quality (clear, oligotrophic) that supports little or no vegetation other than Bolander’s Quillwort and that has a pH of approximately 7.3 to 9.1; and moist growing substrate (3 to 14 cm layer of silt and silty-sand on top of coarser sand), likely with a pH of less than 7.3. Critical habitat is identified as the body of water and the adjacent natural landscape approximately 10 m beyond the high water mark within each of the following parcels.

Parcel 243_1 (Summit Lake population)

Being all that parcel of land in the Southeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 1, Range 1, West of the 5th Meridian,

Commencing at a point at Northing 717392 metres and Easting 5432466 metres;

Thence, 30° in a straight line to a point at Northing 717480 metres and Easting 5432619 metres;

Thence, 99° in a straight line to a point at Northing 717588 metres and Easting 5432602 metres;

Thence, 145° in a straight line to a point at Northing 717647 metres and Easting 5432518 metres;

Thence, 186° in a straight line to a point at Northing 717636 metres and Easting 5432416 metres;

Thence, 282° in a straight line to the point of commencement.

Parcel 243_2 (Upper Boundary Creek Pond population)

Being all that parcel of land in the Northeast Quarter of Section 5, Township 1, Range 30, West of the 4th Meridian,

Commencing at a point at Northing 721150 metres and Easting 5432844 metres;

Thence, 118° in a straight line to a point at Northing 721265 metres and Easting 5432784 metres;

Thence, 206° in a straight line to a point at Northing 721231 metres and Easting 5432713 metres;

Thence, 297° in a straight line to a point at Northing 721111 metres and Easting 5432775 metres;

Thence, 30° in a straight line to the point of commencement.

Parcel 243_3 (Lower Boundary Creek Pond population)

Being all that parcel of land in the Northwest, Southwest and Southeast Quarters of Section 5, Township 1, Range 30, West of the 4th Meridian,

Commencing at a point at Northing 721291 metres and Easting 5432978 metres;

Thence, 135° in a straight line to a point at Northing 721384 metres and Easting 5432884 metres;

Thence, 220° in a straight line to a point at Northing 721352 metres and Easting 5432846 metres;

Thence, 309° in a straight line to a point at Northing 721247 metres and Easting 5432931 metres;

Thence, 43° in a straight line to the point of commencement.

February 21, 2011

Waterton Lakes Field Unit


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