Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha): COSEWIC assessment and status report 2018
Official title: COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in Canada 2018
Committee on the status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) 2019
Designatable units in Southern British Columbia
(Part one – Designatable units with no or low levels of artificial releases in the last 12 years)
Third party material
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Table of contents
Designatable unit 2: Lower Fraser, Ocean, Fall population - Threatened
Designatable unit 3: Lower Fraser, Stream, Spring population - Special concern
Designatable unit 4: Lower Fraser, Stream, Summer (Upper Pitt) population - Endangered
Designatable unit 5: Lower Fraser, Stream, Summer population - Threatened
Designatable unit 7: Middle Fraser, Stream, Spring population - Endangered
Designatable unit 8: Middle Fraser, Stream, Fall population - Endangered
Designatable unit 9: Middle Fraser, Stream, Spring (MFR+GStr) population -Threatened
Designatable unit 10: Middle Fraser, Stream, Summer population - Threatened
Designatable unit 11: Upper Fraser, Stream, Spring population - Endangered
Designatable unit 12: South Thompson, Ocean, Summer population - Not at risk
Designatable unit 14: South Thompson, Stream, Summer 1.2 population - Endangered
Designatable unit 16: North Thompson, Stream, Spring population - Endangered
Designatable unit 17: North Thompson, Stream, Summer population - Endangered
Designatable unit 19: East Vancouver Island, Stream, Spring population - Endangered
Designatable unit 27: Southern Mainland, Ocean, Summer population - Data deficient
Designatable unit 28: Southern Mainland, Stream, Summer population - Data deficient
Page details
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