Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) COSEWIC assessment and status report 2014
Official title: COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Caribou Rangifer tarandus in Canada - 2014
Northern Mountain population
Central Mountain population
Northern Mountain population

Northern Mountain population - SPECIAL CONCERN
Southern Mountain population - ENDANGERED
Central Mountain population - ENDANGERED
Table of Contents
- Document Information
- COSEWIC Assessment Summary
- COSEWIC Executive Summary
- Technical Summary - Northern Mountain population
- Technical Summary - Central Mountain population
- Technical Summary - South Mountain population
- Preface
- Wildlife Species Description and Significance
- Distribution
- Habitat
- Biology
- Population Sizes and Trends
- Threats And Limiting Factors
- Predation (IUCN Threat #8.2: Problematic native species)
- Industrial activities (IUCN Threats #3.1 [Oil and gas drilling], 3.2 [Mining and quarrying], 3.3 [Renewable energy], and 5.3 Logging and wood harvesting])
- Roads and Linear Features (IUCN Threat # 4.1 [Roads and railways] and 4.2 [Utility and service lines]
- Recreational Activities (IUCN Threat 6.1 [Recreational activities]
- Natural Disturbances (IUCN Threat #7.1 [Fire and fire suppression], 7.3 [Other ecosystem modifications], 10.3 [Avalanches and Landslides])
- Parasites and Diseases (IUCN Threat # 8.1 [Invasive non-native alien species])
- Climate Change and Severe Weather (IUCN Threat # 11.1 [Habitat shifting and alteration] and 11.4 [Storms and flooding])
- Overhunting (IUCN Threat #5.1 [Hunting and collecting terrestrial animals])
- Contaminants
- Geography of Threats within Each DU2
- Number of Locations
- Protection, Status, and Ranks
- Acknowledgements and Authorities Contacted
- Information Sources
- Biographical Summary of Report Writer(s)
- Collections Examined
List of Figures
- Figure 1. Photo of Central Mountain caribou, Kennedy Siding subpopulation, courtesy of Elena Jones.
- Figure 2. Caribou subpopulations in the Northern Mountain DU(7), Central Mountain DU(8) and Southern Mountain DU(9). The border between COSEWIC's Northern and Southern Mountain National Ecological Areas depicts the COSEWIC (2002) Northern and Southern Mountain Population boundaries. Map created by Bonnie Fournier (Environment and Natural Resources, Government of the Northwest Territories, 2013).
- Figure 3. Approximate historic and current ranges of caribou in the mountain DUs of western Canada. Map created by Bonnie Fournier (Environment and Natural Resources, Government of the Northwest Territories, 2013.)
List of Tables
- Table 1. Trends and numbers of mature individuals within the past 3 generations in subpopulations in the Northern Mountain DU 9 (see subpopulation survey estimates compiled in Appendix 2.)
- Table 2. Frequency distribution of long-term and recent trends for caribou subpopulations in the Northern Mountain, Central Mountain and Southern Mountain Designatable Unit (DUs) in 2013.
- Table 3. Late winter calf recruitment for subpopulations with data in the Northern Mountain DU(7).
- Table 4. Percent change in number of mature individuals within the past 3 generations and 2 generations in the Central Mountain DU (see Appendix 3 for details on survey information).
- Table 5. Percent change in number of mature individuals within the past 3 generations and 2 generations in the Southern Mountain DU (see Appendix 4 for details on survey information).
List of Appendices
- Appendix 1. Reported survival rate data for subpopulations of caribou within the the Northern Mountain DU (DU7), Central Mountain DU (DU8) and Southern Mountain DU (DU9) for calculation of generation length.
- Appendix 2a. Estimates of total numbers and number of mature individuals for subpopulations in Northern Mountain DU (DU7) based on surveys conducted within the last 3 generations (27 years).
- Appendix 2b. Estimates of total numbers and number of mature individuals for subpopulations in Northern Mountain DU (DU7) based on the most recent survey/ estimate.
- Appendix 2c. Source documents for survey data in Appendix 2a and 2b.
- Appendix 3a. Estimates of total numbers and number of mature individuals for subpopulations in Central Mountain DU (DU8) based on surveys conducted 3 generations ago and 2 generations ago .
- Appendix 3b. Estimates of total numbers and number of mature individuals for subpopulations in Central Mountain DU (DU8) based on the most recent survey..
- Appendix 3c. Source documents for survey data in the Central Mountain DU (DU8), Appendix 3a and 3b..
- Appendix 4a. Estimates of total numbers and number of mature individuals for subpopulations in Southern Mountain DU (DU9) based on surveys conducted 3 generations ago and 2 generations ago.
- Appendix 4b. Table summarizing estimates of total numbers of caribou and numbers of mature individuals for caribou subpopulations in Southern Mountain designatable unit, based on the most recent survey.
- Appendix 4c. Source documents for survey data in the Southern Mountain DU (DU9), Appendix 4a and 4b.
- Appendix 5. Threats calculator results for Northern Mountain Caribou DU (DU7).
- Appendix 5a. Northern Mountain Caribou DU (DU7) Level 1 Treats calculator Guide.
- Appendix 5b. Northern Mountain Caribou DU (DU7) Level 1 Treats calculator Matrix.
- Appendix 6. Threats calculator results for Central Mountain Caribou DU (DU8).
- Appendix 6a. Central Mountain Caribou DU (DU8 Level 1 Treats calculator Guide.
- Appendix 6b. Central Mountain Caribou DU (DU8) Level 1 Treats calculator Matrix.
- Appendix 7. Threats calculator results for Southern Mountain Caribou DU (DU9).
- Appendix 7a. Southern Mountain Caribou DU (DU9) Level 1 Treats calculator Guide.
- Appendix 7b. Southern Mountain Caribou DU (DU9) Level 1 Treats calculator Matrix.
Page details
- Date modified: