Species at Risk Act management scenarios summary for the Little Teslin whitefish species pair
This document provides a summary of the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Management Scenarios for the potential listing of European Whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus), Little Teslin Lake small-bodied population, and Lake Whitefish (C. clupeaformis), Little Teslin Lake large-bodied population (herein referred to as the Little Teslin whitefish species pair), as threatened under the Species at Risk Act (SARA). The “Do Not List” (DNL) scenario outlines measures that could be implemented if the Little Teslin whitefish species pair is declined for listing. The “List” scenario outlines legislative requirements and other measures to be implemented if the species is listed as threatened under SARA.
These scenarios are used as part of the advice to support decision-making by the Governor in Council. Confirmation of specific actions will follow the listing decision. DFO is unable to commit to specific actions on behalf of other federal agencies, the Government of Yukon, Indigenous partners, or stakeholders. Protections under the Fisheries Act remain in place regardless of the listing decision.
Activity | Do not list | List |
SARA general prohibitions |
No measures would be implemented under SARA |
SARA recovery planning |
No measures would be implemented under SARA |
Grants and Contributions Funding and Memoranda of Understanding |
SARA-related grants and contributions eligibility is limited to the Habitat Stewardship Program (HSP) and the Aboriginal Fund for Species at Risk (AFSAR). Species declined for listing are at substantially lower priority for AFSAR and HSP funding than listed species or species under consideration for listing. Ineligible for the Canada Nature Fund for Aquatic Species at Risk and Canada-Yukon Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) funding |
Habitat protection |
No measures would be implemented under SARA Habitat protections under the Fisheries Act remain in place |
Fisheries management |
No measures would be implemented under SARA Ongoing management under the Fisheries Act and Aquatic Invasive Species Regulations |
Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) management |
No measures would be implemented under SARA |
Research and monitoring |
No specific incremental research and monitoring activities are expected under DNL |
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