Spotlight on science

Science is at the heart of everything we do at Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). Take a moment to learn about our scientists and their extraordinary projects. These scientists work for communities and citizens, helping us all to better understand our world in order to determine our future.

Profile of Alexa Alexander-Trusiak

Indigenous recruitment and retention June 2024

Alexa Alexander-Trusiak

A research scientist in the Hydrology and Watershed Ecology Research Division, Alexa Alexander-Trusiack was the first manager of ECCC's Indigenous Sciences Division. Discover her passion for attracting Indigenous youth to university programs and facilitating work opportunities.

Profile of Bronwyn Harkness

Informing and mobilizing: essential actions in science May 2024

Bronwyn Harkness

Bronwyn fell in love with birds at the age of eleven, on a family camping trip. Although she did not know whether she would ever be able to make a living from it, science was beginning to play a significant role in her life. A decade later, science was at the heart of her academic activities. She officially joined ECCC in 2018 and is currently the coordinator of the science end-user engagement portion of the Genomic Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change (GenARCC) project.

Profile of Mark Drever, PhD

A story that must be told March 2024

Mark Drever

Mark Drever has been passionate about environmental science since he was young. An expert in data analysis, his work philosophy is based on three pillars: safety, research, and fun. It is with this philosophy in mind that he reveals what he calls “the story that must be told”—a moment he experienced on the job that he thinks conveys how urgent and important it is to protect the biodiversity of our environment.

Profile of Sonia Laforest

Shoring up expertise Feburary 2024

Sonia Laforest grew up on shorelines and knew that was where she wanted to focus her work. She has been a shoreline treatment expert with Environment and Climate Change Canada for over 20 years and is now building a Shoreline Unit, sharing knowledge to protect Canada’s shorelines for years to come.

Profile of Kim Rattan

Federal Open Science Repository of Canada January 2024

Discover the world of Kim Rattan, Science Program Coordinator. She talks about the new Federal Open Science Repository of Canada (FOSRC), which is free and available to all.

Profile of Elisabeth Galarneau

A career devoted to air quality for the health of Canadians December 2023

What motivates Elisabeth Galarneau, air quality research scientist at ECCC, is to go beyond the status quo. This allows us to reorient our mindsets and open up to more integrated approaches. That’s why her scientific project is larger than life.

Profile of Ana María González Prieto

Wonder and curiosity are the keys to success in science November 2023

Ana González is easily carried away by the beauty she sees everywhere, from her garden to the Amazon rainforest. An ecologist for over 15 years, she has studied bird life from one America to another. A passionate conservationist and coffee enthusiast, she's constantly on the lookout for answers about bird migration.

Profile of Yves Lamontagne

When nature beckons at work too October 2023

Yves Lamontagne is Regional Coordinator for the Shellfish Water Classification Program. A native of Quebec City and a geographer by training, you'll discover a passionate man who has been able to integrate his passion into his work.

Profile of Greg Mitchell

A passion for conservation September 2023

Greg Mitchell is one of those people involved in several projects. We managed to catch up with this researcher at the Wildlife Research Division of ECCC's Science and Technology Branch, where he shared with us his passions, his motivations, and his philosophy on work.

Profile of Magali Houde

Education at the heart of a better future July 2023

Magali Houde is a specialist in ecotoxicology and her primary interest is to study the impact of human activities on our environment and the fauna that inhabits it. She talks about her experience, with young and old, which she describes as very positive and without obstacles, since she hopes to be able to inspire others.

Profile of Gavin Woodburn

Clam gardens that bring people together June 2023

Gavin Woodburn wishes to pass on the following to future generations: “Learn from your elders and your mentors”. This statement represents the essence of the meeting with this student from the Indigenous Science Division, himself from the First Nations, the Kwiaka Nation.

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