Timeline for the toluene diisocyanates notice

If you are subject to the notice, the diagram below provides information on the mandatory deadlines to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan and to submit reports to the Government of Canada. It also provides information on the different sampling periods.

Figure 1: Timeline
Figure 1: Description

The image represents a timeline pointing from left to right, from year 2018 to year 2022 covering the period to prepare and implement the pollution prevention (P2) plan.

Texts are placed above the timeline at specific moments outlining the sequence of important events as follows:

  • Publication of final P2 planning notice: the publication of the final P2 planning notice in the Canada Gazette occurs on February 16, 2019
  • Deadline to prepare P2 plan: 12 months after becoming subject to the notice
    • if you became subject to the notice when it was published, the deadline is February 16, 2020
  • Declaration of preparation: a declaration of preparation is to be submitted to Environment and Climate Change Canada no more than 30 days after the deadline to prepare a P2 plan
    • if you became subject to the notice when it was published, the deadline is March 17, 2020
    • the declaration contains information and data with respect to the preparation year, which is 2018 (from January 1 to December 31)
  • Deadline to implement P2 plan: 36 months after becoming subject to the notice
    • if you became subject to the Notice when it was published, the deadline is February 16, 2022
  • Declaration of implementation: a declaration of implementation is to be submitted to Environment and Climate Change Canada no more than 30 days after the deadline to implement a P2 plan
    • if you became subject to the notice when it was published, the deadline is March 18, 2022
    • the declaration contains information and data with respect to the implementation year, which is 2021 (from January 1 to December 31)

Related information

Contact us

Chemical Products Division
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Place Vincent Massey, 19 Floor
351 St-Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau QC K1A 0H3

Fax: 819-938-4218
Email: ec.pgpc-dppc-cmp-cpd.ec@canada.ca

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