Oil sands monitoring documents and reports

Key documents

Annual reports, work plans and implementation plans

Science and Monitoring Strategic Plan 2024-2029

Executive Summary

The Oil Sands Monitoring (OSM) Program is co-managed by the governments of Canada and Alberta, together with Indigenous communities and industry. The Program seeks to enhance understanding of the effects of oil sands development activities through ambient environmental monitoring in the oil sands region.

The development of the first Science and Monitoring Plan 2024-29 (the Strategic Plan) is an important milestone for the Program. The Stratgeic Plan was developed and approved through consensus within the Oversight Committee of the OSM Program, representing Indigenous communities, industry and government.

The four broad program strategic priorities include:

• Moving to an integrated, risk-based adaptive monitoring and evaluation program that reflects diverse knowledge systems and informs decision making,

• Ensuring that OSM Program data and information is accurate, timely, relevant and accessible,

• Improving program reporting, knowledge synthesis and communication to OSM members, decision-makers and the public, and;

• Enhancing program governance effectiveness and efficiency for program delivery and reinforcing a strong multi-stakeholder planning and decision-making process.

The Strategic Plan will provide high-level direction and program expectations for the development and implementation of the annual Ambient Monitoring Work Plan, which includes monitoring of air, water, wetlands, biodiversity and Indigenous Community-based Monitoring.

Annual Reports

Technical report series

Integrated oil sands environment monitoring plan

Federal advisory panel report

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