Mississippi Lake National Wildlife Area Management Plan: chapter 6
6. Authorizations and prohibitions
To protect and conserve wildlife and their habitat, human activities are minimized and controlled in National Wildlife Areas (NWAs) through the implementation of the Canada Wildlife Act and Wildlife Area Regulations. These regulations set out activities that are prohibited [subsection 3(1)] in the wildlife area and provide mechanisms for the Minister of the Environment to authorize certain activities to take place in NWAs that are otherwise considered prohibited. The regulations also provide the authority for the Minister to prohibit entry into NWAs.
All activities in an NWA are prohibited unless a notice has been posted or published authorizing the activity to take place. Activities within an NWA are authorized where notices or signs have been posted at the entrance to or along the boundaries of the NWA or when notices have been published in local newspapers. However, in addition to notices, certain activities may be authorized by obtaining a permit from the Minister of the Environment.
6.1 Prohibition of Entry
Under the Wildlife Area Regulations, the Minister may publish a notice in a local newspaper or post notices at the entrance of any wildlife area or on the boundary of any part thereof prohibiting entry to any wildlife area or part thereof. These notices can be posted when the Minister is of the opinion that entry is a public health and safety concern or when entry may disturb wildlife and their habitat.
Public entry to McIntyre Creek and McEwen Bay within Mississippi Lake NWA is prohibited between September 15 and December 15 each year. Public access is restricted at this time to reduce and limit disturbance to migratory birds.
Note: During September 15 to December 15, public entry to the NWA waters is permitted only from the boat launch on McIntyre Creek for the purpose of accessing Mississippi Lake (outside of the NWA). No other water access is allowed to the NWA.
Periodic visits by Environment Canada staff, particularly during periods of high use, will occur, and enforcement actions will be taken when required.
Note: If there is a discrepancy between the information presented in this document and the notice, the notice prevails as it is the legal instrument prohibiting entry.
6.2 Authorized activities
For Mississippi Lake NWA, an NWA identification sign and the notice authorizing activities is posted at the NWA entrance on Drummond Concession 9A.
Access and recreational activities are restricted in the Mississippi Lake NWA because a key conservation purpose is to provide undisturbed staging habitat for migratory waterfowl.
Authorized activities in designated areas and special restrictions: The following public access and authorized activities are allowed in designated areas within the Mississippi Lake NWA and MBS between sunrise and sunset daily and do not require a permit:
- Entering the NWA via the boat launch on McIntyre Creek or at the entrance via the public parking lot and designated trail at the NWA entrance on Drummond Concession 9A
- Entering the NWA via the unopened road allowance at the eastern terminus of Drummond Concession 10B by foot only (i.e., access by motorized vehicles [snowmobile, all-terrain vehicle, car] or bicycles is prohibited)
- Access to public boat launch on McIntyre Creek
- Parking within the designated parking lot
- Hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, wildlife viewing and photography (on designated trail and road)
- Picnicking (no open fires nor charcoal barbecue)
- Recreational boating (maximum speed eight kilometres per hour) and sport fishing (no lead sinkers) in the NWA between December 16 and September 14.
Recreational boating and sport fishing in McIntyre Creek and McEwen Bay is prohibited September 15 through December 15, except to directly access Mississippi Lake (outside the NWA), from the NWA boat launch on McIntyre Creek.
Overnight camping, open fires and use of vehicles off-road are prohibited at all times.
Hunting is prohibited within the boundary of the NWA at all times in accordance with the Canada Wildlife Act and Wildlife Area Regulations, and within the Migratory Bird Sanctuary (MBS) under the Migratory Bird Sanctuary Regulations.
Note: If there is a discrepancy between the information presented in this document and the notice, the notice prevails as it is the legal instrument authorizing the activity.
6.3 Authorizations
Permits and notices authorizing an activity may be issued only if the Minister is of the opinion that the activity is scientific research relating to wildlife or habitat conservation; or the activity benefits the wildlife and their habitats or will contribute to wildlife conservation; or the activity is otherwise consistent with the criteria and purpose for which the NWA was established as stated in this management plan. One of these conditions must be met before the Minister will consider authorizing a prohibited activity.
Permits are issued under the Wildlife Area Regulations of the Canada Wildlife Act. All requests to Environment Canada Canadian Wildlife Service (EC-CWS) for Canada Wildlife Act permits for Mississippi Lake NWA must be made in writing at least seven weeks prior to the date of requirement. Permit requests will be denied if in the opinion of the management authority the proposed activity is not in the best interest of the protected area. Refer to Appendix 2 for conditions of research permits in Mississippi Lake NWA.
The Minister may also add terms and conditions to permits to protect and minimize the effects of an activity on wildlife and wildlife habitat. A permit request may be denied or a permit may be revoked if the terms and conditions are not met.
To request a permit or to obtain information, please contact:
Environment Canada, Canadian Wildlife ServiceOntario Region
867 Lakeshore Road
Burlington ON L7R 4A6
Tel.: 905-336-4464
Fax: 905-336-4587
Email: wildlife.ontario@ec.gc.ca
6.4 Exceptions
The following activities will be exempt from the requirements for permitting and authorizations under the Wildlife Area Regulations:
- Activities related to public safety, health or national security that are authorized by or under another Act of Parliament or activities that are authorized under Health of Animals Act and the Plant Protection Act to protect the health of animals and plants;
- Activities related to routine maintenance of NWAs, to the implementation of management plans, and enforcement activities conducted by an officer or employee of Environment Canada.
For Mississippi Lake NWA, exceptions to the prohibited activities include, but are not limited to:
- Research, surveys and monitoring of species and habitat
- Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority operations and activities relating to maintenance and management of water levels in Mississippi Lake (i.e., McEwen Bay)
- Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources operations and biological research, monitoring and surveys
- Furbearer trapping by licensed trappers (provincial permits and "seasons" apply).
- Upland management activities (i.e., planting cover crops to conserve soil and reduce erosion, herbicide application and weed control)
These activities are administered through permits and collaborative arrangements.
For further information, please consult the Policy when Considering Permitting or Authorizing Prohibited Activities in Protected Areas Designated under the Canada Wildlife Act and Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 (December, 2011) (Environment Canada, 2011). This policy document is available on the Protected Areas website.
6.5 Other federal and provincial authorizations
Depending on the type of activity, other federal or provincial permits and/or authorizations may be required to undertake an activity in the Mississippi Lake NWA, MBS, or adjacent lands and waters. It is the responsibility of permit applicants to obtain all additional permits, authorizations and protocols as required by federal legislation (For example, Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994, Migratory Birds Regulations, Migratory Bird Sanctuary Regulations, Species at Risk Act, Fisheries Act), provincial legislation (For example, Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, Endangered Species Act, 2007), Animal Care Committee protocols and landowners (For example, permission to access private land), prior to commencement of the activity (refer to Appendix 1 for a partial list of legislation).
For example, Species at Risk Act permits may be required for activities affecting species at risk, their residences and/or any part of its critical habitat.
Note: Provincial and federal permits and "seasons" apply to fishing and hunting.
Contact federal and provincial permitting offices for more information.
Canada Wildlife Act, Wildlife Area Regulations,Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994,and Species at Risk Act:
Environment CanadaCanadian Wildlife Service
Ontario Region
867 Lakeshore Road
Burlington ON L7R 4A6
Tel.: 905-336-4464
Fax: 905-336-4587
Email: wildlife.ontario@ec.gc.ca
Fisheries Act and Species at Risk Act:
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Central and Arctic Region (Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario)
Freshwater Institute
501 University Cr.
Winnipeg MB R3T 2N6
Tel.: 204-983-4438
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources300 Water Street, P.O. Box 7000
Peterborough ON K9J 8M5
Tel.: 1-800-667-1940
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