Spiers Lake National Wildlife Area pamphlet

What makes Spiers Lake NWA so special?
Situated in a transitional zone between aspen parkland and prairie grassland, Spiers Lake National Wildlife Area (NWA) supports a small but important example of plains rough fescue grassland in Canada.
The 64.7-hectare parcel in south-central Alberta was designated aN NWA in 1982 in order to protect this rare ecosystem.

Spiers Lake NWA is also:
- home to three provincially rare plant species: Marsh Alkali Aster, Marsh Felwort and Pale Blue-eyed Grass;
- an important historic breeding site for the endangered Piping Plover;
- a refuge for shorebirds such as the American Avocet, Willet and Marbled Godwit, and for prairie songbirds like the Western Meadowlark, Savannah Sparrow and Vesper Sparrow.

What are Environment and Climate Change Canada Protected Areas?
Environment and Climate Change Canada establishes marine and terrestrial NWAs for the purposes of conservation, research and interpretation. NWAs are established to protect migratory birds, species at risk, and other wildlife and their habitats. NWAs are established under the authority of the Canada Wildlife Act and are, first and foremost, places for wildlife.
Migratory Bird Sanctuaries (MBSs) are established under the authority of the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994, and provide a refuge for migratory birds in the marine and terrestrial environments. The current Protected Areas Network consists of 54 NWAs and 92 MBSs comprising more than 12 million hectares across Canada.

What can I do at Spiers Lake NWA?
To protect the species and their habitats at Spiers Lake NWA, disturbance from humans is avoided. All activities within the NWA are prohibited without a permit. For a complete list of NWAs, including those you can visit, please see our website.

Long description of the map
Location of the NWA on an illustrated map of Canada. The NWA location is indicated by a general annotation in the province of Alberta.
Who can I contact?
Environment and Climate Change Canada - Prairie and Northern RegionCanadian Wildlife Service
9250 - 49th Street
Edmonton, Alberta T6B 1K5
Email: ec.enviroinfo.ec@canada.ca
Protected Area web site

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