National Pollutant Release Inventory Map
How to navigate the map
This map can be navigated using a mouse or a keyboard. Using a mouse, navigate as you would on a regular webpage. For the keyboard there are webpage-specific shortcuts to access all map features. For more information, please consult the shortcut section at the bottom of this page.
For the fully accessible NPRI dataset, please visit the NPRI Query Site.
Map of National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) facilities
Keyboard shortcuts in Power BI
Keyboard shortcuts
- Show Keyboard shortcuts: Shift + Question mark (?)
Across the product
- Move focus between sections: Ctrl + F6
- Move focus forward in section: Tab
- Move focus backward in section: Shift + Tab
Pane navigation
- Multi-select: Ctrl + Space
- Collapse a single table: Left arrow
- Expand a single table: Right arrow
- Collapse all tables: Alt + Shift +1
- Expand all tables: Alt + Shit + 9
- Open a context menu: Windows context key or Shift + F10
On visual
- Move focus to visual menu: Alt + Shift + F10
- Show as table: Alt + Shift + F11
- Enter a visual: Ctrl + Right arrow
- Enter a layer: Enter
- Exit a layer or visual: Esc
- Select or unselect data point: Enter or Space
- Multi-select: Ctrl + Enter or Ctrl + Space
- Right Click: Windows context key or Shift + F10
- Show or hide data point tooltip: Ctrl + H
- Clear selection: Ctrl + Shift + C
Slicer accessibility
- Slicer control: Ctrl + Right arrow
Page details
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