National Pollutant Release Inventory Dashboard

How to navigate the dashboard

This dashboard can be navigated using a mouse or a keyboard. For mouse users, you can navigate as you would a regular webpage. More information on how to access features using a keyboard only is available in the shortcut section at the bottom of this page.

Dashboard on National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI)

Keyboard shortcuts in Power BI

Keyboard shortcuts

  • Show Keyboard shortcuts: Shift + Question mark (?)

Across the product

  • Move focus between sections: Ctrl + F6
  • Move focus forward in section: Tab
  • Move focus backward in section: Shift + Tab

Pane navigation

  • Multi-select: Ctrl + Space
  • Collapse a single table: Left arrow
  • Expand a single table: Right arrow
  • Collapse all tables: Alt + Shift +1
  • Expand all tables: Alt + Shit + 9
  • Open a context menu: Windows context key or Shift + F10

On visual

  • Move focus to visual menu: Alt + Shift + F10
  • Show as table: Alt + Shift + F11
  • Enter a visual: Ctrl + Right arrow
  • Enter a layer: Enter
  • Exit a layer or visual: Esc
  • Select or unselect data point: Enter or Space
  • Multi-select: Ctrl + Enter or Ctrl + Space
  • Right Click: Windows context key or Shift + F10
  • Show or hide data point tooltip: Ctrl + H
  • Clear selection: Ctrl + Shift + C

Slicer accessibility

  • Slicer control: Ctrl + Right arrow

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