Scientific permits: permit report form

Important: Please consult the instructions (Scientific Permit Report Form Instructions) when filling out this form. Your renewal request (if applicable) may be delayed or denied if your report is incomplete.

Part 1 - Permit and permit holder

1.1  Name and permit number

Name of permit holder: [textbox]

Name of master permit holder or responsible individual for the station permit (if applicable): [textbox]

Scientific permit number:
[checkbox] Scientific permit
[checkbox] Scientific Banding permit

1.2  Permit status for Scientific Banding permits [checkbox] not applicable

[checkbox] I am currently not banding but I wish to keep my Scientific Banding permit active. Please justify:
[checkbox] I wish to inactivate my Scientific Banding permit and will return all outstanding data and bands on the date indicated on my permit.
[checkbox] I wish to renew my Scientific Banding permit without modifications.
[checkbox] I wish to renew my Scientific Banding permit with modifications to an existing project.
[checkbox] I wish to renew my Scientific Banding permit and will be submitting (a) new project(s) this year.

Estimated field season dates for the following year (yyyy/mm/dd): [textbox]

1.3 Permit status for Scientific permits other than banding

[checkbox] The project has been completed. This will be a final report.

[checkbox] I wish to renew my Scientific permit without modifications.

[checkbox] I wish to renew my Scientific permit with modifications to an existing project. Please see the Renewal Form.

[checkbox] I wish to renew my Scientific permit and will be submitting (a) new project(s) this year.

[checkbox] I do not wish to renew my Scientific permit.

Part 2 - Reporting on activities

2.1  Data reporting for Scientific Banding permits [checkbox] not applicable

[checkbox] My banding data for the current year ( [textbox] yyyy), outstanding data from previous years and all requested data due to a band encounter have been submitted.

2.2  Band inventory for Scientific Banding permits [checkbox] not applicable

[checkbox] I have reviewed my band inventory and it is accurate (with the exception of recently used bands)

[checkbox] I have recently returned bands to the BBO, which are still showing in my inventory

[checkbox] I have reviewed my band inventory and there were some discrepancies. I have attached my corrected inventory

[checkbox] I have attached my current inventory of coded auxiliary markers (if applicable).

2.3 Injuries and mortalities for Scientific Banding permits [checkbox] not applicable

Please indicate the number of birds that were injured, killed or euthanized as a result of your banding operations, indicating the causes.

Number injured
Number killed
Number euthanized
Predation [empty cell]
Equipment [empty cell]
Human error [empty cell]
Other. Please specify: [textbox]

What actions are you taking to prevent future injuries or mortalities? [textbox]

Please indicate what you did with any dead birds resulting from banding operations (tick all that apply):

[checkbox] Disposed of in a sanitary manner.

[checkbox] Salvaged for the purpose of donating them to a permitted public, scientific or educational institution. Please provide the name and address of the institution:

[checkbox] Sent for necropsy. Please provide the name and address of the institution:

[checkbox] Used for other purposes. Please specify: [textbox]

2.4 Report for Scientific permit for Non-Banding Scientific purposes [checkbox] not applicable

Date of activity (yyyy-mm-dd) [empty cell]

Location (address, city, or coordinates where the activities were conducted) [empty cell]

Activity conducted (capture, take, kill, sample, etc.) [empty cell]

Species (common and scientific name, and write “SAR” if it’s a species at risk) [empty cell]

Specimen type (live bird, carcass or part thereof, eggs, nests) [empty cell]

Number (taken or sampled) [empty cell]

Describe the final disposition of the birds, eggs and/or nests
(disposed of, released, accidental death, transferred to another permit holder (provide details in Part 3), etc.) [empty cell]

Please include any other relevant information that does not fit within the table above: [textbox]

Non-target species (list the species and explain any effects, accidental deaths, injury, euthanasia): [textbox]

Preliminary results (optional) : [textbox]

Feedback (please include any information on challenges, problems with methodologies, changes to protocols, unforeseen negative effects of the activities and/or the efficacy of the procedures carried out): [textbox]

2.5 Report for Scientific permit for Rehabilitation purposes[checkbox] Spreadsheet attached [checkbox] not applicable

Date of activity (yyyy-mm-dd) [empty cell]

Location (address, city, or coordinateswhere the activities were conducted) [empty cell]

Activity conducted (capture, take, kill, sample, etc.) [empty cell]

Species (common and scientific name, and write “SAR” if it’s a species at risk) [empty cell]

Number (birds, eggs and nests taken) [empty cell]

Date of final disposition (yyyy-mm-dd) [empty cell]

Location of final disposition (address or coordinates) [empty cell]

Describe the final disposition of the birds,
(disposed of, released, accidental death, euthanized, transferred to another permit holder (provide details in Part 3)) [empty cell]

Please include any other relevant information that does not fit within the chart above: [textbox]

Feedback (please include any information on challenges, problems with methodologies, changes to protocols, unforeseen negative effects of the activities and/or the efficacy of the procedures carried out): [textbox]

2.6 Report for Scientific permit for Education purposes [checkbox] not applicable

[checkbox] Live migratory birds
[checkbox] Non-living bird specimens

[checkbox] For non-living bird specimens, there have been no changes to the collection from the previous report. Include the date that the report for the last year was submitted: (yyyy-mm-dd): [textbox]

Date migratory bird specimen was acquired (yyyy-mm-dd) [empty cell]

Permit number and name (of the permit holder the bird was received from ( If applicable). [empty cell]

Activity conducted (capture, possession, kill, sample, etc.) [empty cell]

Species (common and scientific name, and write “SAR” if it’s a species at risk) [empty cell]

Specimen Type (live bird, carcass or part thereof, eggs, nests) [empty cell]

Describe the final disposition of the birds, (disposed of, released, accidental death, transferred to another permit holder (provide details in Part 3)) [empty cell]

Feedback (include any information on challenges, problems with methodologies, changes to protocols): [textbox]

Part 3 - Exchange, give or have possession of birds, eggs, or nest - S.75(2)(e)

Name [empty cell]

Organization [empty cell]

Permit number [empty cell]

Species [empty cell]

Indicate giving or receiving [empty cell]

Part 4 - Project report

Please fill in one of the below template for each project for which you are the lead permittee or principal investigator. Please add rows where necessary or attach additional information.

Project report

Permit number: [textbox]

Name of principal investigator (if different from permit holder): [textbox]

Project name: [textbox]

Do you have Animal Care Committee approval for this project?[checkbox] Yes.[checkbox] No.  If yes, provide the expiry date:

[checkbox] AUP attached
[checkbox] ACC approval attached (see instructions for when to submit your AUP and/or ACC approval)

Provide or attach a brief project summary and brief report on the work that has been done (see instructions for section requirements): [textbox]

Describe any issues you experienced with the auxiliary markers, biological sampling or veterinary procedures used for this project. Please provide any comments you may have on the effectiveness of the marker or technique, level of training required, welfare issues, etc.: [textbox]

List recent or notable publications resulting from this project: [textbox]

Were the project objectives met?[checkbox] Yes.[checkbox] No.[checkbox] In part.  If no or in part, why not? [textbox]

Additional comments: [textbox]

If you are reporting on more than one project, please copy and paste Part 4 - Project Report as many times as required.

Part 5 - Signature of permit holder

An unsigned document cannot be processed and will be returned.

I hereby certify that all information provided is accurate, and that I understand that my permit may be suspended or cancelled at any time if I fail to comply with any of the conditions set out in the permit.

Signature of permit holder: [textbox]
Date: [textbox]

Page details

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