Bird Conservation Strategy for region 7 in Newfoundland and Labrador and marine unit 10: priority species

Bird Conservation Strategy for Bird Conservation Region 7 and Marine Biogeographic Unit 10 in Newfoundland and Labrador : Taiga Shield and Hudson Plains and Newfoundland-Labrador Shelves


Bird Conservation Region (BCR)
Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC)
Eastern Habitat Joint Venture (EHJV)
Marine Biogeographic Unit (MBU)
Newfoundland-Labrador (NL)
North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP)
Special Concern (SC)
Species at Risk Registry (SARA)
Threatened (TH)
Vulnerable (VU)

Table 1. Priority bird species in BCR 7 NL and MBU 10 NL, population objective, and the reason for priority status.
BCR 7 NL MBU 10 NL Priority Species Bird Group Population ObjectiveTable 1,Footnote1 SARATable 1,Footnote2 COSEWICTable 1, Footnote3 Provincial ListingTable 1,Footnote4 National/
Continental Concern
Continental Stewardship
Subregional Concern
Subregional Stewardship
WaterfowlTable 1, Footnote5 Expert ReviewTable1, Footnote6
Y - American Three-toed Woodpecker Landbirds Maintain current - - - - - - Yes - -
Y - Black-backed Woodpecker Landbirds Maintain current - - - - Yes - Yes - -
Y - Boreal Chickadee Landbirds Maintain current - - - - Yes - - - -
Y - Common Nighthawk Landbirds Assess/MaintainTable 1, Footnote TH TH TH Yes - - - - -
Y - Gray Jay Landbirds Maintain current - - - - Yes - - - -
Y - Gray-cheeked Thrush Landbirds Assess/Maintain - - VU - - - - - -
Y - Gyrfalcon Landbirds Maintain current - - - - Yes - Yes - -
Y - Merlin Landbirds Maintain current - - - - - - Yes - -
Y - Northern Hawk Owl Landbirds Maintain current - - - - - - Yes - -
Y - Northern Shrike Landbirds Maintain current - - - - Yes - Yes - -
Y - Olive-sided Flycatcher Landbirds Assess/MaintainTable 1, Footnote TH TH TH Yes - - - - -
Y - Palm Warbler Landbirds Maintain current - - - Yes Yes - Yes - -
Y - Peregrine Falcon (anatum/tundrius) Landbirds Assess/MaintainTable 1, Footnote SC SC VU - Yes - - - -
Y - Pine Grosbeak Landbirds Maintain current - - - Yes Yes - Yes - -
Y - Rough-legged Hawk Landbirds Maintain current - - - - Yes - Yes - -
Y - Rusty Blackbird Landbirds Maintain currentTable 1, Footnote SC SC VU Yes - - Yes - -
Y - Short-eared Owl Landbirds Assess/MaintainTable 1, Footnote SC SC VU Yes - - Yes - -
- Y Snowy Owl Landbirds Maintain current - - - - Yes - - - -
Y - Swamp Sparrow Landbirds Maintain current - - - Yes Yes - Yes - -
Y - American Golden-Plover Shorebirds Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - Yes - -
Y - Least SandpiperTable1, Footnote7 Shorebirds Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - - - -
- Y Lesser Yellowlegs Shorebirds Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - - - -
- Y Piping Plover (melodus) Shorebirds Recovery objective EN EN EN Yes - - - - -
- Y Purple Sandpiper Shorebirds Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - - - -
- Y Red Knot (rufa) Shorebirds Assess/MaintainTable 1, Footnote EN EN EN Yes - - - - -
- Y Sanderling Shorebirds Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - - - -
Y - Semipalmated Sandpiper Shorebirds Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - Yes - -
Y Y Solitary SandpiperTable 1, Footnote7 Shorebirds Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - - - -
Y Y Whimbrel Shorebirds Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - Yes - -
- Y White-rumped Sandpiper Shorebirds Maintain current - - - - - - - - Added
Y - Wilson's Snipe Shorebirds Assess/Maintain - - - - - - Yes - -
- Y Atlantic Puffin Waterbirds Maintain current - - - - - - - - Added
- Y Black-legged Kittiwake Waterbirds Maintain current - - - - Yes - Yes - Added
Y Y Common Loon Waterbirds Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - Yes - -
- Y Common Murre Waterbirds Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - - - -
Y Y Common Tern Waterbirds Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - - - -
- Y Cory's Shearwater Waterbirds Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - - - -
- Y Dovekie Waterbirds Assess/Maintain - - - - - Yes - - -
- Y Great Shearwater Waterbirds Assess/Maintain - - - - - Yes - - -
- Y Great Skua Waterbirds Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - - - -
- Y Ivory Gull Waterbirds Recovery objective EN EN EN Yes - - - - -
- Y Leach's Storm-Petrel Waterbirds Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - Yes - - -
- Y Manx Shearwater Waterbirds Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - - - -
- Y Northern Gannet Waterbirds Maintain current - - - - Yes - Yes - -
- Y Razorbill Waterbirds Assess/Maintain - - - - - Yes - - -
- Y Red-necked Grebe Waterbirds Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - Yes - - -
Y Y Red-throated Loon Waterbirds Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - - - -
- Y Sooty Shearwater Waterbirds Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - - - -
- Y Thick-billed Murre Waterbirds Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - - - -
Y Y American Black Duck Waterfowl Maintain current - - - Yes - - - EHJV, NAWMP -
- Y Barrow's Goldeneye (Eastern)Table 1,Footnote8 Waterfowl Assess/MaintainTable 1, Footnote SC SC VU Yes - - - EHJV, NAWMP -
Y Y Black Scoter Waterfowl Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - Yes NAWMP -
Y Y Canada Goose
(North Atlantic)
Waterfowl Increase 50% - - - Yes - - - EHJV, NAWMP -
- Y Common Eider Waterfowl Increase 100% - - - Yes - - - EHJV, NAWMP -
Y Y Common Goldeneye Waterfowl Maintain current (BCR 7 NL)
Assess/Maintain (MBU 10 NL)
- - - Yes - - Yes EHJV, NAWMP -
- Y Common Merganser Waterfowl Assess/Maintain - - - - - - Yes NAWMP -
Y - Green-winged Teal Waterfowl Increase 50% - - - - - - - EHJV -
Y Y Harlequin Duck (Eastern) Waterfowl Assess/Maintain SC SC VU Yes - - - EHJV, NAWMP -
- Y King Eider Waterfowl Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - - NAWMP -
Y Y Long-tailed Duck Waterfowl Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - Yes EHJV, NAWMP -
Y - Ring-necked Duck Waterfowl Increase 100% - - - - - - Yes EHJV -
Y Y Surf Scoter Waterfowl Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - Yes EHJV, NAWMP -
- Y White-winged Scoter Waterfowl Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - - NAWMP -

Note: A “Y’ in the first two columns indicates a priority species occurrence within the planning unit; it also indicates the reason for inclusion as a priority listing.

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