Developing a federal plastics registry


As part of Canada’s plan to move toward the goal of zero plastic waste by 2030, we are committed to supporting provincial and territorial extended producer responsibility (EPR) efforts. As part of Canada’s comprehensive plan to reduce plastic pollution and move toward its goal of zero plastic waste, the Government of Canada has committed to develop a registry that would require producers to report annually on plastics in the Canadian economy. A federal plastics registry will support adoption of EPR rules in Canada that are consistent, comprehensive and transparent. The registry will also support the implementation and monitoring of other measures that are part of the Government’s zero plastic waste agenda, including recycled content requirements for plastic products.

A federal plastics registry would seek to resolve the issues created by inconsistent data. The Government of Canada is proposing that data be reported on all major categories of plastic products, covering most plastics placed on the Canadian market. These categories include packaging, construction, automotive, white goods (e.g., home appliances), electronic and electrical equipment, textiles and agriculture. This objective aligns with the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) Guidance to facilitate consistent extended producer responsibility policies and programs for plastics (PDF). The development of the guidance was a commitment under Phase 1 of the Canada-wide Action Plan on Zero Plastic Waste (PDF) in support of EPR harmonization.

Consulting on the development of a federal plastics registry

On July 25, 2022 we published the Consultation paper: a proposed federal plastics registry for producers of plastic products on the Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999 (CEPA) registry. The publication informed, and sought early feedback from, interested parties on the development of an instrument under CEPA that would require producers to report on plastics in the Canadian economy.

The consultation paper proposed that the following categories of plastic products would be subject to reporting requirements:

The consultation paper also proposed that producers would report on these categories of plastic products across data points related to plastics diversion, such as plastics:

A 70-day public comment period followed the publication of the consultation document. Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) also hosted 2 overview webinars and 3 technical sessions focused on reporting, product categories subject to EPR and product categories not subject to EPR.

The public comment period closed on October 7, 2022. In February 2023, we published a What we heard report which summarized the feedback received on the discussion paper from written comments, stakeholder discussion sessions and webinars. We are considering the feedback received during the public comment period as the proposed instrument is developed.

Technical paper

On April 18, 2023, we published the Technical paper: Federal Plastics Registry on the Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999 (CEPA) registry. The paper outlines technical details and reporting requirements being considered for the Federal Plastics Registry. The document has taken into account the significant feedback received from partners, stakeholders and the public during consultations on the Registry.

A 30-day public comment period will follow the publication of the Technical paper. The public comment period closed on May 18, 2023.


In October 2020, ECCC published the discussion paper A proposed integrated management approach to plastic products to prevent waste and pollution. The discussion paper outlined the steps the Government of Canada is taking toward eliminating plastic pollution in Canada. This includes ensuring end-of-life responsibility by improving and expanding extended producer responsibility in Canada. It sought input on how can the Government of Canada can best support provinces and territories in making their extended producer responsibility policies consistent, comprehensive, and transparent.

A 60-day public comment period and a series of webinars followed the publication of the discussion paper.

In August 2021, we published a What we heard report which summarized the feedback received on the discussion paper from written comments, stakeholder discussion sessions and webinars.

Next steps

A draft Section 46 Notice for the federal plastics registry is targeted for publication in the Canada Gazette, Part I, before the end of 2023, followed by a public comment period.

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Contact us

Environment and Climate Change Canada
Plastics Regulatory Affairs Division
351 St. Joseph Blvd., Place Vincent Massey
Gatineau QC  K1A 0H3

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