Fuel Life Cycle Assessment Model User Manual, June 2024
List of Figures
- Figure 1: Steps involved in calculating a CI using the Model
- Figure 2: Screenshots of the steps to import a database into openLCA
- Figure 3: Layout of the openLCA software
- Figure 4: Left: The main process folders as viewed in openLCA. Right: Description of the main process folders of the Model Database.
- Figure 5: Left: The sub-folders of the Data Library as they appear in openLCA. Right: Overview of the system processes found in the Data Library of the Model Database.
- Figure 6: Left: Layout of fuel pathways section of the Model Database as seen in openLCA. Right: Overview of the contents found in the fuel pathways folder.
- Figure 7: Layout of a process in openLCA
- Figure 8: Elementary flow organization. Left: The elementary flows as seen in openLCA. Right: Types of elementary flows included in the Model Database.
- Figure 9: Intermediate flow organization.
- Figure 10: Layout of a flow in openLCA
- Figure 11: LCIA methods and impact categories of the Model. Left: screenshot of where to access and view the Fuel LCA Model LCIA methods and impact categories in the navigation pane in openLCA. Right: screenshot of the characterization factors tab of the carbon intensity impact category in openLCA.
- Figure 12: The flow properties and unit groups of the Model Database in openLCA
- Figure 13: Sources location in openLCA
- Figure 14: General interaction between the Data Library and fuel pathways
- Figure 15: Example of an Inventory results tab
- Figure 16: The four phases of an LCA study. Adapted from ISO 14040
- Figure 17: Levels involved in an LCA
- Figure 18: Interactions between unit processes and flows in a process flow diagram.
- Figure 19: Providers as used in openLCA
- Figure 20: An example of a bioethanol production unit process
- Figure 21: Example of a fuel pathway in the Model
- Figure 22: The five life cycle stages of LCIF in the Model
- Figure 23: Simplified example showing some of the processes involved in a bioethanol production life cycle stage
- Figure 24: Illustration of the concept of system process and the differences between a collection of unit processes and a system process.
- Figure 25: Visualization of the development of the Model Data Library
- Figure 26: Example: energy allocation partitions the environmental burdens of a multifunctional unit process through the use of allocation factors that are based on the energy content of each product.
- Figure 27: Product system of bioethanol being produced from corn
- Figure 28: Comparison of life cycle stages with unit processes in openLCA
- Figure 29: Model graph of the bioethanol life cycle example
- Figure 30: Corn production and transportation modelling
- Figure 31: Screenshot of the Inputs Table of the “Feedstock A, at bioethanol plant” process after dragging the processes
- Figure 32: Screenshot showing the updated values and names of the original “Feedstock A, at bioethanol plant” process
- Figure 33: Bioethanol production modelling
- Figure 34: Screenshot of the “1-Bioethanol production, at bioethanol plant” process including all of the inputs and outputs
- Figure 35: Screenshot of the completed physical allocation table
- Figure 36: Bioethanol distribution modelling
- Figure 37: Screenshot of the completed distribution process
- Figure 38: Bioethanol combustion modelling
- Figure 39: Screenshot of the completed process of combustion
- Figure 40: Screenshot of the Impact Analysis tab
List of Tables
- Table 1: Scenarios for adding each type of flow to a unit process
- Table 2: Scenarios for selecting a process for CI calculation
- Allocation
- partition of input or output flows of a process between the product system under study and one or more other product systems (ISO 14040).
- Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e)
- quantity of carbon dioxide that would be required to produce an equivalent warming effect over a given time period.
- Carbon intensity
- in relation to a pool of a given type of fuel, this means the quantity of CO2e in grams that is released during the activities conducted over the fuel’s life cycle — including all emissions associated with the extraction or the cultivation of feedstock used to produce the fuel, with the processing, refining or upgrading of that feedstock to produce the fuel, with the transportation or distribution of that feedstock, of intermediary products or of the fuel and with the combustion of the fuel — per megajoule of energy produced during that combustion.
- Ecosphere
- consists of the entire natural environment. Examples include air, water, and natural resources.
- Elementary flow
- flow that is exchanged with the environment, e.g. GHGs.
- Feedstock
- resource that is extracted, cultivated, collected, harvested, and/or processed and delivered at the gate of the production facility from which fuel is produced.
- Flow
- material or energy that enters or leaves a process.
- Fuel pathway
- a collection of unit processes, modeling parameters, and background data in the Fuel LCA Model that allows the determination of the CI of a fuel from a particular feedstock type.
- Functional unit
- quantified performance of a product system for use as a reference unit (ISO 14040).
- Intermediate flow
- flow that is exchanged within the technosphere i.e. human control. In the context of the Fuel LCA Model, any flow that is not an elementary flow.
- Life cycle assessment (LCA)
- compilation and evaluation of the inputs, outputs, and the potential environmental impacts of a product system throughout its life cycle (ISO 14040).
- Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA)
- phase of LCA aimed at understanding and evaluating the magnitude and significance of the potential environmental impacts for a product system throughout the life cycle of the product. (ISO 14040).
- Life cycle inventory (LCI)
- phase of LCA involving the compilation and quantification of inputs and outputs for a product through its life cycle (ISO 14040).
- Life cycle stage
- collection of unit processes connected by a network of flows that models a main stage of the life cycle of a fuel. In the Fuel LCA Model, there are five life cycle stages: feedstock production, feedstock transportation, fuel production, fuel distribution, and fuel combustion.
- Life cycle
- consecutive and interlinked stages of a product system, from feedstock acquisition to combustion of the produced low carbon-intensity fuel.
- Low-carbon-intensity fuels (LCIF)
- fuels, other than the fossil fuels, with a lower carbon intensity than fossil fuels. This definition includes hydrogen.
- Product system
- collection of unit processes that models the life cycle of a product (ISO 14040).
- System process
- process that contains the LCI of a group of unit processes.
- Technosphere
- consists of all anthropogenic developments. Once materials from the ecosphere are extracted and in human-control, they are part of the technosphere.
- Unit process
- smallest element for which input and output data are quantified (ISO 14040).
- Waste flow
- flow that is used in modelling waste treatment processes (openLCA).
- CI
- Carbon intensity
- Clean Fuel Regulations
- Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Global warming potential
- Greenhouse gas
- Higher Heating Value
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- AR5
- IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report
- AR6
- IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report
- Life cycle assessment
- Life cycle impact assessment
- Life cycle inventory
- Low carbon-intensity fuel
Chapter 1: Fuel LCA Model introduction
The Government of Canada’s Fuel Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Model (the Model) is a tool that allows users to calculate the life cycle carbon intensity (CI) of fuels and energy sources produced and used in Canada. The Model is publicly available and is intended to inform and reduce the carbon intensity of Canadian fuels. Users of the Model could include industry, academia, LCA practitioners, governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, and other organisations with interest in the energy sector. The Model may also be used in the context of specific programs.
The Model consist of the following three components:
- the Fuel LCA Model Database: Contains a library of CI datasets and fuel pathways developed to model a CI specific to a fuel or an energy source.
- the Fuel LCA Model Methodology: Describes the methodology, data sources and assumptions that were used in the development of the Model. The document provides the rationale supporting the methodological approach.
- the Fuel LCA Model User Manual (this document): Provides information on general definitions and concepts related to LCA as it relates to the Model. Also provides technical guidance on how to perform basic operations in the openLCA software that are required for CI calculations.
Chapter 2: Purpose of the Fuel LCA Model User Manual
The purpose of this document is to provide users of the Model with technical guidance on how to perform basic operations in the openLCA software that are required for CI calculations. It also provides information on general definitions and concepts related to LCA from the perspective of the Model in Chapter 6. Users unfamiliar with LCA are encouraged to read Chapter 6 first.
This document describes how to use the Model and perform operations in the openLCA software for general purposes. Other programs, such as the Clean Fuel Regulations (CFR), may refer to specific sections of this document.
The overall process to calculate a CI using the Model is shown in Figure 1. Steps 1 and 3, which involve accessing the Model Database and performing LCA modelling of processed data, are included in the scope of this user manual. Steps 2 and 4, which include data collection and preparation and CI reporting, are not discussed in this document but may be outlined in documentation for programs that require the use of the Model. Users of the Model are encouraged to have this document open alongside the openLCA software when modelling.
The instructions and screenshots in this document were developed using openLCA version 2.1.

Long description
This figure details the steps involved in calculating a carbon intensity (CI) using the Model.
The four stages of the calculation process are detailed inside a large square. At the top of the square from left to right, “Step 1”, “Step 2”, “Step 3” and “Step 4” are written.
There are four boxes, each below the step titles, that present the details of each step.
These boxes are connected by arrows, with each arrow pointing to the next step, illustrating the logical progression of the process.
Under “Step 1”, in the corresponding vertical box: “Accessing Fuel LCA Model” is written at the top.
Below that, there are three sub-steps displayed from top to bottom, each in a turquoise box. These boxes are connected by arrows to illustrate the progression from one sub-step to the next. The colour turquoise denotes that these three boxes are processing steps. In each box, the following is written respectively:
- Download Fuel LCA Model Database (zip file)
- Download compatible LCA software (openLCA)
- Import Fuel LCA Model Database (zip file) into LCA software (openLCA)
Immediately below these three boxes, in a green box, the documentation needed to complete the step is written as follows:
- Fuel LCA Model User Manual
The light green colour of the box denotes that the Fuel LCA Model User Manual is a Documentation Piece.
Under “Step 2”, in the corresponding vertical box: “Data collection and preparation” is written at the top on a white background.
Below that, there are two sub-steps displayed vertically, each in a turquoise box. These boxes are connected by arrows to clearly illustrate the progression from one sub-step to the next. In each box, the following is written respectively:
- Collect data
- Prepare data for entry into LCA software
Below that are two green boxes. In each box, the following is written respectively:
- Program Guidance
- Data Workbooks of the program
Under “Step 3”, in the corresponding vertical box: “LCA modelling (in openLCA)” is written at the top on a white background.
Below that, there are two sub-steps displayed vertically, each in a turquoise box. These boxes are connected by arrows to clearly illustrate the progression from one sub-step to the next. In each box, the following is written respectively:
- Use or create building blocks in the LCA software to model the pathway
- Run the LCA Model of the pathway to generate a CI
Below that is a green box, the documentation needed to complete the step is written as follows:
- Fuel LCA Model User Manual
Under “Step 4”, in the corresponding vertical box: “CI and reporting submission” is written at the top on a white background.
Below that, there are two sub-steps displayed vertically, each in a turquoise box. These boxes are connected by arrows to clearly illustrate the progression from one sub-step to the next. In each box, the following is written respectively:
- Generate report for CI submission
- Submit CI valued and report for pathway(s) and report to the program
Below that is a green box, the documentation needed to complete the step is written as follows:
- Program Guidance
A legend appears at the bottom left of the large black square that includes all the steps. It comprises two small boxes, arranged one above the other:
- the first is turquoise and denotes the Processing Step
- the second is green and denotes the Documentation Piece
Chapter 3: Setting up the Fuel LCA Model
To use the Model, the user must install a stable version 2.0 or higher of the openLCA software, a free and open-source software, download the Model Database, which is a zip file, and then import the database in openLCA.
3.1 Importing the Fuel LCA Model Database
The steps below outline the process for importing the Model Database into openLCA. There are also screenshots of steps 4 to 10 of the import procedure in openLCA in Figure 2.
- Download the Model Database (zip file) from the Environment Climate Change Canada (ECCC) website
- Install the openLCA software on your computer (connect with your local IT/network provider if issues arise)
- Open openLCA
- In the toolbar at the top-left, click “Database”
- Select “New database”
- Enter the database name
- For the database content, select “Empty database” (crucial step)
- Click “Finish”
- Right-click your new, empty database, and click “Import” and then “File”
- In the dialog box that opens, navigate to select the Model Database (zip file)
- Select the Model Database (zip file)
- Click “Open”
- Select “Overwrite all existing data sets” and then click “Finish”

Long description
This figure illustrates the steps involved in importing a database into openLCA. Each step is represented by a screenshot from openLCA, providing a visual aid.
The layout of the steps is as follows: screenshots corresponding to steps 4 and 5 are located at the top, followed by step 6, while steps 7, 8 and 9 are shown at the bottom. Each step is linked to the next by a green arrow.
Steps 4 and 5, at the top left, are grouped together in a single screenshot. In the top left-hand corner, above this screenshot, the title "Steps 4 and 5" is written and framed in black. The top left corner of the title bar features the openLCA logo with the words "openLCA 2.1.0". Below, the taskbar displays from left to right: "File", "Database", "Tools" and "Help".
“Database” is framed in red, indicating that is should be clicked on. When selecting “Database”, a drop-down menu appears with the following options, each preceded by its own icon: "New database" and "Restore database".
The "New database" option is framed in a red box and an arrow pointing to it from "Database". This indicates that this is the option to select at this stage.
Under the taskbar, on a light grey background, on the left, there are four small icons. The four small icons symbolize "Home", "Save", "Save as" and "Save All" respectively. The leftmost icon is black, while the other three to its right are greyed out.
The screenshot then divides into two distinct areas: on the left, the navigation pane, and on the right, the workspace.
At the top left of the navigation pane, the "Navigation" label is framed in a small white rectangle, while the lower part of the pane is greyed out. At the top right, four icons are aligned from left to right, symbolizing "Link with Editor", "View menu", "Minimize" and "Maximize".
On the left-hand side of the workspace, the "Welcome" tab is accompanied by its icon. The lower part is greyed out, displaying "Getting started" in the middle, followed by "What's new in openLCA" below, both written in white.
Step 6 includes two screenshots. They are positioned to the right of the screenshot corresponding to steps 4 and 5 and are preceded by the heading "Step 6" in the top left-hand corner, framed in black.
The top left corner of the title bar of the first screenshot features the openLCA logo with the words "New database" on a blue background. This is the title of the window corresponding to the first phase of this step.
Below this, on a white background, on the left, is "New database" in bold type, followed by "Create new database" in plain type, just below it.
The remaining part of the figure is set against a grey background. It can be broken down as follows from top to bottom:
In the screenshot, "FUEL_LCA_MODEL" appears in this rectangle, framed in red. A red arrow points up from this frame to the instruction "Type the name of the database" written in red and located slightly above the frame, on the right. This instruction emphasizes that this is the option to choose.
- "Folder" with an adjacent white rectangle for entering the name of the folder. The rectangle is left empty in the screenshot
- "Database content" with three right-aligned options as follows:
- Empty database
- Units and flow properties
- Complete references data
“Empty database” is selected and framed in red. A red arrow points from this frame to the "Select empty database" instruction, written in red and located slightly below, to the right of the frame. This indicates that this is the option to select.
At the bottom right of the window, two choices are available: "Finish" and "Cancel". "Finish" is framed in red. A red arrow points from this frame to the instruction "Click “Finish”", written in red and located slightly above the frame, indicating that this is the option to choose.
The second screenshot of step 6 is to the right of the first screenshot described above. They are linked by a green arrow pointing from the first screenshot to the second.
The top left corner of the title bar features the openLCA logo with the words "openLCA 2.1.0 – FUEL_LCA_MODEL"on a blue background. Below this, the taskbar displays from left to right: "File", "Database", "Tools" and "Help". Beneath the taskbar, on a grey background, on the left, four small icons symbolize "Home", "Save", "Save as" and "Save All" respectively. The leftmost icon is black, while the other three to its right are greyed out.
Next, the navigation pane appears. At the top left of the navigation pane, "Navigation" is framed in a small white rectangle, while on the right, four small icons are aligned from left to right, symbolizing "Link with Editor", "View menu", "Minimize" and "Maximize".
Below this, the database name "FUEL_LCA_MODEL" appears in bold type and is framed in red. An arrow pointing from the frame to the information: "The database will now be open and displayed on the left side" written in red and located at the bottom of the window. In the screenshot, the database is open and eight folders, each with their own icon, drop-down from the database:
- Projects
- Products systems
- Processes
- Flows
- EPDs
- Results
- Indicators and parameters
- Background data
Below Steps 4 and 5, is the screenshot for Step 7. In the top left-hand corner, above this screenshot, the title "Step 7" is written and framed in black.
The top left corner of the title bar features the Navigation icon with the word Navigation" on a white background. Below this, the database name, “FUEL_LCA_MODEL” is in bold and framed in a red box. There is a red arrow pointing from the frame to the instruction, written in red and in the top right corner, “Right-click on your database”. A drop-down menu is visible with the following 13 options listed, each with its own icon:
- New database
- Restore database
- Backup database
- Validate
- Copy
- Rename
- Set folder
- Delete database
- Close database
- Add database
- Add a library
- Import…
- Export…
- Repository
The “Import” option is selected and is framed in red. A red arrow is pointing from this frame to the “Select Import” instruction on the left and is written in red. To the right of the “Import” option, the following menu arises from the previously selected “Import” option, each item has its own icon:
- File
- From Git…
- Other…
“File” is selected and framed in red. Just above it, the instruction “Select File” is written in red and has an arrow pointing from this instruction back to the framed “File” option. This instruction emphasizes that this is the option to choose.
The screenshot corresponding to Step 8 shows the window that opens after clicking on the “File” option mentioned above. In the top left-hand corner, above this screenshot, the title "Step 8" is written and framed in black.
In the top left-hand corner of the screenshot, on a blue background, the openLCA logo is visible, with the word "Open" to its right. Below, on the left, four navigation arrows on a grey background offer the functionalities: Go back, Go forward, Access recent locations and Go back to the previous folder. In the center, a rectangular area on a white background details the complete path to the location of the selected file:
> This PC > Downloads >
On the right, a small rectangular area on a white background allows you to search the name of the file you're looking for. The wording "Search Downloads" appears to the left of this area, and a magnifying glass icon to the right serves as a visual indicator of the search function.
Immediately below, a grey band shows: "Organize" and "New folder" on the left, followed by three small icons on the right representing functionalities: "Change your view", "Show the preview pane" and "Get help".
Next, the screenshot is subdivided into two parts on a white background. On the left, an interface is displayed with the following elements (each with its own icon) that can be selected:
- Quick access
- OneDrive – EC-EC
- This PC
- Network
On the right, occupying most of the window, the following columns are displayed: "Name", "Date modified", and "Type".
The file names appear below the "Name" column:
- Module-Pre-publication-New-Life-Cycle-Impact-Assessment-M…
- GoC_Fuel_LCA_Model_Database_January2023.zip
- openLCA
The last modification date for each file appears under the "Date modified" column. For each file, the file folder type is indicated under the "Type" column.
The file "GoC_Fuel_LCA_Model_Database_January2023.zip" is framed in red, with a red arrow pointing from the frame to the instruction "Select the model database (zip file)", also written in red. This visual highlighting makes it easier to identify the selected file in relation to the associated instruction.
At the bottom of the window, on a grey background is the term "File name:" and to its right, in a rectangular area on a white background, the name of the selected zip file"GoC_Fuel_LCA_Model_Database_January2023.zip" is displayed, followed by an adjacent arrow indicating a drop-down menu. To the right, there is a grey rectangular area that has the symbol "*.*", with an arrow to the side also indicating a drop-down menu. Below this rectangular area, the "Open" and "Cancel" options are available. "Open" is framed in red and the instruction "Click Open" in red is pointing to the frame with a red arrow.
The screenshot corresponding to step 9 represents the final step in importing a database into openLCA. In the top left-hand corner, above this screenshot, the title "Step 9" is written and framed in black. In the top left-hand corner of the screenshot, the openLCA logo is visible, with the words "openLCA JSON-LD Import" to its right.
Below it, on a white background, on the left, appears "Import an openLCA data package" in bold, black characters.
The main section of the screenshot, set against a grey background, lies below and occupies most of the figure. At the top left of this area is the wording "Select a zip file with openLCA data...", followed by a white rectangular area, with the name of the selected zip file "GoC_Fuel_LCA_Model_Database_Jan". To its right, the "Browse" option, framed in blue, is available for exploring and selecting a new zip file in the computer directories.
Just below, on the left, is written "Updating existing data sets in the database" followed by the following options:
- Never update a data set that already exists
- Update data sets with newer versions
- Overwrite all existing data sets
"Overwrite all existing data sets" is selected. A red arrow points from this option to the instruction "Select Overwrite all existing data sets" written in red. At the bottom of the window are the following four options: "Back", "Next", "Finish" and "Cancel". "Next" is greyed out, indicating that this option cannot be selected. "Finish" is framed in red, and an arrow is pointing from this frame to the instruction "Select Finish", also written in red.
3.2 Updating the openLCA software and the Model Database
3.2.1 Transition of databases from openLCA 1.11 to openLCA 2.0 and higher
Previous versions of the Model Database are compatible with openLCA versions 2.0 and higher. To convert databases from openLCA versions 1.11 and lower to version 2.0 and higher, follow the steps in one of the two methods below. Note that this process is irreversible. Once it has been converted it cannot be re-opened in openLCA 1.11. Instructions are included in each method for backing up a copy of the openLCA 1.11 format of the database.
Method 1
- Open openLCA 1.11
- Right-click the database you wish to copy
- Click “Copy”
- Enter the name for the copy and click “OK”
- Close openLCA 1.11
- Open openLCA 2.0
- Double-click the database that was made in openLCA 1.11
- A dialog box will open that says “The selected database needs an update. Do you want to run it?”
- Uncheck the box that says, “Create a backup of the current database first”
- Click “OK” to convert the database
Method 2
- Open openLCA 2.0
- Double-click the database that was made in openLCA 1.11
- A dialog box will open that says “The selected database needs an update. Do you want to run it?”
- Make sure that the box that says, “Create a backup of the current database first” is checked
- Click “OK”
- A dialog box will open for the creation of the backup .zolca file
- Enter a new name for the backup of the database in the openLCA 1.11 format
- Click “Save”
With method 2, the software will create the backup of the database, convert the database to the openLCA 2.0 format, and then open the openLCA 2.0 database. It should be noted that the backup of the database in the openLCA 1.11 format is not saved in openLCA. To reopen the database in openLCA 1.11, follow the steps below.
- Open openLCA 1.11
- Click “Database” at the taskbar at the top left of the screen
- Click “Restore database”
- Click on the backed up database from steps 1-6 and click “Open”
- The backed up database is now ready for use in openLCA 1.11
3.2.2 Importing previous modelling into the current version of the Model Database
If you have performed modelling using the Fuel Pathways in an older version of the Model Database and wish to link them to a newer version of the Model Database, follow the steps below. This procedure assumes that the structure of the Fuel Pathways did not change between different versions of the Model Database.
- First, make sure you are working in version 2.0 or higher of openLCA. See the previous subsection for further information
- Open your old database
- Follow the steps described in Chapter 5.2.1 to export part of your old database. In step 5 of that procedure, select ONLY the Fuel Pathway unit processes that you modified. Do NOT check any processes from the "Configurable processes” or “Data Library” folders
- Follow the steps described in Chapter 3.1 to set up the new version of the Model Database
- Follow the steps described in Chapter 3.1, starting with step 7, and choosing the zip file you exported from step 3 as the file to import. For step 9 of the procedure, choose “update data sets with newer versions”
Note: you must remodel the inputs/outputs of any configurable processes you used because the configurable processes are updated with each publication of the Model. However, you will not need to update their usage as an input within fuel pathway processes. Additional information related to the changes between Model databases is available on the Fuel LCA Model Website.
Chapter 4: Organization of the Fuel LCA Model Database
4.1 Layout of openLCA
The layout of openLCA is shown in Figure 3. The navigation pane is on the left side of the software and allows access to the different components of the database. Once an item such as a unit process is opened, it can be viewed and used on the right side in the workspace. When multiple items are opened, they are accessible in tabs at the top of the workspace.

Long description
This figure shows the graphical interface of the openLCA software.
In the top left-hand corner of the image, on a blue background, the openLCA logo is visible, with "openLCA 2.1.0 – FUEL_LCA_MODEL" written to its right. In the right-hand corner, icons for minimizing, expanding and closing the software windows are visible.
Below the title bar is the taskbar on a white background with the following options from left to right: "File", "Database", "Tools" and "Help".
Beneath the taskbar, on a grey background, on the left are four small icons symbolizing "Home", "Save", "Save as" and "Save All" respectively. The leftmost icon is black, while the other three to its right are greyed out.
The screenshot is then subdivided into two parts: on the left, the navigation pane, framed in red, and on the right, the workspace, also framed in red. The workspace takes up most of the screenshot.
At the top left of the navigation pane, the "Navigation" label is framed in a small white rectangle. On the right of the rectangle are four small icons, symbolizing the "Link with Editor", "View menu", "Minimize" and "Maximize" functions respectively. These actions reference the navigation pane.
Below this, the database title "FUEL_LCA_MODEL" appears with eight sub-folders, each with its own icon. The folder and sub-folders are surrounded by a red border. The sub-folders are:
- Projects
- Products systems
- Processes
- Flows
- EPDs
- Results
- Indicators and parameters
- Background data
A red arrow points from the frame to the statement "Different parts of the Model database are stored in different folders" written in red. The statement is located slightly below the frame.
At the bottom of the navigation pane, the statement "The navigation pane allows you to access the database" is centered and displayed in red.
The workspace is framed in red, and a red arrow is pointing down from the top right corner of the frame to the following statement: “The workspace is where modelling occurs”.
In the top left-hand corner of the workspace, the tabs "Welcome", "Nitrogen fertilizer" and "Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A", each with its own icon, appear. In the screenshot, the "Welcome" tab is open. The tabs are framed in red, and a red arrow is pointing down from the tabs to the following statement: “Each workspace item (process, flow, etc.) is organized into tabs.” This statement is shown in red and is located in the middle, to the right of the workspace. In the workspace, the tab “Welcome” is open.
The top half of the window that appears after this tab opens is shown on a purple-grey background, where the lower half shows blurred, dark-looking trees.
On the left, the statement "Getting started" appears underlined and in white type, followed by the following headings, one below the other, also written in white:
- What’s new in openLCA 2
- Extensive documentation
- Community Q&A
- Databases, case studies, impact methods
- Certified trainings, support
- Tools to get more out of openLCA
- Working with the developers of openLCA
To the right of these headings, in dark grey type, is the statement:
“With openLCA, you can model the life cycle of everything. Create or import existing databases with life cycle processes and impor assessment methods; create your own processes, build your own life cycle models, calculate and analyse them. Click the other sections on the left to read more.”
Above, in the right-hand corner, the openLCA logo appears in white and in the bottom right-hand corner the GreenDelta logo also appears in white.
4.2 Processes
There are two types of processes in the Model Database: unit processes and system processes.
The Model Database stores the processes into two main folders: “Data Library” and “Fuel Pathways”. The former contains system processes that model the life cycle emission factors for various activities in the low-carbon-intensity fuel (LCIF) life cycle, while the latter contains unit processes that can be used to model a CI of the LCIF. See Figure 4 below for a brief description of each folder.
Unit process: smallest element for which input and output data are quantified (ISO 14040).
System process: Process that models the emissions for a group of unit processes.

Figure 4: Left: The main process folders as viewed in openLCA. Right: Description of the main process folders of the Model Database.
Long description
The figure above illustrates the main folders in the Model Database in openLCA.
On the left side of the figure, the database with the title “FUEL_LCA_MODEL” in bold type is open. Five folders are listed under it, each with its own icon, make up the database. Among these folders, the folder “Processes” containing the two principal folders “Data Libraries,” and “Fuel Pathways” is open. The folders are displayed in the following manner:
- Projects
- Product systems
- Processes
- Data Library
- Fuel Pathways
Two red arrows emanating from "Data Library" and "Fuel Production Pathways" extend to the right of the figure and point to the following detailed folder descriptions, framed in black:
- Data Library (highlighted in a turquoise box)
- System processes only
- Developed by ECCC, cannot be modified by user
- Building blocks used as inputs in unit processes
- Fuel Pathways (highlighted in a turquoise box)
- Unit processes only
- Structured by ECCC, filled in by user
- Includes unit process pathway that users can complete using the system processes from the Data Library
- Includes configurable unit processes where users can regionalize some system processes
Each process contains modelling documentation that is called metadata. Users can add information in the fuel pathway unit processes that they model, or in new unit processes that they create. The metadata can include:
- Process description (functional unit, scope, system boundaries, allocation information)
- Time (related to the data collection period)
- Geographical scope
- Technology being modelled
- Administrative information (intended application, access and use restrictions, data set owner)
- Modelling information (data completeness, data selection, data treatment)
- References
More information on the concepts of unit processes and system processes is available in Chapter 6.2.1 or Chapter 6.2.4, respectively.
More information on the layout and contents of the metadata is available in Chapter 4.5.
4.2.1 Data Library
The Data Library acts as the backbone of the Model Database. The system processes within the Data Library are used to populate and model the unit processes found in the Fuel Pathways folder of the database. The Data Library was developed by ECCC using a combination of primary and literature data. In addition to the metadata documentation in each system process, the development, modelling assumptions and data sources of the Data Library are available in the Fuel LCA Model Methodology. The organization and contents of the Data Library is shown in Figure 5.

Long description
The figure shows the Data Library subfolders in the Model Database in openLCA.
On the left-hand side of the figure, the database “FUEL_LCA_MODEL", in bold type, is open. There are main three sub-folders in the database: Projects, Product systems and Processes. In the sub-folder Processes, the folder Data Library” is open and contains the following sub-folders:
- Chemical inputs
- Combustion emission factors
- Electricity
- Feedstocks
- Fossil fuels
- Other energy sources
- Renewable fuels
- Transport
Eight red arrows emanating from sub-folders of the Data Library extend to the right of the figure and point to the detailed descriptions of each sub-folder. The descriptions are framed in black, and each Folder name is written on a turquoise box. The descriptions are as follows:
- Chemical inputs
- Individual chemicals, agrochemicals, and predefined chemical mixes
- Combustion emission factors
- Processes with only combustion emissions (i.e. not including the emissions for the rest of the life cycle) for fuels produced from biomass and non-biomass feedstock
- Electricity
- Average grid for Canada (provinces and territories), USA (states), Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina (national)
- Excess electricity displaced to the grid (Canadian provinces and territories and American states)
- Specific electricity generation technology
- Feedstock
- LCIF feedstock system processes
- Animal fats, crops, residues, waste, wood fibre, yellow grease
- Fossil fuels
- Both combusted and non-combusted fossil fuels
- Combusted fossil fuels: accounts for the life cycle emissions
- Non-combusted fossil fuels: accounts for life cycle emissions for fossil fuels up to and including a) production, and b) distribution to end-user
- Other energy sources
- Non-fossil fuel sources such as purchased steam, combusted non-biogenic waste, and fuel gas
- Renewable fuels
- Combusted renewable fuels
- Transport
- Generic transportation modes such as train, truck, transoceanic ship, and pipeline
- Transportation specific to certain fuels such as hydrogen, renewable natural gas, and renewable propane
- Predefined transportation scenarios that use predefined data to model transportation when distances are not available
4.2.2 Fuel pathways
The “Fuel Pathways” folder of the database contains unit processes that can be edited and used by users of the Model, as shown in . Each of these unit processes is structured to model various functions needed to calculate a CI while using the system processes from the Data Library. When using the Model outside of a specific program, Chapter 5.1 shows how the fuel pathways can be used to model specific CIs. The development of the fuel pathways and configurable processes is documented in the Fuel LCA Model Methodology.

Long description
The figure illustrates the layout of the "Fuel Pathways" section of the Model Database in openLCA.
On the left-hand side of the figure, the database "FUEL_LCA_MODEL", in bold type, is open. A yellow icon is shown to the left of the file name. There are thirteen folders, each with its own icon, that make up the database. Among these folders, the Processes folder containing the Fuel Pathways subfolder, is currently open. The folders are arranged as follows:
- Projects
- Product systems
- Processes
- Data Library
- Fuel Pathways
- Biodiesel pathway
- Bioethanol pathway
- Biogas pathway
- Configurable processes
- For vehicles
- Hydrogen pathway
- Renewable hydrocarbon biofuel pathway
- Renewable natural gas pathway
Two blue parentheses cover every fuel pathway folder, except the Configurable processes folder, which is marked with a red line to its left. To the left of the folders are two boxes. The top box is marked with a blue parenthesis on its left and has a turquoise blue title box at its top with Fuel Pathways written inside it. This is the description of the contents of the Fuel Pathway folders and is as follows:
- Fuel Pathways
- Unit processes that are structured to model different fuel pathways
- Includes processes modelling the feedstock production/transportation, fuel production, fuel distribution, fuel combustion, and fuel CI
The bottom box is marked with a red parenthesis on its left and has a turquoise blue title box at its top with Configurable processes written inside it. This is the description of the contents of this folder and is as follows:
- Configurable processes
- Partially modelled unit processes that allow the user to complete using primary data and inputs from the data library
- Includes unit processes related to feedstock, electricity, and CCS
Fuel Pathways and Configurable processes titles are highlighted by a black framed border and a turquoise background. Descriptions associated with these headings are framed in black.
4.2.3 Layout of a process in openLCA
Whether the process is a system process or a unit process, all processes have the same layout in openLCA. Figure 7 displays the main screen that is shown when opening a process. As shown in the figure, each process has eight tabs that contain different information related to modelling the process (see the red box at the bottom of the screenshot). The process name is always indicated at the top of the process, regardless of which tab is open. Here is a brief description on the contents and use for each tab:
- General information: Contains the process name, general description, unique identifier, and location in the database. This tab also contains some of the metadata information for system processes. To learn what information is available in the metadata, please see Chapter 4.5
- Inputs/Outputs: Displays the flows that enter and exit the process. This is where most of the modelling is performed. The inputs contain flows entering the process, while the outputs contain flows leaving the process. For information about the interaction between processes and flows, please see Chapter 6.2.3
- Administrative information: Contains metadata, including the intended application and access and use restrictions of the Model
- Modelling and validation: Contains additional metadata related to data collection and modelling assumptions. The top of the tab displays whether the process is a system process or unit process. To learn what information is available in the metadata, please see Chapter 4.5
- Parameters: Outside the scope of the Model
- Allocation: Is used to calculate allocation factors when there are co-products (excluding GHGs) in a process. For more information, see Chapter 6.2.7
- Social aspects: Outside the scope of the Model
- Impact analysis: For the Data Library, shows the CI of the system process. For a unit process, shows the CI of the direct contributions of the process (no upstream contributions). For more information, see Chapter 5.2.10

Long description
The screenshot shows the Electricity, from grid [CA-NS] process as it appears in openLCA.
In the top left-hand corner of the screenshot, the “Welcome” and “Electricity, from grid [CA-NS]” tabs appear, on a grey and white background, respectively, each with its own icon. In the top right-hand corner, icons for reducing or expanding the window are visible.
Immediately below, at the top left of the page, the title "General information: Electricity, from grid [CA-NS]" is displayed in bold, indicating that the tab “Electricity, from grid [CA-NS]” of this process is open. “Electricity, from grid [CA-NS]", framed in red, is accompanied by a red arrow pointing to the annotation "Process name. Always visible regardless of which tab is open", also framed in red. On the right, the reload icon, framed in red, is accompanied by an arrow pointing to the annotation "Reload button," also framed in red.
The remaining part of the figure is divided into three sections, arranged one above the other on a white background. In the top left-hand corner of the first section, "General Information" is written in bold type, and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left. Below, the process characteristics are arranged one below the other on the left, and in a rectangle to the right of each characteristic, the corresponding information is displayed. These items appear from top to bottom:
- “Name” with an adjacent rectangle to the right where you can enter the process name. "Electricity, from grid [CA-NS]" is shown here
- "Category" with an adjacent rectangle to the right showing all the folders that have been opened to lead to this process. "Data Library/Electricity/Grid Electricity/Canadian grid electricity" appears in this location. The rectangle is framed in red. A red arrow from the rectangles is pointing to the annotation "Location in navigation pane", also framed in red
- "Description" with an adjacent rectangle to the right, displaying the following details:
- “This process covers emissions from the generation, transmission, and distribution of 1 kWh of electricity on the grid”
- “Functional unit: 1 kWh of electricity on the grid, at end user”
- “Process Scope:”
- “Electricity generation”
- “Electricity transmission and distribution”
- Right below this rectangle are the following statements from left to right:
- “Version 00.00.017” with two icons on the right
- “Last change 2022-06-03 09 :12 :53”
- “UUID 80e5ff76-7b18-49f3-ac75-b3fda5f563bf”
- "Tags" with an "Add a tag" button on the right. You can click on this to add a tag
- “Infrastructure process” with an adjacent checkbox to the right that can be checked. On the screenshot, this box is not checked
Immediately below the checkbox are the following three buttons, each with its own icon:
- “Create product system”
- “Direct calculation”
- “Export to Excel”
"Create product system" is framed in red, with a red arrow pointing to "Used in calculating CI", also framed in red.
In the top left-hand corner of the second section, the heading "Time" is in bold type, accompanied by a small arrow pointing downwards, directly to its left. Below it, the following elements appear from top to bottom:
- "Start date" with an adjacent rectangle for selecting the desired date. A calendar icon and arrow pointing downwards are located in the right corner of the rectangle, indicating the possibility of selecting a date from a calendar that will appear after clicking on the arrow
In the screenshot, "2018-01-01" appears in this rectangle.
- "End date" with an adjacent rectangle for selecting the desired date. A calendar icon and arrow pointing downwards are located in the right corner of rectangle, indicating the possibility of selecting a date from a calendar that will appear after clicking on the arrow
In the screenshot, "2018-12-31" appears in this rectangle.
- "Description" with an adjacent rectangle to the right, displaying the following details:
“The National Inventory Report provides direct emissions intensities related to the generation of electricity by the Public Electricity and Heat Production category (IPCC Category 1.A.1.a), on a national and provincial level. Emission intensities reflect GHG emissions associated with electricity delivered by the grid. Emission factors from…”
Note that in the screenshot, only the first two lines of the description are fully visible.
In the top left-hand corner of the third section, the heading "Geography", in bold type, is accompanied by a small arrow pointing down located directly to its left.
At the bottom of the window, the tabs "General information", "Inputs/Outputs", "Administrative information", "Modeling and validation", "Parameters", "Allocation", "Social aspects" and "Impact analysis" appear from left to right and are framed in red. A red arrow points from the frame to the annotation "Process tabs allow navigation to the different sections of the process", also framed in red.
Flow: material or energy stream entering or leaving a process. Can include elementary flows (GHG emissions) and intermediate flows (between unit processes), including waste flows.
4.3 Flows
This section explains the organization of the flows within the Model. There are three types of flows: elementary flows, intermediate flows, and waste flows. The database groups the elementary flows in one folder and in another folder, the intermediate and waste flows.
More information about the concept of flows is available in Chapter 6.2.1.
4.3.1 Elementary flow organization
Elementary flow: flow that is exchanged with the environment, e.g. GHGs
The elementary flows are separated into two main categories: emissions to air and supplemental emissions to air. The contents of each of the categories are in Figure 8. The emissions to air category regroups the most common GHG used for CI calculations. The system processes in the Data Library only use elementary flows from this category. However, users have the ability to use any of the elementary flows included in the database whenever relevant or allowed by relevant program specifications. Each elementary flow is in units of mass and has a corresponding impact factor (or global warming potential) according to the 100-year time horizon based on either the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) or Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) in the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) methods (see Chapter 4.4).

Long description
The figure illustrates the organization of elementary flows in the Model Database in openLCA.
On the left-hand side of the figure, the database is open, with the heading "FUEL_LCA_MODEL", in bold type and with a yellow icon.
Twenty-two folders, each with its own icon, are in the database. Among the folders, the Flows folder, containing the Elementary Flows subfolder, is open. The Elementary Flows subfolder contains two subfolders that are also both open. Their names are “Emission to air” and “Supplemental emissions to air”. The folders are arranged as follows:
- Projects
- Product systems
- Processes
- Flows
- Emission to air
- Carbon dioxide (CO2), biogenic
- Carbon dioxide (CO2), fossil
- Carbon dioxide (CO2), land transformation
- Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e)
- Methane (CH4), biogenic
- Methane (CH4), fossil
- Nitrous oxide (N2O)
- Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)
- Supplemental emissions to air
- Bromocarbons, Hydrobromocarbons and Halons
- Chlorocarbons and Hydrochlorocarbons
- Chlorofluorocarbons
- Fully Fluorinated Species
- Halogenated Alcohols and Ethers
- Hydrochlorofluorocarbons
- Hydrofluorocarbons
- Emission to air
Three red arrows point from "Elementary flows", "Emission to air" and "Supplemental emissions to air" to the right of the figure and point to three boxes that describe each sub-folder. The heading for "All elementary flows" is in a green box. "Emissions to Air" and "Supplemental Emissions to Air" are in turquoise boxes. Arrows point towards the respective descriptions of each of the folders as such:
- All elementary flows
- Units of mass
- Associated with an impact factor
- Emissions to air
- Contains the most commonly released GHGs:
- Carbon dioxide (biogenic, fossil, land transformation, equivalent)
- Nitrous oxide
- Methane (biogenic, fossil)
- Sulfur hexafluoride
- Supplemental Emissions to Air
- Contains additional GHGs and are organized into several categories:
- Bromocarbons, Hydrobromocarbons and Halons
- Chlorocarbons and Hydrochlorocarbons
- Chlorofluorocarbons
- Fully Fluorinated Species
- Halogenated Alcohols and Ethers
- Hydrochlorofluorocarbons
- Hydrofluorocarbons
4.3.2 Intermediate flow organization
Intermediate flow: flow that is exchanged within the technosphere i.e. human control. In the context of the Fuel LCA Model, any flow that is not an elementary flow.
The intermediate flows are organized according to the same folder structure as the processes. Each intermediate flow must come from a corresponding unit process or system process. For the Data Library, each system process has a corresponding output flow that matches its name. These flows correspond to the reference product of each process, as described in Chapter 6.2.5 (in openLCA, these flows are called “product flows”). For the unit processes in the fuel pathways, this is also mostly true, but there are additional flows corresponding to common coproducts in each fuel pathway folder. Figure 9 shows the organization of the intermediate flows in the database.

Long description
The screenshot shows the organization of intermediate flows in the Model Database in openLCA.
The database, with its bold title "FuelLCAModel", is open. A yellow icon is shown to the left of the title. Ten folders, each with its own icon, are present under the database. Among these folders, the folders” Processes” and “Flows” are open. The folders are listed as follows:
- Projects
- Product systems
- Processes
- Data Library
- Fuel Pathways
- Flows
- Elementary flows
- Intermediate flows
- Data Library
- Fuel Pathways
Subfolder of “Processes” and “Intermediate flows” are framed in red.
4.3.3 Waste flow organization
Waste flows are also found in the intermediate flow folder and are organized similarly to the coproduct flows. They are found in each “Fuel pathway” folder that includes waste process modelling.
4.3.4 Layout of a flow in openLCA
Each type of flow has the same layout in the openLCA software. Figure 10 displays the main screen that is shown when opening a flow. The red box at the bottom of the screenshot shows the tabs available in each flow. Each flow has either two tabs (intermediate flow) or three tabs (elementary flow) that contain different information related to its modelling. The flow name is always shown at the top of the flow, regardless of which tab is open. Here is a brief description on the contents and use for each tab:
- General information: Shows the flow name, any applicable description, and other general information like the molecular formula. Note: It also shows whether the flow is an elementary flow or an intermediate flow
- Flow properties: Shows the units of measurement for the flow. While the openLCA software can allow multiple types of units for a particular flow, the Model only uses one unit type per flow
- Impact factors: This tab only appears for elementary flows. It shows the LCIA method (see Chapter 4.4) and the associated impact factor, in units of g CO2e per kg of CO2. Note that impact factors are assigned to flows through the impact assessment method, not in the “Flow” itself

Long description
The screenshot shows the "Carbon dioxide (CO2), fossil" flow as it appears in the Model Database in openLCA.
In the top left-hand corner of the screenshot, the “Welcome” and “Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Fossil” tabs appear, on a grey and white background respectively, each with its own icon. In the top right-hand corner, icons for reducing or expanding the window are visible.
On the top left of the page, the title "General information: Carbon dioxide (CO2), fossil" is displayed in bold, indicating that the tab “General Information” of this flow is open. “Carbon dioxide (CO2), fossil" is framed in red and a red arrow is pointing from it to the annotation "Flow name. Always visible regardless of which tab is open", also framed in red.
On the right, the reload icon, framed in red, is accompanied by an arrow pointing to the annotation "Reload button" also framed in red.
The remaining part of the figure is divided into three sections, arranged one above the other on a white background. In the top left-hand corner of the first section, "General Information" is written in bold type, and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left. Underneath, the layout of the section is as such: the flow characteristics are aligned one under the other on the left, and in a rectangle to the right of each characteristic, the corresponding information is provided. The following items appear from top to bottom:
- “Name” with an adjacent rectangle to the right where you can enter the process name. "Carbon dioxide (CO2), fossil" is shown here
- "Category" with an adjacent rectangle to the right showing all the folders that have been opened to lead to this process. "Elementary flow/Emission to air" appears in this location. This statement, framed in red, is accompanied by a red arrow pointing to the annotation "Location in navigation pane", also framed in red
- "Description" with an adjacent rectangle that allows the entry of a flow description, which is empty in the screenshot
- Right below this rectangle are the following statements from left to right:
- “Version 00.00.004” with two icons on the right
- “Last change 2021-07-12 09:38:36”
- “UUID a554da52-adc8-4d57-8853-17dce4428ce8”
- Right below this rectangle are the following statements from left to right:
- "Tags" with an "Add a tag" button on the right
- “Infrastructure flow” with an adjacent checkbox. On the screenshot, this box is not checked
- “Flow type” with the statement “Elementary Flow” on the right, preceded by a green leaf icon. The icon and annotation, framed in red, are accompanied by an arrow pointing to the annotation "Can be either elementary flow, product flow (intermediate flow), or waste flow" also framed in red
In the upper left-hand corner of the second section, the heading "Used in processes" is in bold type and framed in red. "Used in processes" is framed in red, with a red arrow pointing to "Shows what process produce the flow and/or consume the flow", also framed in red.
Note that the arrow to the left of this section points to the right, indicating that the section is closed. The details of this section are therefore not visible on the screenshot.
In the top left-hand corner of the third section, the heading "Additional information" is in bold type, accompanied by a small arrow that is on the left and is pointing down. Below this, the layout of the section is such that the characteristics of supplementary information are arranged one below the other on the left, and in a rectangle to the right of each characteristic, the associated information is provided. Those items appear as follows:
- "CAS number" with an adjacent rectangle to the right containing the digits "000124-38-9"
- "Formula" with an adjacent rectangle to the right marked "CO2"
- "Synonyms" with an adjacent rectangle to the right that appears empty on the screenshot
- "Location" with a small black location icon on the right. To the right of the icon, the term " - none - " is written in blue, followed by a small crisscross to its right
At the bottom of the window, the "General information", "Flow properties" and "Characterization factors" tabs appear from left to right, framed in red. A red arrow extending from the frame points to the annotation "Flow tabs allow navigation to the different sections of the flow", also framed in red.
4.4 Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) method
Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) method: method that quantifies the environmental impacts of a product life cycle. In the Fuel LCA Model, converts GHG emissions into CO2e.
Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) methods are used to calculate the environmental impacts of a life cycle assessment. LCA can be used to assess different kinds of environmental impacts, such as climate change or air pollution. The Model is capable of calculating one kind of environmental impact, being carbon intensity, expressed in grams of CO2 equivalents per MJ of HHV energy.
There are two pieces in openLCA that are used to calculate CIs: LCIA methods and impact categories. The LCIA methods list the different impact categories used for their calculations. Impact categories contain conversion factors (called impact factors) that relate the impacts of different elementary flows to a reference elementary flow.
The Model has two LCIA methods and two impact categories (see Figure 11), all of which are shown below. Information about the concept of the LCIA method is available in Chapter 6.2.6.

Long description
The figure illustrates, on the left, the location for accessing and viewing the LCIA methods and impact categories of the Model, as presented in the navigation pane of the openLCA software. On the right, the figure shows the content of the “Characterization factors” tab of the “Carbon Intensity” impact category in the openLCA software.
On the left of the figure, the database titled "FUEL_LCA_MODEL,", written in bold type, is open. There is a yellow icon to the left of the name of the database. Under the Database, nine subfolders are listed, each with its own icon, including the "Indicators and parameters" folder. This folder contains the Impact Assessment Methods and Impact Categories subfolders, which are also open. The folders are arranged as follows:
- Projects
- Product systems
- Processes
- Flows
- EPDs
- Results
- Indicators and parameters
- Impact assessment methods
- FuelLCAModelLCIA_AR5
- FuelLCAModelLCIA_AR6
- Impact categories
- Carbon intensity (AR5)
- Carbon intensity (AR6)
- Impact assessment methods
On the right, the screen capture shows the contents of the “Characterization Factors” tab of the Impact Category “Carbon Intensity (AR5)”. In the top left-hand corner of the capture, the “Welcome” and “Carbon intensity (AR5)” tabs appear, each with its own icon.
In the "Carbon intensity (AR5)" tab, the title "Characterization factors: Carbon intensity (AR5)" is displayed in bold, preceded by a green list icon.
Below it, the heading "Characterization factors" is in bold type, accompanied by a small downward-pointing arrow directly to its left.
The remainder of the screenshot presents, in a table, an exhaustive list of impact factors in this category and some associated characteristics. A five-column table appears, with the following column headings, from left to right: Flows, Category, Factor, Unit, Uncertainty and Location.
Under each column heading, the corresponding content is as follows:
Flows |
Category |
Factor |
Unit |
Uncertainty |
Location |
(E)-1-chloro-3.3,3-trifluorop... |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
1000.0 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
(Trifluoromethyl) sulfur pe... |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
1.74E7 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
(Z)-HFC-1336 |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
2000.0 |
g zCO2e/kg |
none |
- |
1,1,1,2,2,3,3-Heptafluoro-3-… |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
6490000.0 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoropropa… |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
182000.0 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoropropa… |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
333000.0 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
1,1,1,2,2-Tetrafluoro-1-(fluoro… |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
871000.0 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
1,1,2-Trifluoro-2-(trifluorom… |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
1240000.0 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
1,1,3,3,4,4,6,6,7,7,9,9,10,10,… |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
3630000.0 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
1,1,3,3,4,4,6,6,7,7,9,9,10,10,… |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
4490000.0 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
1,1 -Difluoroethyl 2,2,2-triflu… |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
31000.0 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
1,1 -Difluoroethyl carbonofl… |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
27000.0 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
1,1’-Oxybis[2-(difluorometh… |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
4920000.0 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
1,2,2,2-Tetrafluoroethyl for… |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
470000.0 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
1-Ethoxy-1,1,2,2,3,3,3-hepta… |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
61000.0 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
1-Ethoxy-1,1,2,3,3,3-hexaflu… |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
23000.0 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
20000.0 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
2,2,2-Trifluoroethyl 2,2,2-trif… |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
7000.0 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
2,2,2-Trifluoroethyl formate |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
33000.0 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
2,2,2,3,3-Pentafluoropropan… |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
19000.0 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
2,2,3,3,4,4,4-Heptafluoro-1-… |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
16000.0 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
2,2,3,3,4,4,4-Heptafluorobu… |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
34000.0 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
2,2,3,3,4,4,4-Octafluorocy… |
Elementary flows/Supplemen… |
13000.0 |
g CO2e/kg |
none |
- |
At the bottom of the screenshot, the tabs "General information", "Characterization factors", "Parameters", "Regionalized calculation" and "Similarities" appear. "Characterization factors" is underlined in grey, indicating that it is the tab currently open.
4.5 Model metadata and supporting information
4.5.1 Model metadata
Each of the system processes in the Data Library contains metadata to document the process scope, usage, modelling assumptions and technical details. The metadata organization is explained below. Each heading corresponds to an information tab and the field within the specific tab, accompanied by an overview of the information found.
The fuel pathway unit processes use the main description field in the “General Information” tab to describe how the process should be used. The other fields are not used. Configurable unit processes contain similar metadata as the system processes, but also include additional instructions on how to use them.
General Information
- General information on the process being modelled, including type of technology modelled, types of feedstock used for modelling the process (if any), and broad overview of life cycle stages
- Functional unit. (See Chapter 6.2.5 definition of functional unit)
- Process Scope: defines the gate-to-gate boundaries of the process. The possible life cycle stages are:
- Feedstock extraction
- Feedstock transportation
- Production/conversion
- Distribution
- Use/combustion
- Modelling overview which is more detailed than the general info at the beginning of the process description
- Allocation method with the list of co-products that are included in the modelling, if applicable
- Main data sources (author, year of publication)
- The data collection period
- The geographical scope, including information on the regionality of the data used. For example, it could note if international data or data from another region is used as a proxy
- A detailed engineering description of the operations or activities involved in the process
- If applicable, the literature source(s) that the engineering process was based on
- For transportation & distribution processes, the modes of transportation and the assumed distances
Outputs (description)
- Information about the flow related to its modelling. For the Data Library, this description will usually be “life cycle emissions”
Modeling and validation
Modelling constants
- Functional unit (same as in the General Information section)
Data completeness
- Cut-off criteria for inclusion of inputs and outputs
- An overview of excluded processes and the rationale for why these were excluded (if applicable)
Data selection
- Main data sources, along with a description of the sources
Data treatment
- Allocation method with the list of co-products that are included in the modelling, if applicable
4.5.2 Technical flow properties and unit groups
Each flow in the Model Database has a technical flow property, which is defined by a unit group. The unit groups contain all unit conversions relative to the reference unit of the specified group. For example, the technical flow property of “Mass” is associated with the “Units of Mass” unit group, as seen in Figure 12. This unit group contains 14 different units of mass all converted to kg.
While users will not need to create any new unit groups or technical flow properties, they are available in the database for information. Figure 12 shows the location of all flow properties and unit groups.

Long description
The screenshot shows the flow properties and unit groups of the Model available in the Model Database in openLCA.
In the figure, the “FueLCA_Model” database, with its title written in bold, is open. A yellow icon appears to the left of the title. Twelve folders derived from the database, each with its own icons to its left, are listed. These include the "Background data" folder, which is currently open. It contains two subfolders “Flow properties” and “Unit groups”, which are also open. The folders are arranged as follows:
- Projects
- Product systems
- Processes
- Flows
- EPDs
- Results
- Indicators and parameters
- Background data
- Flow properties
- Technical flow properties
- Area
- Energy
- Goods transport (mass*length)
- Mass
- Volume
- Volume*Length
- Technical flow properties
- Unit groups
- Technical unit groups
- Units of area
- Units of energy
- Units of mass
- Units of mass*length
- Units of volume
- Units of volume*length
- Technical unit groups
- Flow properties
4.5.3 Sources
To view/access the sources of a particular system process, go to the sources section at the bottom of the modelling and validation tab. Double-click a source to open the full citation.
The “Sources” folder of the Model Database contains the references used to model the system processes in the Data Library. Each source represents a different reference and contains the full citation and if applicable, the URL and/or reference year. The sources used in a system process can also be seen in the “Modelling and validation” tab of the system process. Figure 13 shows the location of the sources in the Model Database in openLCA.

Long description
The screenshot shows the location of the Sources subfolder in the Model database in openLCA.
In the screenshot, the “FUEL_LCA_MODEL” database, with its title written in bold, is open. A yellow icon is located to the left of the title. Fourteen folders derived from the database, each with its own icon, are listed. These include the "Background data" folder, which is currently open, that contains six subfolders, including “Sources”, which is framed in red. The folders are arranged as follows:
- Projects
- Product systems
- Processes
- Flows
- EPDs
- Results
- Indicators and parameters
- Background data
- Flow properties
- Unit groups
- Currencies
- Actors
- Sources
- Locations
The “Sources” folder is framed in red, highlighting its location.
Chapter 5: Using the Fuel LCA Model
This section describes the steps involved in performing operations in openLCA when using the Model. In addition, it includes analysis and troubleshooting options in openLCA and other useful tips.
5.1 Using the fuel pathways and Data Library
The fuel pathways and the Data Library are the main parts of the Model Database that are used to model CIs. This section presents the modelling approach when using the Model for general purposes (i.e. when the Model is not used under a specific program). Be sure to refer to program specific documentation when using the Model for a specific program.
As mentioned in Chapter 4.2, the Data Library contains many system processes developed by ECCC that can be used as building blocks when modelling a CI using the fuel pathways. The relationship between the Data Library and Fuel Pathways is shown in Figure 14, and represents the modelling approach to follow when using the fuel pathways in the Model.

Long description
The figure illustrates the general interaction between the Data Library and the Fuel Pathways in openLCA.
The interaction is represented by an arrow diagram on a white background. On the diagram, the processes shown on turquoise backgrounds are unit processes of the Fuel Pathways, whereas those on a green background are from the Data Library or some other source.
In the center of the figure, the three main modeling processes for calculating carbon intensity in openLCA are presented in cascade. Each process is framed in black and written in a turquoise box. These processes are presented as follows:
1-[Fuel] production, at [fuel] plant
2-[Fuel] distribution, to end user
3-[Fuel] combustion, to end user
Above the "[Fuel] production, at [fuel] plant " process, the following three elements are shown from left to right:
- Energy inputs
- Material inputs
- Other direct emissions
These processes are individually frames in black and are presented on a green background. Each process is associated with an arrow pointing to the unit process “1-[Fuel] production, at [fuel] plant”.
In a turquoise blue rectangle framed in black to the left of the "1-[Fuel] production, at [fuel] plant” unit process is the element "Feedstock A/B/C, at [fuel] plant". This element is accompanied with an arrow pointing to the process "1-[Fuel] production, at [fuel] plant”.
Below the unit process "Feedstock A/B/C, at [fuel] plant", the elements "Feedstock" and "Transport inputs" are framed in black on a green background. Each of these elements is accompanied with an arrow pointing to "Feedstock A/B/C, at [fuel] plant".
Below "Transport inputs", a second "Transport inputs" process is framed in black on a green background. This process is accompanied with an arrow pointing to the "[Fuel] distribution, to end user" process.
Below the process "3-[Fuel] Combustion, to end user", the process "Combustion emissions" framed in black on a green background. This element is accompanied by an arrow pointing to the process.
On the right-hand side of the figure, the unit process "[Fuel] CI from Feedstock A/B/C" is framed in black on a turquoise background. Arrows from the processes: "1-[Fuel] production, at [fuel] plant ", "2-[Fuel] distribution, to end user " and "3-[Fuel] Combustion, to end user " point to "[Fuel] CI from Feedstock A/B/C ".
In the bottom left-hand corner of the figure, a legend illustrates the meaning of the colors associated with the different elements in the figure. Each element of the legend is separated by a grey horizontal line that begins on the left side of the figure and ends near the middle of the figure.
The legend consists of a green box framed in black that represents the "Linked process from the data library or other sources". Just below, there is a turquoise box framed in black that represents the "Unit process part of the Fuel Pathway".
As shown in Figure 14, users can populate the fuel pathways by adding inputs into the fuel pathway processes. They can then enter data into the fuel pathway processes to quantify the amounts of each input and output. The fuel pathways also allow the input of data from sources other than the Data Library. A completed fuel pathway can then be used to calculate a CI.
The following section shows how to perform the operations needed to use the Model in openLCA. A complete example of using the fuel pathways and Data Library is available in Appendix A.
5.2 Performing operations in openLCA
5.2.1 Exporting a database from openLCA
Once a CI has been calculated, the edited processes can be exported. When exporting, to determine which processes/folders to select, follow relevant program instructions if available. Otherwise, users should at least export processes that were modified by the user and are connected to the pathway. To export a database, follow the steps below:
- Make sure the database is open (its name should be in bold)
- Right-click the database and click “Export…”

Long description
This figure shows a screenshot from openLCA for exporting a database. It represents the second step in the procedure.
In this step, the model database titled “FueLCAModel” is opened. Huit folders, each with its own icon, extend from the model database. The files are presented as follow:
- Projects
- Product systems
- Processes
- Flows
- EPDs
- Results
- Indicators and parameters
- Background data.
When right-clicking on the database, a drop-down menu unfolds with the following options, each with its own icon, from top to bottom:
- New database
- Restore database
- Backup database
- Validate
- Copy
- Rename
- Set folder
- Delete database
- Close database
- Add a library
- Import…
- Export…
- Repository
The export option is outlined in a red box.
- In the export window, click on JSON-LD at the bottom and click “Next”

Long description
This figure represents the third step in the procedure for exporting a database. It shows a screenshot from openLCA of the export window. The top left corner of the screenshot, in the title bar, has the openLCA logo and the word “Export” to its right. Just below is the word “Select”, written in bold and on a white background.
Following this, the window is divided into two sections, with one positioned above the other, both on a white background. The first section is a small rectangular area preceded by the prompt “Select an export wizard:” on a grey background. This area allows manual entry of an export wizard. On the screenshot, this section appears empty.
The other section, taking up most of the window, displays five options divided into sub-sections, with each sub-section having its own icon, as follows:
- EcoSpold
- Impact methods
- Processes
- Excel
- One Click LCA – Excel template
- Processes
- ILCD Network Export
- ILCD Zip-File
- SimaPro CSV
- LCIA methods to SimaPro CSV
- Processes to SimaPro CSV
- openLCA
JSON-LD is selected and outlined in a red box. At the bottom of the window, four choices are available: “< Back”, “Next >”, “Finish” and “Cancel”. “< Back” and “Finish” are greyed out, indicating they can’t be clicked. “Next >” is framed in blue, indicating it is the choice to proceed.
- To change the name of the database and save location, click on the “Browse” button near the top-right of the window
Note: Always save the database into a new zip file (i.e. do not overwrite an existing zip file). Sometimes issues arise in the exported zip file when it was created by overwriting an existing zip file - Using the navigation boxes, click the boxes corresponding to the main unit processes that you edited/created to model your CI
Note: It is not necessary to export any Data Library system processes - Once you have selected your unit processes, save location, and database name, click “Finish”

Long description
This figure shows the sixth step in the procedure for exporting a database. It is a screenshot of the export datasets window in the openLCA software.
The top left-hand corner of the title bar shows the openLCA logo on a blue background, followed by "Export data sets" to its right. In the top right-hand corner, icons for expanding or closing the window are visible. Just below it, to the left, “Select data sets” is written in bold. Directly below it, "Please select the destination and the data sets for the export" is written underneath on a white background.
The window is then divided into two sections, both with grey backgrounds and one above the other.
At the top left of the first section, you'll see "To file:", followed by a rectangular area on a white background to the right, showing the full path to the location of the selected file. Inside this area is written "C:\Users\Public\FuelLCAModel.zip". To its right, the "Browse" button is available.
The other lower section is a square area on a white background. It occupies most of the window and presents the folders, each with its own icon, included in the database that has been exported from the computer's directory. The folders are arranged as follows:
- Processes
- Data Library
- Fuel Pathways
- Biodiesel CI
- Feedstock at biodiesel plant
- 1- Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant
- 2- Biodiesel distribution, to end-user
- 3- Biodiesel combustion, at end-user
- Bioethanol pathway
- Biogas pathway
- Configurable processes
- For vehicles
- Hydrogen pathway
- Renewable hydrocarbon biofuel pathway
- Renewable natural gas pathway
The folders "Processes", "Fuel Pathways", "Biodiesel pathway", "Biodiesel CI", "Feedstock at biodiesel plant", "Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant", "Biodiesel distribution, at end-user", and "Biodiesel combustion, at end-user" are marked with a blue tick to their left, indicating that they are the folders to be exported.
Folders from "Processes" to "Biodiesel combustion, at end-user" are framed in red.
Below the square box, "Export default providers of product inputs and waste outputs" appears, with a checkbox to the left, which can be selected.
At the bottom of the figure, four options are available: "Back", "Next", "Finish" and "Cancel". "Next" is greyed out, indicating that this option cannot be selected. "Finish" is framed in blue. This is the option to select to proceed.
5.2.2 Inputting data into a unit process (flow information)
An important aspect of modelling a CI is double-checking the details of the entered information to ensure its accuracy. To enter values in openLCA, follow the steps below:
- Open the unit process that requires data entry by double-clicking the unit process name on the navigation pane on the left
- At the bottom of the unit process window, click on the “Inputs/Outputs” tab
- The unit process should have some flows in the inputs and/or the outputs tab. (To learn how to add or remove flows to or from a unit process, see the next section.)
- To enter in the value, left-click the “Amount” field for the flow in question
- You can enter in any number, and the field also accepts scientific notation in the same format as Excel (ex. 3.4E-4)
- You can also enter in a formula if needed. To do this, simply type the formula as you would in Excel but without the equals sign (ex. 3*4-(5+1))
Note: if you use a formula, openLCA will display the formula by default instead of the result. To display the magnitude, click on the “1.23” button at the right side of the inputs or outputs table
- Make sure the value is in the correct units. To change the units, click on the “Unit” field and a drop-down menu should be available. Click on the arrow on the right side of the field to open up the menu and select the unit
Note: you can type in the unit provided that the unit is spelled exactly as it appears in the list (this is case sensitive) - If the value is an input for the process, make sure that the “Provider” is selected. To do this, click on the provider field for the flow and a drop-down menu should be available. Click on the arrow of the right side of the field to open up the drop-down menu and select the provider. There should only be one provider, and its name should usually be the same name as the flow
- If the input flow is an elementary flow or a waste flow, a provider is not needed
- For output flows, intermediate flows and elementary flows do not use providers. For waste flows, select the provider accordingly
- To view or edit the description of a flow, click on the “description” field, which is the right-most field for a flow. Click “Edit” to view and edit the text

Long description
This figure shows the seventh step in the procedure for entering data in a unit process. In the screenshot, the unit process shown as an example is "1-Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant".
In the top left-hand corner of the screenshot, the “Welcome” and “1- Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant” tabs appear on a grey and white background respectively, each with its own icon. In the top right-hand corner, icons for minimizing or maximizing the window are visible.
Immediately below, to the left, the title "Inputs/Outputs: 1- Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant" is displayed in bold, indicating that the tab “Inputs/Outputs” of this process is open. On the right, the reloading icon is visible.
The remaining part of the figure is divided into two sections on a white background, arranged one above the other. In the top left-hand corner of the first section, "Inputs" is written in bold type, and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left. On the right, three small colored icons (a green plus sign, a red “x” and black numbers) represent the actions "create new", "delete selection" and "display values".
Immediately below, the rest of the section presents the characteristics of unit process inputs in an eleven-column table.
Flow |
Category |
Amount |
Unit |
Costs/re… |
Uncertainty |
Avoided… |
Provider |
Data qual… |
Location |
Description |
Corn oil, extracted a… |
Configurable process… |
1.00000 |
Kg |
- |
none |
- |
Corn o… |
- |
- |
- |
Electricity, from gri… |
Grid electricity/Canad… |
1.00000 |
kWh |
- |
none |
- |
Electric… |
- |
- |
- |
Natural gas combu… |
Fossil fuels/combust… |
1.00000 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
Natural… |
- |
- |
- |
The second input for Amount “1.00000” is framed in red and accompanied with a red arrow pointing to the annotation “Can change the amount for a flow”.
The second input for Unit “kWh” is framed in red and accompanied with a red arrow pointing to the annotation “Can change the units for a flow”.
Note that each item listed in this column has its own purple icon to its left.
"Electricity" is framed in red, with an arrow pointing to the annotation "Make sure the provider is selected for each input".
In the top left-hand corner of the second section, "Outputs" is written in bold type, and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left. On the right are three small icons (a green plus sign, a red “x” and black numbers) represent the actions "create new", "delete selection" and "display values". They are framed in red with a red arrow pointing to the annotation "Add flow, remove flow, toggle formula view", indicating what they symbolize.
Immediately below, the rest of the section presents the characteristics of the outgoing elements of the unit process in an eleven-column table.
Flow |
Category |
Amount |
Unit |
Costs/re… |
Uncertainty |
Avoided… |
Provider |
Data qual… |
Location |
Description |
1- Biodiesel from… |
1- Biodiesel produc… |
1.00000 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1- Biodiesel f… |
1- Biodiesel produc… |
0.00000 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1- Biodiesel f… |
1- Biodiesel produc… |
0.00000 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
At the bottom of the screenshot, the tabs "General information", "Inputs/Outputs", "Administrative information", "Modeling and validation", "Parameters", "Allocation", "Social aspects" and "Impact analysis" appear. The "Inputs/Outputs" tab is bordered by a red frame, with an arrow pointing to the annotation "Get to this screen by clicking on the inputs/outputs tab".
5.2.3 Adding or removing a flow to or from a unit process
As stated in Chapter 4.3, different types of flow may be needed to generate a CI. Table 1 provides information on what each type of flow could represent and where to add the flow in each process. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and as such, flows can be used for other scenarios than those listed in the table. If you are following a specific program, refer to the program documentation for instructions on which flows to add.
Type of flow |
Possible scenario for the flow |
Where to add the flow in the “Inputs/Outputs” tab |
Elementary |
Process emissions of a process |
Outputs table |
Intermediate |
Connections to other processes. Main flows that are used in modelling |
Inputs table |
Intermediate |
Co-product produced in a process |
Outputs table |
Waste |
Waste produced by a process |
Outputs table |
Waste used or treated by the process |
Inputs table |
Once you choose the type of flow you need to add, there are two ways to add a flow to a unit process. Both methods are explained below.
Adding a flow to a unit process: Method 1
- Open the unit process where you want to add the flow
- Go to the “Inputs/Outputs” tab in the unit process
- Using the navigation pane in openLCA, find the unit process you want to link with the opened unit process
- Click and drag the unit process from the navigation pane into the Inputs Table or the Outputs Table of the target unit process. This adds the flow into the target unit process
- If you are adding an elementary flow or an intermediate flow representing a co-product, click-and drag the flow from the flow folder

Long description
This figure shows the fourth step of the method for adding a flow to a unit process using Method 1 described in user manual.
The figure is divided into two distinct areas: on the left, the navigation pane and on the right, an overview of the unit process “1-Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant”.
At the top left of the navigation pane, the heading “Navigation” is framed in a small white rectangle. On the right of the navigation pane, four small icons are aligned from left to right, symbolizing “Link with Editor”, “View menu”, “Minimize” and “Maximize”. Just below, the database, with its title “FuelLCAModel” in bold letters, is open. Twelve files drop down from the database, notably the Processes file which is currently open. It contains the Data Library subfolder, which is also open. The files are arranged as follows:
- Projects
- Product systems
- Processes
- Data Library
- Agrochemicals
- Chemicals
- Predefined chemical mixes
- Chemical use per MJ of biodiesel
- Chemical use per MJ of cellulosic ethanol
- Chemical use per MJ of conventional ethanol
- Combustion emission factors
- Electricity
- Feedstocks
- Fossil fuels
- Data Library
To the right of the figure, in the upper left corner of the image of the unit process “Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant”, there are two tabs, “Welcome” and “1- Biodiesel production”, each with its own icon.
Below, to the left, the title “Inputs/Outputs: 1- Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant” is displayed in bold, indicating that the “Inputs/Outputs” tab for this process is open.
Below it, on the left, “Inputs” is written in bold font, and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left.
The rest of the section presents in a five-column table the characteristics of the input elements of the unit process.
Flow |
Category |
Amount |
Unit |
Costs/Revenues |
Corn oil, extracted a… |
Configurable process… |
1.00000 |
Kg |
- |
Electricity, from gri… |
Grid electricity/Canad… |
1.00000 |
kWh |
- |
Natural gas combu… |
Fossil fuels/combust… |
1.00000 |
MJ |
- |
Chemical use per MJ of biodiesel |
- |
- |
- |
- |
The process “Chemical use per MJ of biodiesel” in the navigation pane to the left of the figure is highlighted in blue. A red arrow from this statement points from this process towards the input table for “1- Biodiesel production”, to the right of the figure, illustrating the addition of this element as an input to the process. On the right, " Chemical use per MJ of biodiesel " appears faded to indicate that it is being dragged from the left of the navigation pane to the right side of the table and thus added to the table of elements for this process. There is the annotation “Click and drag the process you want to add” above the red arrow.
Adding a flow to a unit process: Method 2
- Open the unit process where you want to add the flow
- Go to the “Inputs/Outputs” tab in the unit process
- At the top-right of the input or output table, click the green plus button

Long description
This figure represents the third step for of the procedure for adding a flow to a unit process using Method 2 available in user manual. It shows a snapshot of the unit process “1-Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant”.
In the left corner of the screenshot, the tabs “Welcome” and “1-Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant" appear, on a grey and white background respectively, each with its own icon.
Below the tabs, to the left, the title “Inputs/Outputs: 1- Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant” is displayed in bold, indicating that the “Inputs/Outputs” tab for this process is open. To the right, the reload button is visible.
Below it on the left, “Inputs” is written in bold font, and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left. On the right, there are three small colored icons (a green plus sign, a red “x” and black numbers) representing the actions “create new”, “delete selection” and “show values”. These actions relate to the flow in the Inputs table. The first icon is framed in red, indicating that this icon needs to be clicked on to proceed.
Just below, the rest of the figure shows a table, of eleven columns, the characteristics of the input elements of the unit process.
Flow |
Category |
Amount |
Unit |
Costs/ |
Uncertainty |
Avoided waste |
Provider |
Data qual… |
Location |
Description |
Corn oil, extracted a… |
Configurable process… |
1.00000 |
Kg |
- |
none |
- |
Corn o… |
- |
- |
- |
Electricity, from gri… |
Grid electricity/Canad… |
1.00000 |
kWh |
- |
none |
- |
Electric… |
- |
- |
- |
Natural gas combu… |
Fossil fuels/combust… |
1.00000 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
Natural… |
- |
- |
- |
Note that each element listed in the columns “Flow” and “Unit” are accompanied with their own blue icon to its left., whereas each element of the column “Provider” has an associated purple icon to its left.
- Using the navigation window to select the flow you wish to add. Alternatively, you can use the search bar in the window to look for the flow. Note that by doing this you may still need to expand some folder selections

Long description
This figure represents the fourth step of the procedure for adding a flow to a unit process using in Method 2 from the user manual. It shows a preview of the window that opens after clicking on the green plus sign icon to select the flow to add to a unit process.
The upper left corner of the title bar features the openLCA logo on a blue background. Just below, “Flows” is written in bold letters on a white background to the left.
Subsequently, the window is divided into two sections, both with a white background and one located above the other. The first section is a small rectangular area that is used to search for flows. Above this, it says “Filter” in bold letters. Inside this box, “chemical” is written and framed in red to indicate the keyword being searched.
Below, the second section occupies most of the window. In the left corner, “Content” appears written in bold letters. A small arrow pointing downward is positioned immediately to its left.
Just below is the sequence of open files in the database to access the flow. The data layout is as follows, each folder with its own icon:
- Intermediate flows
- Data Library
- Chemical Inputs
- Predefined chemical mixes
- Chemical use per MJ of biodiesel
- Chemical use per MJ of cellulosic ethanol
- Chemical use per MJ of conventional ethanol
- Predefined chemical mixes
- Chemical Inputs
- Data Library
At the bottom of the figure, two options are available: “OK” and “Cancel”. “OK” is greyed out. “Cancel” is lightly outlined in blue.
- For intermediate flows and waste flows, since you added a flow without its linked unit process, you will need to add the provider of the flow if it is an input. To do this, click on the provider field for the flow and a drop-down menu should be available. Click on the arrow of the right side of the field to open up the menu and select the provider. There should only be one provider, and its name should usually be the same name as the flow
Note: Intermediate flows only require providers when used as inputs, while waste flows only require providers when used as output

Long description
This figure shows the fifth step in the procedure for adding a flow to a unit process using Method 2 in the user manual. It shows a preview of the input table for the unit process "Chemical use per MJ of biodiesel".
In the top left-hand corner of the figure, "Inputs" is written in bold type, and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left.
Immediately below, there is a ten-column table, presenting the characteristics of the input elements of the unit process. The next columns, "Data qual… and "Location" appear empty in the screenshot.
Flow |
Category |
Amount |
Unit |
Costs/ |
Uncertainty |
Avoided waste |
Provider |
Data Quality |
Location |
Corn oil, extracted a… |
Configurable process… |
1.00000 |
Kg |
- |
none |
- |
Corn o… |
- |
- |
Electricity, from gri… |
Grid electricity/Canad… |
1.00000 |
kWh |
- |
none |
- |
Electric… |
- |
- |
Natural gas combu… |
Fossil fuels/combust… |
1.00000 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
Natural… |
- |
- |
Chemical use per M… |
Chemical inputs/Pred… |
1.00000 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Note that each element listed in the “Flow” and “Unit” columns are accompanied with a blue icon to its left, whereas each element of the “Provider” column has a purple icon.
The fourth line of this table correspond with the flow “Chemical use per MJ of biodiesel is highlighted in grey. In the Provider column, a white rectangle with a downward-pointing arrow to its right indicates the presence of a drop-down menu. The drop-down menu shows "Chemical use per MJ of biodiesel" framed in red and highlighted in blue.
To remove a flow, follow these steps:
Removing a flow
- Open the unit process where you want to remove the flow
- Go to the inputs/outputs tab in the unit process
- Select the flow by left-clicking the flow name
- Click the red X button at the top-right of the input or output table. Alternatively, you can press the delete key on your keyboard
Note: openLCA allows you to delete multiple flows at once. You can highlight multiple rows using the shift key or the ctrl key

Long description
This figure shows the fourth step in the procedure for removing a flow from a unit process. It shows an overview of the "1-Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant" unit process.
In the left-hand corner of the screenshot, the tabs "Welcome" and "1-Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant" appear on a grey and white background respectively, each with its own icon.
Just below, to the left, the title "Inputs/Outputs: 1- Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant" is displayed in bold, indicating that the "Inputs/Outputs" tab for this process is open. To the right, the reload button is visible.
Below, on the left, "Inputs" is written in bold type and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left. On the right are three small colored icons (a green plus sign, a red “x” and black numbers) representing the actions "create new", "delete selection" and "display values". The red “x” icon is framed in red. Just below the icon, a label shows "Remove selected".
Immediately below this, the rest of the figure presents the characteristics of the input elements of the unit process in an eleven-column table as follows:
Flow |
Category |
Amount |
Unit |
Costs/ |
Uncertainty |
Avoided… |
Provider |
Data Qual… |
Location |
Description |
Corn oil, extracted a… |
Configurable process… |
1.00000 |
Kg |
- |
none |
- |
Corn o… |
- |
- |
- |
Electricity, from gri… |
Grid electricity/Canad… |
1.00000 |
kWh |
- |
none |
- |
Electric… |
- |
- |
- |
Natural gas combu… |
Fossil fuels/combust… |
1.00000 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
Natural… |
- |
- |
- |
Chemical use per M… |
Chemical inputs/Pred… |
1.00000 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
The columns, “Costs/Re…”, "Data qual...", "Location", and “Description” appear empty in the screenshot.
Note that each element listed in the “Flow” and “Unit” columns are accompanies with a blue icon to its left, while each element in the “Provider” column has a purple icon.
The fourth row is highlighted in blue, indicating that it has been selected. This row corresponds to the "Chemical use per M…” flow, which will be deleted once you click on the "Remove selected" icon.
5.2.4 Creating a unit process
The steps for creating a unit process are shown below:
- In the navigation pane on the left side of openLCA, right click the folder where you want to create the unit process, and click “New process”

Long description
This figure represents the first step in the procedure to create a unit process. In the screnshot, the database is open, with the title "FuelLCAModel" in bold type. Fifteen folders extend are derived from the database, including the Processes folder, which is currently open and contains the various folders including, the subfolder "Fuel Pathways", which is also open. The folders are arranged as follows:
- Projects
- Product systems
- Processes
- Data Library
- Fuel Pathways
- Biodiesel pathway
- Biodiesel CI
- Feedstock at biodiesel plant
- 1- Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant
- 2- Biodiesel distribution, to end-user
- 3- Biodiesel combustion, at end-user
- Biodiesel pathway
- Bioethanol pathway
- Biogas pathway
- Configurable processes
- For vehicles
- Hydrogen pathway
- Renewable hydrocarbon biofuel pathway
- Renewable natural gas pathway
The folder “Biodiesel pathway” is underlined in blue, indicating that this is the unit process folder to right click on. A drop-down menu presents the following options, each with its own icon:
- New process
- Delete
- Cut
- Copy
- Add new child category
- Rename
- Export…
The folder “Biodiesel pathway” and the option “New process” of the drop-down menu are framed in red, indicating that after right clicking on “Biodiesel pathway”, the next step is to click on “New process”.
- Enter the name of the new unit process
- Click the checkbox that says “Create a new flow for the process (as quantitative reference)”
- Select the reference flow property for the new flow that will be created
- Click “Finish.”
Note: the new flow that was created will not be organized in the right folder. Move the flow to the same folder that the unit process was created in (in the flows section of the database). For instructions on how to do this, see Chapter 5.2.7

Long description
This figure shows steps 2 to 5 in the procedure for creating a unit process. It shows a preview of the window that opens after selecting "New process" by right-clicking on one of the "Processes" category folders in the Database.
In the top left-hand corner of the screen capture, in the title bar, the openLCA logo appears on a blue background. In the top right-hand corner, the icons for minimizing, expanding and closing the window are visible.
Below this, on a white background, on the left, the title of the window "New process" appears in bold type. On the right, a purple icon symbolizing the processes in the program appears.
The remaining part of the figure is set against a grey background. The arrangement is such that the characteristics of the new process are aligned one below the other on the left, and in a rectangle to the right of each characteristic, and the corresponding information is provided. From top to bottom, it breaks down as follows:
- "Name" with an adjacent rectangle for entering the “New unit process name”
In the screenshot, "New unit process name" appears here and is framed in red. Immediately below the rectangle, "Create a waste treatment process" appears, with an empty checkbox to the left. Below this, framed in red, is "Create a new flow for the process (as quantitative reference)", with a checked checkbox to its left.
- "Name of the new flow" with an adjacent empty rectangle for entering the name of the flow to its right
- "Reference flow property" with an adjacent rectangle allowing for the selection of the reference flow property to its right. In this example, "Mass" appears. A downward-pointing arrow in the right-hand corner of the rectangle indicates the presence of a drop-down menu from which to select the desired reference flow property. This rectangle is framed in red
At the bottom of the window, two choices are available, “Finish” and “Cancel”. “Finish” is framed in blue
When using the model for general purposes, Appendix A also shows additional modelling scenarios where creating a unit process could be helpful.
5.2.5 Creating a flow
This section explains how to make a flow separately from a unit process, such as when needing to make an elementary flow or an intermediate flow (See Chapter 4.3). Note that when creating a new unit process (Chapter 5.2.4), a flow is simultaneously created (reference flow). Follow the steps below to create a flow:
- In the navigation pane on the left side of openLCA, right click the folder where you want to create the flow, and click “New flow”

Long description
This figure shows the first step in the create a flow procedure.
Sixteen folders from the database appear in the figure. The folders are arranged as follows:
- Elementary flows
- Intermediate flows
- Data Library
- Fuel pathways
- Biodiesel pathway
- 1 - Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant
- Biodiesel CI
- Feedstock at biodiesel plant
- 2 – Biodiesel distribution, to end-user
- 3 – Biodiesel combustion, at end-user
- Bioethanol pathway
- Biogas pathway
- Configurable processes
- For vehicles
- Hydrogen pathway
- Renewable hydrocarbon biofuel pathway
- Renewable natural gas pathway
- Biodiesel pathway
“1 - Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant” is highlighted in blue, indicating that this folder should be right clicked on. A drop-down menu presents the following options:
- New flow
- Delete
- Cut
- Copy
- Add new child category
- Rename
- Export…
“1 - Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant” and “New flow” from the drop-down menu are framed in red, indicating that after right clicking on “1 - Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant”, the next step is to click on “New flow” in order to create a flow.
- Enter the name of the new flow
- Select the flow type to choose either an elementary flow (if it is an emission), intermediate flow (product or co-product flow), or a waste flow (used for waste treatment processes).
Note: This step is critical as you cannot change the type of flow after the flow has been created - Select the reference flow property
- Click “Finish”

Long description
This figure shows the fifth step in the flow creation procedure. It shows a preview of the window that opens after selecting "New flow" following a right-click on one of the "Flux" category folders in the database.
In the top left-hand corner of the screenshot, in the title bar, the openLCA logo is shown on a blue background. In the top right-hand corner, the icons for minimizing, expanding and closing the window are visible.
Below this, on a white background, on the left, is "New stream" in bold type, followed by "Create new flow" in plain type, located just below. On the right are three small brown icons.
The rest of the figure is set against a grey background. The arrangement is such that the characteristics of the new flow are aligned one below the other on the left, and in a rectangle to the right of each characteristic, the corresponding information is shown. It breaks down as follows from top to bottom:
- "Name" with an adjacent rectangle for entering the “New flow name”
In the screenshot, “New flow name” is framed in red - “Description” with an adjacent rectangle to enter a description of the flow created. This location is left empty on the screenshot
- “Flow type” with an adjacent rectangle to the right allowing for the selection of the flow type. “Product” is written in this rectangle, framed in red, with a blue icon on its left. A downward-pointing arrow in the right-hand corner of the rectangle indicates the presence of a drop-down menu from which it is possible to select the Flow type. A red arrow from the frame points to the annotation "Cannot change once flow is created!", which is written in red
- "Reference flow property" with an adjacent rectangle allowing for the selection of the reference flow property. "Mass", framed in red, appears. A downward-pointing arrow in the right-hand corner of the rectangle indicates the presence of a drop-down menu from which it is possible to select the desired reference flow property. This rectangle is framed in red
At the bottom of the window, two choices are available, “Finish” and “Cancel”. “Finish” is framed in blue.
5.2.6 Renaming a unit process or flow
There are two methods to rename a unit process or a flow. They are both explained below. Note that method 2 is applicable to renaming any item in the navigation pane, including folders (but excluding system folders).
Renaming a unit process or flow: Method 1
- Open the unit process or flow
- In the “General information” tab, you can edit the “Name” field at the very top of the workspace

Long description
This figure shows the second step in the procedure to rename a unit process or flow using Method 1 in the user manual. It shows an overview of the general information relating to the unit process "Corn oil, extracted at processor, configurable A".
In the left-hand corner of the screenshot, the tabs “Welcome” and “Corn oil, extracted at processor, configurable A” appear on a grey and white background respectively, each with its own icon. The rest fo the screenshot is on a white background.
Below the tabs, the title "General information: Corn oil, extracted at processor, c…" is displayed in bold, indicating that the "General information" tab for this process is open.
Below, on the left, "General Information" is written in bold type, and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left.
The arrangement of the rest of the figure is as follows: the characteristics of the unit process “Corn Oil, extracted at processor, configurable A” are arranged one below the other, on the left, and in a rectangle to the right of each characteristic, the corresponding information is presented. These elements are presented as follows from top to bottom:
- "Name" with an adjacent rectangle to the right for entering the database name
In the screenshot, "Corn oil, extracted at processor, configurable A" appears in this location, and is framed in red. The frame indicates that this is the location where the process name can be modified - "Category" with an adjacent rectangle to the right showing "Fuel Pathways/Configurable processes/Corn oil"
- "Description" with an adjacent rectangle to the right for entering a description of the flow created. In this rectangle, the following is written, "The unit process covers the corn oil production. In the Inputs/Outputs tab… must be replaced by appropriate processes….Functional Unit: 1 kg of oil extracted”
- Save the unit process or flow
- If you changed the name of a unit process, you should also change the name of its reference flow. To change a reference flow name, go to the “Inputs/Outputs” tab of the unit process and then double-click on the reference flow (it will be an output and in bold)
- Change the flow name as in Steps 1 to 3
- Save the changes to the flow
- To view the changes to the unit process, you can click the “Reload” button in the top right of the process

Long description
This figure shows the seventh step for the procedure to rename a unit process or flow using in Method 1 from the User Manuel. It shows the location of the reload button for viewing the changes made to the unit process. The reload button is framed in red.
Renaming a unit process or flow: Method 2
- Right-click the unit process or flow on the navigation pane
- Click “Rename” at the bottom of the dialogue box and enter in the new name. Note that if you change a unit process name this way, you should do the same for its reference flow. The reference flow will be saved according to the same folder structure but in the “Flows” section of the database

Long description
This figure shows the second step of procedure for renaming a process or flow using Method 2 from the openLCA program User Manuel. It shows an overview of the location of the unit process "Corn oil, extracted at processor, configurable A" of the database in openLCA.
The figure shows eleven folders from the database, some of which are and present processes. These elements are arranged as follows:
- Configurable processes [not in screenshot]
- Corn oil
- Corn oil, extracted at processor, configurable A
- Corn oil, extracted at processor, configurable B
- Corn oil, extracted at processor, configurable C
- Grid electricity
- Oil from oilseed
- Yellow grease
- Corn oil
- For vehicles
- Hydrogen pathway
- Renewable hydrocarbon biofuel pathway
- Renewable natural gas pathway
- Flows
- Elementary flows
- Intermediate flows
The process "Corn oil, extracted at processor, configurable A" is highlighted in dark grey, indicating that this folder has been right clicked on. A drop-down menu present the following options:
- Open
- Usage
- Delete
- Cut
- Copy
- Rename
- Export…
“Rename” is framed in red.
5.2.7 Moving a unit process and flow
The method to move unit processes and flows is similar to that of moving files in any folder. The steps are shown below:
- In the navigation pane on the left side of openLCA, locate your unit process. If you are unable to find it and the unit process is open, you can see the folder location (called “Category”) in the “General information” tab
- Once you have located your process, click and drag the process to the destination folder. Note that the process has to be moved onto the actual folder, and not onto another process within the folder. See the screenshot below
- Alternatively, you can right-click on the process and click “Cut.” Right-click the destination folder and click “Paste.”
- If you move a unit process make sure to do the same for its corresponding reference flow using the same steps. The flows are organized in the same structure as the processes

Long description
This figure represents the third step in the procedure for moving a unit process or flow found of the database in openLCA. It shows an overview of the "Electricity, from grid, configurable A" process of the database in openLCA, which is being moved to the Biodiesel pathway folder.
The figure highlights eleven folders from the database, some of which are open. For those that are open, the processes they contain are also displayed. These elements are shown in the following manner, each accompanied with a purple icon to its left:
- Fuel Pathways (open)
- Biodiesel pathway (open)
- Biodiesel CI (open)
- Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A
- Biodiesel CI from Feedstock B
- Biodiesel CI from Feedstock C
- Feedstock at biodiesel plant
- 1 – Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant
- 2 – Biodiesel distribution, to end-user
- 3 - Biodiesel combustion, to end-user
- Biodiesel CI (open)
- Bioethanol pathway
- Biogas pathway
- Configurable processes (open)
- Animal fats, endered
- Carbo capture and storage
- Corn oil
- Grid electricity (open)
- Electricity, from grid, configurable A
- Electricity, from grid, configurable B
- Electricity, from grid, configurable C
- Biodiesel pathway (open)
In the "Grid electricity" subfolder, "Electricity, from grid, configurable A" is highlighted in blue. A red arrow points from, this process to the "Biodiesel pathway" folder, highlighted in blue, with the message "Drag the process on top of the folder where you want it moved" in red. In the screen capture, on the right-hand side of the "Biodiesel pathway" folder, "Electricity, from grid, configurable A" appears lightly overlapping the “Biodiesel pathway” folder, indicating that it is currently being moved to this folder.
5.2.8 Performing allocation on a unit process
There are two main ways of performing allocation on a unit process in openLCA: physical allocation and the causal allocation. Economic allocation is not compatible with the Model. The steps for both methods are shown below. (IMPORTANT: The Clean Fuel Regulations Specifications require the use of the causal allocation method only).
Method 1: Completing the causal allocation table
- After entering in all flow information in the unit process, go to the “Allocation” tab of the unit process
- Select the default method “Causal allocation”
Note: If you do not select a default method for allocation then the allocation coefficients will not be included in the CI calculations, even if you fill in the allocation table - In the “Causal allocation table”, enter in the amounts for each flow by copy/pasting the entire value from a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel) into the table
Note: If multiple flows have the same name, you can determine which flow is which by looking at the “Amount” column - When the table is completed, save the unit process
Note: Do not click on the “Calculate factors” button as this will replace all the values you manually entered

Long description
This figure represents the fourth step for completing the causal allocation table.
It shows an overview of the "Allocation" tab of the unit process "1-Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant" of the database in openLCA, once the "Causal allocation" table has been completed.
In the left-hand corner of the screen capture, the "Welcome" and "1-Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant " tabs appear, on a grey and white background respectively, each with its own icon. To the right, there are two icons for minimizing and expanding the currently open window.
Just below the tabs, to the left, the title "Allocation: 1-Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant" is displayed in bold on a white background, indicating that the "Allocation" tab for this process is open. To the right, there is the reload icon.
Below, in the left-hand corner, "Default method" is written on a white background with an adjacent rectangle on a white background with a downward-pointing arrow in the right-hand corner of the rectangle, indicating the presence of a drop-down menu for selecting the default method. In this rectangle is the word "Causal", which is the default method selected. To the right of the rectangle, "Calculate factors" with a green icon to its left. This whole section is framed in red, with an arrow pointing to "Make sure causal allocation is selected" written in red.
The remaining part of the figure is divided into two sections on a white background, arranged one above the other.
In the top left-hand corner of the first section, "Physical & economic allocation" is written in bold type, and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left.
Immediately below, the rest of the section is presented in a three-column table, showing the physical and economic allocation characteristics of the unit process "1-Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant".
Product |
Physical |
Economic |
Biodiesel from Feedstock A [1.00 MJ] |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Biodiesel from Feedstock B [1.00 MJ] |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Biodiesel from Feedstock C [1.00 MJ] |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Total |
0.0 |
0.0 |
In the top left-hand corner of the second section, "Causal Allocation" is written in bold type, and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left. Immediately below, the rest of the section presents the flows and their amounts in an eight-column table.
Flow |
Direction |
Category |
Amount |
1-Biodiesel from Feedstock A |
1-Biodiesel from Feedstock B |
1-Biodiesel from Feedstock C |
Total |
Chemical use per MJ of biodiesel |
Input |
Chemical Inputs/Pr… |
1.0 MJ |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Electricity, from grid [CA-AB] |
Input |
Grid electricity/Can… |
1.0 kWh |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Corn oil, extracted at processor, configurable |
Input |
Configurable process |
1.0 kg |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Natural gas combustion |
Input |
Fossil fuels/Combustion |
1.0 MJ |
0.6848943651984365 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.68489 |
The last line of the table is highlighted in grey, and the contents of the last column appear in bold red.
A red frame surrounds the last four columns. A red arrow from this frame points to the instruction "Enter the allocation values here" written in red.
Method 2: Using physical allocation
- After entering in all flow information in the unit process, go to the “Allocation” tab of the unit process
- Select the default method “physical allocation”
Note: If you do not select a default method for allocation then the allocation coefficients will not be included in the CI calculations, even if you fill in the allocation table
Note: All of your products have to have the same flow property (i.e. unit type) for physical allocation to work
Note: Physical allocation will automatically use the flow property that the products are in (i.e. mass, energy, etc.) - Click the “Calculate factors” button
- A dialog box will open for calculating the default factors. Keep the default options and click “OK”

Long description
This figure shows the fourth step for using physical allocation. It shows a preview of the dialog box that opens after clicking on "Calculate default values" in the “Allocation” tab of a unit process.
In the top left-hand corner of the screenshot, in the title bar, on a light blue background, the openLCA logo is visible, with "Calculate default factors" to its right. The rest of the screenshot is on a white background.
Below, the text "Select the flow properties that should be used for calculating the respective allocation factors" is displayed.
The remaining part of the screenshot is as follows: the allocation factors are listed one below the other on the left, and in a rectangle to the right for each allocation factor, the corresponding flow properties used to calculate these factors are displayed. These elements are displayed as follows from top to bottom:
- "Physical allocation" with the entry “Energy” in the associated rectangle to the right. There is a downward-pointing arrow in the right-hand corner of the rectangle that indicates the presence of a drop-down menu from which it is possible to select the desired physical allocation
- "Economic allocation" with the entry “Energy” in the associated rectangle to the right. There is a downward-pointing arrow in the right-hand corner of the rectangle that indicates the presence of a drop-down menu from which it is possible to select the desired economic allocation
Just below, "Calculate from costs/revenue" appears, with a checkbox to the left, which can be selected. In the screenshot, this box is unchecked.
- "Causal allocation" with the entry “Energy” in the associated rectangle to the right. There is a downward-pointing arrow in the right-hand corner of the rectangle that indicates the presence of a drop-down menu from which it is possible to select the desired allocation
At the bottom right of the window, two choices are available on a grey background: "OK" and "Cancel". "OK" is framed in blue and red, indicating that this is the option to choose.
- Save the unit process.

Long description
This figure represents the fifth step for using physical allocation. It shows an overview of the "Allocation" tab of the unit process "1-Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant" in the openLCA software database, once the "Physical and economic allocation" table has been filled in.
In the left-hand corner of the screenshot, the "Welcome" and "1-Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant" tabs appear, on a grey and white background respectively, each with its own icon. In the top right-hand corner, icons for minimizing and expanding the tab are visible.
Just below, to the left, the title "Allocation: 1-Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant" is displayed in bold on a white background, indicating that the "Allocation" tab for this process is open.
Below, in the left-hand corner, "Default method" is written on a white background with a rectangle to its right with “Physical” framed in red. A downward-pointing arrow in the right-hand corner of the rectangle indicates the presence of a drop-down menu for selecting the default method. To the right of the rectangle, a “Calculate factors” button appears with a green icon to the right. The drop-down menu and “Calculate factors” button are framed in red, indicating that after selecting the default method, the “Calculate factors” should be clicked on.
Below it, on the left, "Physical & economic allocation" is written in bold type, and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left.
Next, the rest of the figure presents the characteristics of physical and economic allocation in a three-column table.
Product |
Physical |
Economic |
1-Biodiesel from Feedstock A [2.00 MJ] |
0.35211267605633806 |
0.35211267605633806 |
1-Biodiesel from Feedstock B [0.58 MJ] |
0.10211267605633803 |
0. 10211267605633803 |
1-Biodiesel from Feedstock C [3.10 MJ] |
0.545774647887324 |
0.545774647887324 |
Total |
1.0 |
1.0 |
The values in the last row of the table are highlighted in bold.
All of the "Physical" column is framed in red, except for the last element in each column. A red arrow from this frame points to the annotation written in red "Values are automatically calculated once you click “calculate default values”".
5.2.9 Creating a product system
A product system is a necessary step in calculating carbon intensity. The steps below describe how to create a product system.
Once you create a product system, openLCA considers the system “finalized.” This means that you will no longer be able to delete flows in any unit process included in the product system. Likewise, any new flows added will not be incorporated. To change any unit process, simply delete the product system and re-create the product system once ready.
Creating a product system
- Open the process for which you would like to create the product system. (If you are unsure which process to use, see Chapter 5.2.10.)
- In the General information tab, click on the “Create product system” button near the top of the page
- The New product system dialog box will open. The options here should be kept at their default settings (see image below). Click Finish to create the product system. The new product system will then open

Long description
This figure shows the third step in the procedure for creating a product system. It shows a preview of the dialog box that opens after clicking on "New product system" in the "General information" tab of the process.
In the top left-hand corner of the screenshot, in the title bar on a light blue background, is the openLCA logo. In the top right-hand corner, the icons for minimizing, maximizing and closing the window are visible.
Below on the left, on a white background, "New Product System" appears in bold type, indicating the title of the window that is open. On the right, a blue icon appears.
The remaining part of the figure is on a grey background. The arrangement is such that the system characteristics are arranged one below the other on the left, and in a rectangle to the right of each characteristic, the corresponding information is displayed. These elements are presented as follows from top to bottom:
- Biodiesel CI
- "Name" with the associated rectangle for entering the process name to the right. In the screenshot, "Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A" is shown.
- "Reference process" with the associated rectangle to its left, left blank.
- Below this rectangle, is another rectangular area that contains the following elements:
- Biodiesel CI from feedstock A
- Biodiesel CI from feedstock B
- Biodiesel CI from feedstock C
- Feedstock at biodiesel plant
- 1-Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant
- 2-Biodiesel distribution, to end user
- 3-Biodiesel combustion, to end user
"Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A" is highlighted in grey to indicate that this is the process from which a product system will be created.
Immediately below this rectangular area, the following elements related to the product system are shown:
- "Auto- link processes" with a checkbox on the left, which can be ticked. A blue tick appears in this box.
- "Check multi-provider links (experimental)" with a checkbox on the left. This box is unchecked in the screenshot.
- “Provider linking”
- "Ignore default providers" with a bubble checkbox on the left. This box is not checked on the screenshot
- “Prefer default providers” with a bubble checkbox on the left. A blue dot appears in this box
- “Only link default providers” with a bubble checkbox on the left. This box is not checked on the screenshot
- “Preferred process type”
- “Unit process” with a bubble checkbox on the left. This box is not checked on the screenshot
- “System process” with a bubble checkbox on the left. A blue dot appears in this box
- “Cut-off” with a checkbox on the left. This box is not checked on the screenshot. A line to the right is empty in the screenshot
At the bottom right of the window, two choices are available: "Finish" and "Cancel". "Finish" is slightly framed in blue, indicating that this is the option to choose.
5.2.10 Calculating carbon intensity
The CI of a process or life cycle can be calculated using a product system, which is created from a process. First, you must decide what CI you are trying to calculate. Some tips are provided in Table 2 below with respect to which process to select for the CI calculation. If you are following a specific program, refer to your program documentation for which process to use.
Type of CI |
Process to use for CI calculation |
CI of a completed fuel pathway |
“Fuel CI from Feedstock A/B/C” unit process, where “Fuel” represents the specific LCIF for the pathway in question (such as Bioethanol or Biodiesel) |
CI at an intermediate step in your fuel pathway |
Unit process at the desired intermediate step. All upstream processes will be included in the CI calculation, while downstream processes will be excluded |
CI of a Data Library system process |
Desired system process. Instead of following the remaining steps, go to the “Impact analysis” tab of the system process. |
Once you have decided what process to use, follow the steps below if necessary to calculate the CI. Additional information for analysing the CI calculation is available in Chapter 5.3.
Note that a CI cannot be calculated from the empty fuel pathways. This is because the pathways have no inputs and zero values for the outputs. Therefore, there is nothing for openLCA to calculate by default. By filling in the fuel pathways with building blocks (processes) from the Data Library, a customized CI can be calculated. Information on filling in fuel pathways is available in Chapter 5.1, Annex A, or relevant program guidance.
Calculating a carbon intensity
- Open the product system (if you have just made the product system it should already be opened)
- In the “Reference” section of the “General information” tab, make sure that you are calculating your CI to the correct reference amount

Long description
This figure shows the second step in the procedure for calculating carbon intensity. It shows an overview of the "Reference" section of the "General information" tab in the product system “Biodiesel from Feedstock A”.
In the top left-hand corner of the screenshot, "Reference" is written in bold blue type, and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left.
The remaining part of the screenshot is on a grey background. The arrangement is such that the system characteristics are arranged one below the other on the left, and in a rectangle to the right of each characteristic, the corresponding information is displayed. These elements are presented as follows from top to bottom:
- "Process" with "Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A" written in light blue on the right, accompanied by a purple icon to its left.
- "Product" with a rectangle to the right in which appears " Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A", accompanied by a blue icon to its left.
- "Flow property" with a rectangle to the right, showing "Energy" with a brown icon to its left.
- "Unit" with a rectangle to the right, in which "MJ" appears with a blue icon to its left.
- "Target amount" with a rectangle to the right in which "1.0" appears.
"Unit" and "Target amount” and associated information are framed in red, indicating to take note of the correct reference amount when calculating the CI.

Long description
This figure shows the second step in the procedure for calculating the carbon intensity of a process. It shows an overview of the "General information" tab of the " Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A" product system created.
In the upper left-hand corner of the screenshot, the tabs “Welcome” and “Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A” appear, on a grey and white background respectively, each with its own icon.
Just below, to the left, the title "General information: Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A" is displayed in bold, indicating that the "General information" tab of the product system is open.
Below this on the left, "General information" is written in bold type, and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left.
The remaining part of the screenshot is on a white background. The arrangement is such that the system characteristics of the product system ae arranged one below the other on the left, and in a rectangle to the right of each characteristic, the corresponding information is displayed. These elements are presented as follows from top to bottom:
- "Name" with an adjacent white rectangle to the right for entering the product system name
- In the screenshot, "Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A" is shown here
- "Category" with an adjacent rectangle marked "-none -"
- "Description" with an adjacent rectangle for entering a description of the product system created. In the screenshot
- “First created: 2024-02-07T09:57:56”
- “Linking approach during creation: Prefer default providers; Preferred process type: System process” is shown here
- Immediately below the rectangle are the following details from left to right; however, they are not shown in a rectangle:
- “Version 00.00.0000” with two icons on the right
- “Last modified 2024-02-07 09:57:56”
- “UUID 4bd11c55-d7df-42ac-a890-2a60e64c791b”
- "Tags" with an "Add a tag" button on the right. You can click on this to add a tag
Immediately below "Add a tag", a "Calculate" button is framed in red, with a green icon to its left, meaning that it must be clicked to proceed.
- In the “General information” section, click on the “Calculate” button
- Once the Calculation properties dialog box opens, use these settings:
- Allocation method: As defined in process
- Impact assessment method: FuelLCAModelLCIA_AR5 or FuelLCAModelLCIA_AR6 (refer to specific program guidance on which method to choose)
- Normalization and weighting set: empty
- Calculation type: Eager/All
- Regionalized calculation: unchecked
- Include cost calculation: unchecked
- Assess data quality: unchecked
- Click “Finish” to calculate the carbon intensity
- The calculated results will open in a new “Analysis result” tab in the workspace. To see the calculated CI, go to the “Impact analysis” tab. The CI will be available in the “impact result” column on the right side of the workspace. The units will be in g CO2e / MJ. (Note: if, for example, you calculated the CI based on something other than 1 MJ (i.e. reference amount), the value will be in respect to that amount. For example, if you used 10 MJ then the CI would be in units of g CO2e / 10 MJ.)
5.2.11 Creating a system process
The steps to create a system process are shown below.
The system processes in the Data Library were created using another method that sums the inputs and outputs of all unit processes involved in a product system. However, this method is not needed when modelling using the Fuel LCA Model.
Creating a system process
- Open the unit process that you would like to use to create a system process. If you are creating a new unit process, first follows the steps in Chapter 5.2.4
- When the unit process is opened, go to the “Modeling and validation” tab
- At the top of the workspace there will be a field for process type. Select from the fly-out menu “System process”
- Save the process. Note that other than the reference flow, a system process should only have elementary flows (i.e. there should be no inputs)

Long description
This figure shows the second step in the procedure for creating a system process. It shows a preview of the "Modeling and validation" tab of the "1- Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant" unit process, from which the system process will be created.
In the left-hand corner of the preview of the "Modeling and validation" tab of the "1- Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant" unit process, the "Welcome" and "1- Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant" tabs appear on a grey and white background respectively, each with its own icon. In the top right-hand corner, icons for minimizing and maximizing the tab are visible.
Just below, to the left, the title "Modeling and validation: 1-Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant" is displayed in bold on a white background, indicating that the "Modeling and validation" tab for this process is open.
Below it, on the left, "Modeling and Validation" is written in bold type, and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left. On the right, the reload icon appears.
The remaining part of the figure is on a white background. The arrangement is such that the system characteristics of the product system ae arranged one below the other on the left, and in a rectangle to the right of each characteristic, the corresponding information is displayed. These elements are presented as follows from top to bottom:
- “Process type” with a rectangle to the right that has a downward-pointing arrow, indicating the presence of a drop-down menu from which the process type can be selected. “Unit process” appears in the rectangle. In the screenshot, the menu is open and the following options are shown:
- System process
- Unit process
"System process" is highlighted in blue, indicating that this is the option to be selected
All drop-down menu options are framed in red, indicating that the item to be modified at this stage is in this menu
- "LCI method" has the adjacent right-hand part hidden by the drop-down menu discussed earlier, which is open in the screenshot
5.3 Analysis and troubleshooting options in openLCA
This section presents different tools and options in openLCA and how they can be used for both analysis or troubleshooting.
The model graph is a feature that can be used for more advanced functions in openLCA outside the scope of the Fuel LCA Model. Therefore, after using the model graph for visualization purposes, do not save changes to the model graph when closing it.
5.3.1 Model graph
The model graph is a feature that can be accessed in the dedicated tab of a product system. It can be used to view the entire life cycle of a system.
The example below shows the model graph of the product system for the process “Bioethanol from Feedstock A.” Each model graph shows the processes involved in modelling the product system. Each process is represented by a different box. The process used to make the product system is shown at the end of the chain.

Long description
This figure shows the model graph of the "Bioethanol CI from Feedstock A" process product system. In the left-hand corner of the screenshot, the "Welcome", " Bioethanol CI from Feedstock A" process and “Bioethanol CI from Feedstock A” product system tabs are shown on a grey and white background respectively, each with its own icon.
Below on the left of the figure on a white background, the processes involved in modeling the product system are shown. Each process is framed in purple and accompanied by its own icon, as follows:
- 1- Bioethanol production, at biodiesel plant
- 2- Bioethanol distribution, to end-user
- 3- Bioethanol combustion, at end-user
In each frame, in the right corner, a "-" sign appears.
At the bottom, a red brace frames all the processes, and its point is oriented towards the annotation “These are the inputs for the process on the right" written in red.
Three black arrows from the process inputs “1- Bioethanol production, at biodiesel plant,” “2- Bioethanol distribution, to end-user,” and “3- Bioethanol combustion, at end-user” on the left of the figure and point to the corresponding product system sources, listed in the purple frame on the right of the figure.
On the right-hand side of the figure, the final product , as well as the sources of the product system, are framed in purple and are arranged as follows on a light purple background:
- "Bioethanol CI from Feedstock A", with two icons directly to its left and individually bordered by another purple frame
- "input flows", in light grey, preceded by two right-hand brackets pointing to the right
- “1- Bioethanol production from Feedstock A 1.00MJ”, with a blue icon to its left
- “2- Bioethanol distribution, to end-user 1.00MJ”, with a blue icon to its left
- “3- Bioethanol combustion, at end-user 1.00MJ”, with a blue icon to its left
A purple line separates this series of elements from the rest of the elements listed below:
- "output flows", in light grey, to the right of the frame, followed by two right-hand brackets of the same colour, pointing to the right
- "Bioethanol CI from Feedstock A 1.00 MJ", written in bold and with a blue icon to its left
A red arrow pointing upwards from the annotation "The final product and source of the product system is always shown on the right" to the bottom of the frame, referring to the elements contained within the frame.
Clicking the + on the left side of a box will open up more boxes representing the inputs of a process. In the image below, the biodiesel production box has been opened up to show its inputs. Note two of the inputs (Natural gas combustion and Electricity, from grid [CA-AB]) are a different style of box because they represent system processes, in contrast with the other boxes that represent unit processes.

Long description
This figure shows the graph model of the product system for the "Bioethanol CI from Feedstock A" process in the Model database. This figure highlights the extension of process inputs for the process “Bioethanol from Feedstock A”. It illustrates the complexity of interconnections existing in each process and that are present in the carbon intensity calculation.
In the left-hand corner of the screenshot, the "Welcome" and "Bioethanol CI from Feedstock A" tabs appear on a grey and white background respectively, each with its own icon.
Below, on a white background, in the center of the figure, the processes involved in modeling the product system are shown. The processes are arranged from top to bottom, and each process is framed in purple and accompanied by its own icon, as follows:
- 1- Bioethanol production, at biodiesel plant
- 2- Bioethanol distribution, to end-user
- 3- Bioethanol combustion, at end-user
In the right of each frame, a “-” sign appears. On the left of the first frame of the heading "1- Bioethanol production, at biodiesel plant," a "-" sign appears, framed in red. A red arrow points from the red frame to the annotation “Clicking this box shows the inputs for a process.”
The figure shows the inputs included in the process “1- Bioethanol production, at biodiesel plant”. Located in the bottom left-hand corner, these inputs appear one below the other, framed individually, each with its own icon on the left. The inputs are listed as follows:
- Natural gas combustion
- Feedstock A, at bioethanol plant
- Electricity, from grid [CA-AB]
“Feedstock A, at bioethanol plant” is displayed in a light purple frame, while “Natural gas combustion” and “Electricity, from grid [CA-AB]” are each presented in a dark purple frame.
Three black arrows from the processes each point to the corresponding unit process inputs, listed in the purple frame on the right of the figure.
On the right-hand side of the figure, the final process, as well as the input of the process, are arranged as follows:
- "Bioethanol CI from Feedstock A", with two icons directly to its left and individually bordered by a purple frame
- "input flows", in light grey, preceded by two brackets of the same colour pointing to the right
- “1- Bioethanol production from Feedstock A 1.00MJ”, with a blue icon to its left
- “2- Bioethanol distribution, to end-user 1.00MJ”, with a blue icon to its left
- “3- Bioethanol combustion, at end-user 1.00MJ”, with a blue icon to its left
A purple line separates this series of elements from the rest of the elements listed below:
- "output flows", written in light grey, on the right side of the frame, followed by two brackets of the same colour pointing to the right
- "Bioethanol CI from Feedstock A 1.00 MJ", written in bold and with a blue icon to its left
Double-clicking a box shows a different visualization for the inputs and outputs of a process. To close the expanded version of the box, simply double-click the box again.

Long description
This figure shows the model graph of the "Bioethanol CI from Feedstock A" product system in the openLCA model database. The figure highlights a different visualization of the process inputs and outputs included in the “1-Bioethanol production, at bioethanol plant” process.
In the left-hand corner of the screenshot, the "Welcome" and "Bioethanol CI from Feedstock A" tabs appear on a grey and white background respectively, each with its own icon.
The figure, on a white background, is made up of three main elements: on the left, the inputs to the "1- Bioethanol production, at bioethanol plant" process; in the center, the various processes involved in modeling the "Bioethanol CI from Feedstock A" unit process; and on the right, the final process and its inputs and output.
In the center of the figure, the following elements appear framed in purple and arranged as follows :
- "1-Bioethanol production, at bioethanol plant", bordered by a red frame and with two icons directly to its left. A red arrow points towards the first icon located on the left and is accompanied by the following annotation: "Double-click a box to view the inputs and outputs. Hover the mouse over an input or output to see the name and amount." written in red
- “input flow”, written in grey and preceded by two brackets pointing to the right
- “Electricity, from grid [CA-AB] 1.00 MJ”, with a blue icon to its left
- “Feedstock A, at bioethanol plant 1.00 kg”, with a blue icon to its left
- “Natural gas combustion 1.00 MJ”, with a blue icon to its left
- “output flows”, written in grey and preceded by two brackets pointing to the right
- “1- Bioethanol from Feedstock A 0.00 MJ”, written in bold and with a blue icon on its left
- “1- Bioethanol from Feedstock B 0.00 MJ”, with a blue icon on its left
- “1- Bioethanol from Feedstock A 0.00 MJ”, with a blue icon on its left
Three black arrows originate from the processes "Electricity, from grid [CA-AB]", "Feedstock A, at bioethanol plant" and "Natural gas combustion" located on the left of the figure, each framed in purple and with its own icon. The arrows point towards the respective details of each of these processes, listed as inputs of the process "1- Bioethanol production, at bioethanol plant" in the aforementioned purple frame. More specifically, they point to the following elements:
- “Electricity, from grid [CA-AB] 1.00MJ”
- “Feedstock A, at bioethanol plant 1.00 kg”
- “Natural gas combustion 1.00 MJ”
Below the purple frame located in the center of the figure, the rest of the processes involved in modeling the product system are shown. The processes are listed from top to bottom, each framed in purple and accompanied by its own icon, as follows:
- 2- Bioethanol distribution, to end-user
- 3- Bioethanol combustion, at end-user
On the right of the figure, the final process as well as the inputs and output of the process are framed in purple and arranged as follows on a light purple background:
- "Bioethanol CI from Feedstock", framed in purple and with two icons directly to its left
- Input flows
- "1-Bioethanol from Feedstock 1.00 MJ", with a blue icon to its left
- "2-Bioethanol distribution 1.00 MJ", with a blue icon to its left
- “3-Bioethanol combustion 1.00 MJ", with a blue icon to its left
- Output flows
- "Bioethanol CI from Feedstock 1.00 MJ", written in bold and with a blue icon to its left
Three black arrows originate from the frames of the respective processes "1- Bioethanol from Feedstock", "2- Bioethanol distribution, to end-user" and "3- Bioethanol combustion, at end-user" located in the center of the figure, and point to the corresponding inputs, listed in the purple frame on the right of the figure, as follows:
- "1-Bioethanol from Feedstock A 1.00 MJ"
- "2-Bioethanol distribution 1.00 MJ"
- “3-Bioethanol combustion 1.00 MJ"
5.3.2 Inventory results tab
Once the CI of a product system is calculated, a results workspace containing several tabs opens. One of those tabs is the “Inventory results” tab.
The “Inventory results” tab is divided into three sections: Inputs, Outputs and Total requirements. Those sections respectively list the total:
- Inputs section: extractions from the environment (e.g., water)Footnote 1
- Outputs section: emissions to the environment (e.g., fossil CO2)
- Total requirements section: intermediate flows (e.g., electricity from the grid in Alberta)
required all along the life cycle to provide the previously defined functional unit.
Figure 15 presents a screenshot of an example of Inventory results tab created with mock-up values.

Long description
This figure shows the inventory results for the fuel pathway “Bioethanol CI from Corn”.
At the top of the screenshot, the tabs “Welcome” “Bioethanol CI from Corn” “Bioethanol CI from Corn” and “Results of: “Bioethanol CI from Corn” are shown, each with their own icon. The tab “Results from: Bioethanol CI from Corn” is selected, indicating that the window shown in the image corresponds to it.
Below on the left, the title “Bioethanol CI from Corn” appears in blod, with its own icon to its left. It is followed by a grey horizontal line below it.
Below, the annotation “Inputs” is shows with a grey arrow pointing downwards to its left. To its right, the statement "Don’t show <" is followed by a white rectangle displaying the number "1". Inside the rectangle, in the right corner, two arrows are positioned, one above the other. One points upwards, the other downwards. These arrows can change the number in the rectangle by clicking upwards or downwards. To the right of rectangle, there is the "%" sign indicating that the number in the rectangle represents a percentage.
Below, a table of four columns displaying the inputs of the process modeled is shown. For this example, it appears blank. The table appears as follows:
Name |
Category |
Amount |
Unit |
Below, the annotation “Outputs” is shown with a grey arrow pointing downwards to its left. To its right, the statement "Don’t show <" is followed by a white rectangle displaying the number "1". Inside the rectangle, in the right corner, two arrows are positioned, one above the other. One points upwards, the other downwards. These arrows can change the number in the rectangle by clicking upwards or downwards. To the right of rectangle, there is the "%" sign indicating that the number in the rectangle represents a percentage.
Below, a table of four columns displaying the outputs of the process modeled is shown. The table appears as follows:
Name |
Category |
Amount |
Unit |
Carbon dioxide (CO2), fossil |
Elementary flow/Emission to air |
0.01526 |
kg |
Carbon dioxide (CO2), land transformation |
Elementary flow/Emission to air |
-0.01204 |
kg |
Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) |
Elementary flow/Emission to air |
0.00792 |
kg |
Methane (CH4), biogenic |
Elementary flow/Emission to air |
4.21039E-5 |
kg |
Methane (CH4), fossil |
Elementary flow/Emission to air |
3.93468E-5 |
kg |
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) |
Elementary flow/Emission to air |
6.02443E-5 |
kg |
Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) |
Elementary flow/Emission to air |
2.17065E-12 |
kg |
To the left of each item in the “Name” column is a gray arrow pointing to the right, along with a green leaf icon.
Below the outputs table, the annotation “Total requirements” shows with a grey arrow pointing downwards to its left. Below that annotation is a white rectangle with the word “Search” to its left.
Below, the total requirements are presented in a table of four columns as follows:
Process |
Product |
Amount |
Unit |
1-Bioethanol production, at bioethanol plant |
1-Bioethanol from Corn |
1.00000 |
MJ |
2-Bioethanol distribution, to end-user |
2-Bioethanol distribution, to end-user |
1.00000 |
MJ |
3-Bioethanol combustion, et end-user |
3-Bioethanol combustion, et end-user |
1.00000 |
MJ |
Natural gas combustion |
Natural gas combustion |
0.10808 |
MJ |
Corn, at bioethanol plant |
Corn, at bioethanol plant |
0.07303 |
kg |
Barley, at farm |
Barley, at farm |
0.07303 |
kg |
Hydrogen production, at producer |
Hydrogen production, at producer |
0.05916 |
MJ |
Train transport, diesel |
Train transport, diesel |
0.01517 |
t*km |
Truck transport, diesel |
Truck transport, diesel |
8.49204E-5 |
t*km |
At the bottom of the screenshot, the tabs for “General information,” “Inventory results,” Impact analysis,” “Process results,” “Contribution tree,” “Grouping,” “Locations,” “Sankey diagram” and “LCIA Checks” are visible, the latter of which is cut off in the image. The tab “Inventory results” is underlined.
5.3.3 Impact analysis tab
The “Impact analysis” tab of a product system calculation result is a helpful tool. Most importantly, this is where the CI is displayed. The table below lists the intensities of all processes with emissions. Only processes from the Data Library that directly contribute to the product system are listed. Note, in the screenshot below, all CIs are mock-up values.

Long description
This figure shows the impact analysis of the "Bioethanol from Feedstock A" product system calculation.
At the top of the screenshot, the tabs “Welcome” “Bioethanol CI from Corn” and “Results of: “Bioethanol CI from Corn” are shown, each with their own icon.
Immediately below, to the left, the title “Bioethanol CI from Feedstock A” is displayed in bold grey text, with an icon to its left.
On the screenshot, the tab “Results of: Bioethanol CI from Feedstock A” is open and occupies the whole figure. The remaining part of the figure is divided into two sections, arranged one above the other. In the top left-hand corner of the first section, “Impact analysis: FuelLCAModelLCIA_AR5” is written in bold type, and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left.
Appearing immediately below, to the left, is “Sub-group by:” followed by the two options “Flow” and “Processes” each accompanied by a checkbox directly to its left. The checkbox associated with “Processes” has been checked.
To the right of the term “Processes”, the statement “Don’t show <” is followed by a white rectangle displaying the number “1”. Inside the rectangle, in the right corner, two arrows are positioned, one above the other. One points upwards, the other downwards. To the right of the rectangle, there is the “%” sign.
Just below, the second section shows, in a five-column table, the carbon intensities of all the elements, included in the “Bioethanol CI from Feedstock A” process (these are all mock up values). The table appears as follows:
Name |
Category |
Inventory result |
Characterization factor |
Impact assessment result |
Carbon intensity |
- |
- |
- |
42.90022 g CO2e |
Corn, at farm |
Data Library/Feedstocks/Crops/Grains |
- |
265000 g CO2e/kg |
25.30648 g CO2e |
Nitrous oxide (N2O) |
Elementary flows/Emission to air |
6.81E-05 kg |
1000 g CO2e/kg |
18.05339 g CO2e |
Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) |
Elementary flows/Emission to air |
0.005291 kg |
1000 g CO2e/kg |
5.29095 g CO2e |
Carbon dioxide (CO2), fossil |
Elementary flows/Emission to air |
0.002837 kg |
1000 g CO2e/kg |
2.83733 g CO2e |
Carbon dioxide (CO2), land transformation |
Elementary flows/Emission to air |
-9.58E-04 kg |
- |
-0.95811 g CO2e |
Natural gas combustion, no upstream emissions |
Data Library/Combustion emission factors/Combustion from non-biomass feedstock |
- |
1000 g CO2e/kg |
5.75503 g CO2e |
Carbon dioxide (CO2), fossil |
Elementary flows/Emission to air |
0.005707 kg |
- |
5.70704 g CO2e |
Hydrogen production, at producer |
Data Library/Chemical inputs/Chemicals |
- |
1000 g CO2e/kg |
5.31038 g CO2e |
Carbon dioxide (CO2), fossil |
Elementary flows/Emission to air |
0.00484 kg |
30000 g CO2e/kg |
4.84046 g CO2e |
Methane (CH4), fossil |
Elementary flows/Emission to air |
1.54E-05 kg |
- |
0.46123 g CO2e |
1- Bioethanol production, at bioethanol plant |
Fuel Pathways/Bioethanol pathway |
- |
265000 g CO2e/kg |
3.11546 g CO2e |
Nitrous oxide (N2O) |
Elementary flows/Emission to air |
7.69E-06 kg |
28000 g CO2e/kg |
2.03851 g CO2e |
Methane (CH4), biogenic |
Elementary flows/Emission to air |
3.85E-05 kg |
- |
1.07695 g CO2e |
Bioethanol combustion |
Data Library/Combustion emission factors/Combustion from biomass feedstock |
- |
265000 g CO2e/kg |
1.93719 g CO2e |
Nitrous oxide (N2O) |
Elementary flows/Emission to air |
5.00E-06 kg |
28000 g CO2e/kg |
1.32387 g CO2e |
Methane (CH4), biogenic |
Elementary flows/Emission to air |
2.19E-05 kg |
- |
0.61332 g CO2e |
Truck transport, diesel |
Data Library/Transportation/Generic transport |
- |
1000 g CO2e/kg |
1.23116 g CO2e |
Carbon dioxide (CO2), fossil |
Elementary flows/Emission to air |
0.001185 kg |
265000 g CO2e/kg |
1.18503 g CO2e |
On the left, a red brace frames all the items under the “Name” column, with the exception of “Carbon intensity”. A red arrow originates from the tip of the brace to the annotation “CI from all processes the produce emissions (usually from the data library)”, also in red.
5.3.4 Contribution tree tab
The contribution tree is a tool available in the analysis of the results of the CI of a product system. It allows for the analysis of the entire life cycle of the product system. Recalling the model graph (refer to Chapter 5.3.1), the contribution tree acts like a table version of the model graph, showing the cumulative results along the pathway of a product system. The contribution tree can be used to understand the main impacts and contributors in a product system. Additionally, this is an excellent place to troubleshoot as it can help identify processes that may have abnormally high or low intensities. Any process can be opened from the contribution tree by double-clicking the process name. The numbers in the screenshot below are mock-up values.

Long description
This figure shows the contribution tree for the “Bioethanol CI from Feedstock A” product system. It is a simplified version of the carbon intensity of the elements included in the process.
In the top left-hand corner of the screenshot, the title: “Bioethanol CI from Feedstock A” is displayed in bold grey text, with an icon to its left.
Below, the following elements appear on a white background from top to bottom:
- "Flow" with a bubble checkbox directly to the left. To its right, in a rectangle, "Carbon dioxide (CO2), fossil – Elementary flows/Emission to air", indicating the type of flow, appears greyed out. In the right-hand corner of the rectangle, a downward-pointing arrow indicates a drop-down menu
- Below, "Impact category" is also accompanied by a bubble checkbox directly to the left. A black tick appears in this box. To its right, in a rectangle, "Carbon intensity (AR5)," indicating the type of impact category, appears with a green icon to the left. In the right-hand corner of the rectangle, a downward-pointing arrow indicates a drop-down menu. This is all framed in red and followed by the instruction "Make sure to select the Impact category bubble to view the carbon intensity", written in red, below
Just below, the rest of the figure shows in a five-column table, the carbon intensities of the elements included in the "Bioethanol CI from Feedstock A" process:
Contribution |
Process |
Required amount |
Total result [g CO2e] |
Direct contribution [g CO2e] |
100.00% |
Bioethanol CI from Corn |
1.0 MJ |
42.900 |
- |
94.91% |
1- Bioethanol production, at bioethanol plant |
1.0 MJ |
40.718 |
3.11546 |
61% |
Feedstock A, at bioethanol plant |
0.07768 kg |
26.537 |
- |
- |
Corn, at farm |
0.07768 kg |
25.306 |
25.306 |
- |
Truck transport, diesel |
0.01355 t*km |
1.23116 |
1.23116 |
13% |
Natural gas combustion |
0.11496 MJ |
5.75503 |
5.75503 |
12% |
Hydrogen production |
0.06293 MJ |
5.31038 |
5.31038 |
4.52% |
3- Bioethanol combustion |
1.0 MJ |
1.93719 |
- |
0.57% |
2- Bioethanol distribution |
1.0 MJ |
0.24451 |
- |
On the left, there is a red brace enclosing “Corn, at farm”, “Truck transport, diesel”, “Natural gas combustion”, and “Hydrogen production”. A red arrow points from its tip to “Feedstock A, at bioethanol plant” and has the annotation “Inputs for the above process” written in red.
5.3.5 “Reload” feature
The “Reload” feature is useful when implementing changes or to undo changes (that have not been saved). The “Reload” button is available in the workspace of any object that is not an “Analysis result” (i.e. processes, flows, product systems, etc.). It is located at the top right of the workspace.

Long description
This figure shows an overview of the "General information" tab in the "Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A" window in openLCA. It highlights the reload button for viewing the changes made to the process.
In the top left-hand corner of the screenshot, the "Welcome" and “Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A” tabs are shown on a grey and white background respectively, each with its own icon. In the top right-hand corner, the icons for minimizing and maximizing the window are visible.
In the screenshot, the "Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A" tab is open and occupies the entire figure.
At the top left of the screenshot, the title "General information: Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A" is displayed in bold on a white background, indicating that the “General Information” tab of this process is open. On the right, the reloading icon is framed in red, highlighting its location. Below it, on the left, "General information" is written in bold type, and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left.
The remaining part of the figure is set against a white background, and breaks down as follows:
On the left is the term "Name", with a rectangle to its right, allowing the entry of the process name. "Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A" appears in the rectangle.
Some situations where the reload button can be used are presented below.
Example 1: You have a unit process and a flow opened. The flow is used as an input in the unit process. You change the flow name, and save the changes. The new flow name will not show up in the unit process automatically. You can reload the unit process to view the updated flow name.
Example 2: You accidentally make changes to a unit process and want to undo them. Since there is no undo button in openLCA, you can reload the unit process to revert to the original version, as long as the changes were not saved.
Example 3: You change a unit process to a system process and save your changes. Even though the changes have been implemented, the unit process icon at the top of the process (where the tab is) will not change to a system process icon until you reload the process.
5.3.6 “Usage” feature
The “Usage” function can be used to determine where a certain process or flow is used within the database. On the navigation pane on the left, right-click a flow and click “Usage”. This will open a window in the workspace that shows all processes where the flow is used. If used on a process, then it will show all product systems where it is used.

Long description
On the left, this figure shows an overview of the location of the "Natural gas combustion" process in the database in openLCA, and on the right, the tab that displays after clicking on "Usage" from the dropdown menu that appears following a right-click on the process. The purpose of the figure is to highlight the "Usage" function available for each process.
On the left of the figure, twenty-four folders from the database are shown. Among them, the folders “Fossil fuels” and “Combusted fossil fuels” are open. The folders are arranged as follows, each with its own icon:
- Fossil fuels
- Combusted fossil fuels
- Aviation fuel combustion
- Bituminous coal combustion
- Compressed natural gas combustion
- Diesel combustion
- Gasoline combustion
- Heavy fuel oil combustion
- Kerosene combustion
- Light fuel oil combustion
- Lignite coal combustion
- Liquefied petroleum gas combustion
- Liquefied natural gas combustion
- Natural gas combustion
- Petcoke combustion
- Propane combustion
- Stove oil combustion
- Sub-bituminous coal combustion
- Non-combusted fossil fuels
- Non-combusted fossil fuels
- Combusted fossil fuels
- Other energy sources
- Renewable fuels
- Transportation
- Fuel Pathways
"Natural gas combustion" is highlighted in blue, indicating that it has been right clicked on. This right-click brings up a drop-down menu with the following options, each with its own icon:
- Open
- Usage
- Delete
- Cut
- Copy
- Rename
- Export…
“Usage” is highlighted in blue, indicating that it is the option to select to proceed.
On the right-hand side of the figure, is the screenshot of the window that opens after clicking “Usage”. In the left-hand corner of this screenshot, the “Welcome” and “Search results” tabs appear on a grey and white background respectively, each with its own icon.
Just below, the title "Usage of Natural gas combustion (5 Results)" is displayed in bold, on a white background.
Thereafter, all the processes where the "Natural gas combustion" process is used are listed as follows:
- Biogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) capture, at bioethanol plant
Fuel Pathways/Configurable processes/Carbon capture and storage - 2 – Treatment facility
Fuel Pathways/For vehicles/Gaseous fuel for vehicles/2 – Fuel distribution - 3 – Fueling station operation
Fuel Pathways/For vehicles/Gaseous fuel for vehicles/2 – Fuel distribution - Fossil carbon dioxide (CO2) capture, at hydrogen SMR plant
Fuel Pathways/Configurable processes/Carbon capture and storage - Natural gas combustion
Data Library/Fossil fuels/Combusted fossil fuels
Process names are written in blue, each with its own icon, while their location in the database is shown in green.
Alternatively, for flows you can open the flow and in the General Information tab you will see a section called “Used in processes.” This will contain a list of any process that consumes the flow as well as any process that produces the flow. Note that if a flow is not used in any process, this section will not be visible. Likewise, if a flow is consumed but not produced, or produced but not consumed, then the “Produced by” or the “Consumed by” sections will not be visible, respectively.

Long description
This figure shows the "Used in processes" section of a flow, accessible from the flow’s "General information" tab. This screenshot shows all the processes consuming and producing the flow.
In the top left-hand corner of the screenshot, "Used in processes" is written in bold and gray on a white background and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left.
Below, the processes are divided into two categories: “Consumed by” and “Produced by”.
To the right of the title “Consumed by”, the following processes are listed in blue, each with a grey icon to its left:
- 2 - Treatment facility
- 3 - Fuelling station operation
- Biogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) capture, at bioethanol plant
- Fossil carbon dioxide (CO2) capture, at hydrogen SMR plant
Below, to the right of the title “Produced by”, the following process is written in blue with a grey icon to its left:
- Natural gas combustion
5.3.7 Change flow property
The flow property defines the types of units for a flow (for example, mass, energy, distance, etc.). A change to the flow property is sometimes necessary, usually due to an incorrect flow property being assigned. Allocation, for example, can only be done on reference flows of the same flow property. To change a flow property, follow the steps below.
- Open the flow, and go to the Flow properties tab
- Click the green + button to add the new flow property

Long description
This figure shows the second step in the procedure for changing the flow properties. In the top left-hand corner of the screenshot, the "Welcome" and "2-Biodiesel distribution, to end-user" tabs are shown, on a grey and white background respectively, each with its own icon. In the top right-hand corner, the icons for minimizing and maximizing the window are visible.
Below, immediately on the left, the title "Flow properties: 2-Biodiesel distribution, to end-user" is displayed in bold, on a white background, indicating that the “Flow properties” tab for this process is open. On the right, the reloading icon is visible.
Below, on the left, "Flow Properties" is written in bold type, and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left. On the right, the icon for adding a new flow property, in green, appears framed in red. A red arrow points from this frame to the "Add a new flow property" annotation, also written in red. To its right, is the red icon for deleting a flow property.
Below, the following table of five columns displaying the flow characteristics appears:
Name |
Conversion factor |
Reference unit |
Formula |
Is reference |
Energy |
1.0 |
MJ |
1.0 MJ = 1.0 MJ |
checked box |
At the bottom of the window, the "General information" and "Flow properties" tabs appear from left to right. "Flow Properties" is framed in red, with a red arrow pointing to the "Go to the Flow Properties tab" instruction, written in red.
- Once it is added, you will see the original flow property and the new flow property. Usually you only want one flow property per flow. Make the new flow property the reference property by checking the “Is reference” box
- Save the flow

Long description
This figure shows the fourth step in the procedure for changing the flow properties. It shows a preview of the flow properties table once a new flow property has been added. In the top left-hand corner of the screenshot, the "Welcome" and "2-Biodiesel distribution, to end-user" tabs are shown, on a gray and white background respectively, each with its own icon. In the top right-hand corner, the icons for minimizing and maximizing the window are visible.
Below, immediately on the left, the title "Flow properties: 2-Biodiesel distribution, to end-user" is displayed in bold, on a white background, indicating that the “Flow properties” tab for this process is open. On the right, the reloading icon is visible.
Below, on the left, "Flow Properties" is written in bold type, and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left. On the right, the icon for adding a new flow property, in green, appears and to its right, is the red icon for deleting a flow property.
Below, the following table of five columns displaying the flow characteristics appears:
Name |
Conversion factor |
Reference unit |
Formula |
Is reference |
Energy |
1.0 |
MJ |
1.0 MJ = 1.0 MJ |
unchecked box |
Mass |
1.0 |
kg |
1.0 kg = 1.0 kg |
checked box |
In the second row, last column the checked box is framed in red and accompanied by a red arrow pointing to the "Check this box" instruction, also written in red. This establishes the new flow property as the reference property.
At the bottom of the window, the "General information" and "Flow properties" tabs appear from left to right. "Flow Properties" is underlined in blue, indicating that this is the tab currently open.
- Next, you will need to change all unit processes that use the original flow property. You must do this before deleting the original flow property. (You will get an error message otherwise.) The usage feature (Chapter 5.3.5) can assist in identifying which unit processes use the flow. Open the unit processes that use the flow. Change the units to the new units. Note that when there is more than one flow property assigned to a flow, the individual units will all have a suffix indicating for which flow property they belong
- Once you have replaced all of the units, you can delete the original flow property

Long description
This figure shows the sixth step in the procedure for changing the flow properties. This step aims to adjust all unit processes using the original flow property, replacing it with the new one.
In the top left-hand corner of the screenshot, the "Welcome" and "2-Biodiesel distribution, to end-user" tabs are shown, each with its own icon. In the top right-hand corner, icons for minimizing and maximizing the window are visible.
Immediately below, to the left, the title "Inputs/Outputs: Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A" is displayed in bold, indicating that the "Inputs/Outputs" tab of the " Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A" process is open. On the right, the reloading icon is visible.
Below it, on the left, "Inputs" is written in bold type, and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left. On the right are three small colored icons (a green plus sign, a red “x” and black numbers), representing the actions "create new", "delete selection" and "display values".
This is followed by a table showing the characteristics of the process input streams as follow:
Flow |
Category |
Amount |
Unit |
Costs/revenues |
Uncertainty |
Avoided waste |
Provider |
Data Quality |
Location |
Description |
1- Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A |
1- Biodiesel production, at biodiesel plant |
1.0 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
1- Biodiesel from Feedstock A |
- |
- |
- |
2- Biodiesel distribution, to end-user |
Fuel Pathways biodiesel |
1.0 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
2- Biodiesel distribution, to end-user |
- |
- |
- |
3- Biodiesel combustion, at end-user |
Fuel Pathways biodiesel |
1.0 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
3- Biodiesel combustion, at end-user |
- |
- |
- |
After clicking right on the downward-pointing arrow to the right of the word "MJ - Energy", a drop-down menu appears in the Unit column. "kg - Mass" is highlighted and framed in red. A red arrow from this frame points to the "Select the new units for the flow" instruction, also written in red.
Below, on the left, "Outputs" is written in bold type, and a small downward-pointing arrow is positioned immediately to its left.
Next, the table showing the characteristics of the process's outgoing flows is partially displayed, as follows:
Flow |
Category |
Amount |
Unit |
Costs/revenues |
Uncertainty |
Avoided waste |
Provider |
Data Quality |
Location |
Description |
1- Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A |
1- Biodiesel pathways |
1.0 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
5.4 Other useful tips in openLCA
5.4.1 Copy/pasting flows from Excel
The openLCA software is compatible with certain features in Excel. Notably, it has the ability to transfer data tables of flow information from Excel to openLCA.
To do this, you need to make sure that the columns in Excel match the columns in openLCA. For example, process inputs/outputs in openLCA have the following order of information: flow, category, amount, unit, costs/revenues, uncertainty, avoided waste, provider, data quality entry and description. Therefore, the information in Excel must be formatted in the same order.
The minimum information you need is the flow name, amount and unit (the other fields can be left blank). However, you should also include the provider, and possibly a description. Note that all fields must match exactly with those in openLCA. The fields are also case-sensitive. The number format in Excel should also have no commas (even in French). An example of how the table should look in Excel is shown below:

Long description
This figure shows a table of flow data from Excel, to be copied and pasted directly into openLCA. This figure highlights the table formatting required to ensure successful transfer to openLCA.
The table shown in the figure is as follows:
- |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
1 |
Flow |
Category |
Amount |
Unit |
Costs/Revenues |
Uncertainty |
Avoided Product |
Provider |
Data quality entry |
Location |
Description |
2 |
Natural gas combustion |
Intermediate flows/Data Library/Fossil fuels/Combusted fossil fuels/Natural gas combustion |
3.45 |
MJ |
- |
None |
- |
Natural gas combustion |
- |
- |
Natural gas usage |
Row 2 in the above picture can be copy/pasted (either via Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V or by right-clicking) into the inputs or outputs table in a process in openLCA. See the picture below for the result.

Long description
This figure shows an overview of flow data from an Excel table, once pasted into the process input/output table in openLCA. The table shown is as follows:
Flow |
Category |
Amount |
Unit |
Costs/ |
Uncertainty |
Avoided Product |
Provider |
Data quality entry |
Location |
Description |
Natural gas combustion |
Fossil fuels/Combusted fossil fuels |
3.45 |
MJ |
- |
None |
- |
Natural gas combustion |
- |
- |
Natural gas usage |
Note that you can also copy/paste the other way around, from openLCA to Excel. Always review the copy/paste data to ensure the right flows and values were carried over correctly.
Chapter 6: LCA Concepts used in the Fuel LCA Model
This chapter presents the concepts to understand when using the Model. Some concepts are specific to LCA, while others were developed to further define and clarify aspects of the Model. Since the Model was developed with openLCA, some of the terms or definitions match those in openLCA for consistency.
6.1 Overview of life cycle assessment
LCA studies are used to determine the impact of a product (or a service) with an approach looking at the entirety of the life cycle. For fuels, the life cycle includes the following stages: feedstock production, feedstock transportation, fuel production, fuel distribution and fuel combustion.
LCA is standardized by the ISO 14040 series to ensure transparent and reproducible results. In ISO 14040, LCA studies are defined in four phases:
- Goal and scope definition: Defines the depth and breadth of the LCA study depending on the goal of the particular LCA
- Inventory analysis: Lists and quantifies all emissions and extractions to and from the environment involved in the life cycle of the system being studied (e.g., the total mass of methane emitted during the life cycle, expressed in kilograms of methane)
- Impact assessment: Converts the inventory into indicator results (e.g., the carbon footprint in kilograms of CO2 equivalent)
- Interpretation: Summarizes and discusses results to draw conclusions, make recommendations, and for decision-making, in accordance with the goal and scope definition.
The four phases are shown in Figure 16. They are interrelated as the results of one phase can affect previous and subsequent phases. This iterative procedure achieves increasingly precise data for a more accurate result. This approach was followed in the development of the Model and is explained in the Fuel LCA Model Methodology.

Long description
This figure illustrates the four phases of LCA study. Each phase is represented in a turquoise box.
On the left of the figure, the following phases are arranged from top to bottom:
- Goal and scope definition
- Inventory analysis
- Impact assessment
The phases are interconnected by a black double arrow between each phase, symbolizing the reciprocal influence between them.
On the right-hand side of the figure, the "Interpretation" phase is shown. This phase is also interconnected with each of the three phases listed above with black double arrows.
The Model has been designed such that users follow a similar modelling procedure as ISO 14040 to calculate the CI of a fuel:
- The Goal and Scope are defined by the specifications of the program that uses the Model. If using the Model for more general purposes, then the goal and scope will be defined by the user, provided that they fall within the limitations and boundaries of the Fuel LCA Model described in the Fuel LCA Model Methodology.
- The Model Database is used to create the life cycle inventory (LCI) of the user’s fuel
- The life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) method included in the Model Database is then used to calculate the CI results from the LCI
- The interpretation consists of reviewing the results to ensure their robustness and exactitude and preparing a CI report. Chapter 5.3 contains information pertaining to analysis of results
6.2 Fuel LCA modelling concepts
The following concepts are important to understand when using the Model:
- Unit process: Smallest divisible activity of a life cycle. It transforms quantities of inputs into quantities of outputs. It can use modeling parameters and background data
- Flow: Material or energy stream entering (input) or leaving (output) a unit process. “Elementary flows” refer to exchanges between a unit process and the environment (i.e. extractions and emissions) while “intermediate flows” refer to exchanges between unit processes (e.g., electricity)
- Life cycle stage: Specific part of a life cycle (e.g., feedstock production). Life cycle stages are modelled by a collection of unit processes
- Fuel pathway: Collection of unit processes, modeling parameters, and background data which represents the life cycle of a fuel from a given feedstock. In general LCA vocabulary, a fuel pathway is called a product system
- System process: Process that contains the LCI of a group of unit processes.
These concepts and their mutual relationships are illustrated in Figure 16. Each concept is also further explored with examples in this chapter.

Long description
This figure illustrates the fuel LCA modeling concepts used in the openLCA software.
The model consists of four main concepts, each represented by a dotted box. These boxes are arranged from top to bottom, reflecting the order of progression of the concepts. Within each box are the sub-steps of the corresponding concept.
At the top of the figure, the first concept, "Fuel pathway level" is shown in bold, in the top left-hand corner of the associated box. Within the box, the associated sub-steps are arranged from left to right, connected by arrows indicating the order of progression, each in a light green box and listed as follows:
- Feedstock Extraction
- Feedstock Transportation
- Fuel Production
- Fuel Distribution
- Fuel Combustion
The substep "Fuel Production" is framed in a dotted green box and has a yellow arrow pointing down to the second concept in Fuel LCA modeling, "Life cycle stage level". The latter, written in bold, is in the upper left-hand corner of a dotted green box. Within it, the associated sub-steps for Fuel Production are represented by turquoise boxes.
To the left are two “Unit process” sub-steps, arranged one above the other. In the middle are three “Unit process” sub-steps, arranged one above the other. On the right is a final “Unit process” with a black arrow emanating from the right side and pointing to the right. Both of the unit processes on the left have a black arrow pointing to the lowest “Unit process” located in the middle of the dotted green box. All the middle unit processes have arrows pointing towards the unit process on the right. This succession of arrows illustrates the logical sequence between the sub-steps of the "Lifecycle stage level" concept, made up of unit processes available in the openLCA software.
In the middle, the last “Unit process” is framed with a dotted blue box with a yellow arrow pointing down to the third concept in Fuel LCA modeling “Unit process level”, which is written in bold and is located in the upper left-hand corner of the associated dotted blue box.
This third level consist of one “Unit process” in a turquoise box. The box has three small green arrows emanating from the top of it, two black arrows to its left pointing towards it, and one black arrow on its right pointing away from it. The green arrows represent elementary flows leaving the “Unit process” and the black arrows represent intermediate flows entering and leaving the “Unit process”.
There is a legend at the bottom of the figure. The legend includes two rightward-pointing arrows that are black and green respectively. The former arrow represents intermediate flows, with "Intermediate flow" written in bold above the arrow and "e.g. kWh of electricity" written below the arrow. The latter arrow represents elementary flows, with "Elementary flow" written in bold above the arrow and "e.g. kg of CO2” written below the arrow.
Unit processes represent independent mass/energy balances. This means that while the quantities within a unit process must be balanced, the inputs and outputs of the unit process do not rely on the quantity of inputs and outputs of other unit processes.
6.2.1 Unit processes and flows
Unit processes
Unit processes represent the smallest divisible process of a life cycle. They transform quantities of inputs into quantities of outputs. They can use modeling parameters and background data. When performing LCA, most of the work is done at the unit process level. Life cycle stages are modelled by a collection of unit processes.
A unit process has two main functions:
- Transform inputs into an outputs
- Serve as an independent mass/energy balance
Flows represent material or energy streams entering (input) or leaving (output) a unit process. There are two types of flows: elementary flows and intermediate flows.
Elementary flows
Elementary flows refer to exchanges between a unit process and the environment. They can either enter the unit process (e.g., a mineral extracted, land used, etc.) or be released from it (e.g., a gas emitted into the air, a liquid released in a river, etc.). As the Model focuses on CI, relevant elementary flows as outputs are GHG emissions, and the uptake of CO2 from air is a relevant example of an elementary flow as an input.
Intermediate flows
Intermediate flows refer to exchanges between two unit processes. All unit processes produce at least one intermediate flow (called reference flow) which is then used as an input to other unit processesFootnote 2 . For example, a corn cultivation unit process produces “Corn, at farm” as an intermediate flow. Subsequently, a truck transportation unit process can be used to transform the “Corn, at farm” flow to a “Corn, at bioethanol plant” flow.
Waste flows are a type of intermediate flow used in the openLCA software. They represent intermediate flows that are not used to create value, i.e. waste material sent to end-of-life treatment or waste energy that is not recovered.
Interaction between unit processes and flows
Unit processes are tightly linked to the flows they receive and produce. Using a process flow diagram, as illustrated in Figure 18, unit processes are represented by boxes, while flows are represented by arrows. Intermediate flows connect boxes, while elementary flows are only connected to a box at one end. Waste flows also connect boxes. The receiving box of a waste flow represents a waste treatment process.

Long description
This figure illustrates the interaction between the unit processes of a flow.
It consists of the unit processes, "Unit Process A", in a turquoise box, link by a black arrow to the unit process "Unit Process B", also in a turquoise box.
A green arrow points upwards from the top of the "Unit Process B" box.
On the right-hand side of the figure are the following notes:
- Unit processes are represented by boxes in a process flow diagram
- Flows are represented by arrows
- Intermediate flows connect unit processes
- Elementary flows are only connected to a unit process at one end
A legend appears at the bottom left-hand corner of the figure. It consists of two arrows one above the other, in black and green respectively. The black arrow has the description "Intermediate flow” to its right, whereas the green arrow has the description “Elementary flow” to its right.
OpenLCA uses the concept of providers when linking unit processes with intermediate flows. Providers link unit processes between each other to create a model. This ultimately allows the inclusion of the environmental burdens from all processes for the calculation.
In the case of the Model, the names of the providers are identical to the names of the reference flows. The case of several intermediate flows produced by a unit process is an exception to this rule, in which each intermediate output flow name could be different from the unit process name.
Figure 19 illustrates an example of inputs/outputs tabs with providers in openLCA. Note that waste flows require a provider when they are in the outputs table.

Long description
This figure presents the concept of “providers” as used in openLCA. In the figure, this concept is illustrated by an input flow table of the elementary flow “Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A,” where the providers are identified as an intermediate flow source entering the process.
In the upper right-hand corner of the screen capture, the tabs “Welcome” and “Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A” appear on a grey and white background respectively, each with its own icon. On the right, the icons for minimizing and maximizing the window is visible.
Immediately below, to the left, the title, “Inputs/Outputs: Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A” is written in bold on a white background, indicating that the tab “Inputs/Outputs” of this process is open. On the right, the reload icon is visible.
Below, on the left, “Inputs” is written in bold characters, and a small arrow pointing down is positioned immediately to the left. On the right, three small, coloured icons (a green plus sign, a red “x” and black numbers) represent the actions “create new,” “remove the selection,” and “display the values”.
Afterwards, the following table presents the characteristics of the process input flows:
Flow |
Category |
Amount |
Unit |
Costs/Revenues |
Uncertainty |
Avoided waste |
Provider |
1- Bioethanol from Feedstock A |
1- Bioethanol production, at bioethanol plant |
1.0 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
1- Bioethanol from Feedstock A |
2- Bioethanol distribution, to end-user |
Fuel pathways/Bioethanol pathway |
1.0 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
2- Bioethanol distribution, to end-user |
3- Bioethanol combustion, to end-user |
Fuel pathways/Bioethanol pathway |
1.0 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
3- Bioethanol combustion, to end-user |
The content of the column “Provider” is framed in red. A red arrow emanates from this box and points towards the elements of the column “Flow.” Below the arrow, the description “The provider is the process that produces the input intermediate flow” is written in red.
Below, on the left, “Outputs” is written in bold characters, and a small arrow pointing down is positioned immediately to its left. To the right, three small, coloured icons (a green plus sign, a red “x” and black numbers) represent the actions “create new,” “remove the selection,” and “display the values”.
Immediately below, the table of output flows is presented as follows:
Flow |
Category |
Amount |
Unit |
Costs/ |
Uncertainty |
Avoided product |
Provider |
Data Quality Entry |
Location |
Description |
Biodiesel CI from Feedstock A |
Bioethanol Pathway/Bioethanol CI |
1.0 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
The content of each column is in bold characters.
Example: Bioethanol production from corn: unit process and flows
An example of a bioethanol production unit process is displayed in Figure 20. In the figure, the input and output flows are displayed, as well as the amounts and units for each flow. Note that the amounts and flows for this example are for illustrative purposes only. The inputs table of the production process contains electricity, chemicals, natural gas combustion, and corn as input flows. Each input flow comes from its own unit process with its own modelling. For example, this means that there is another process called “Electricity, from grid” (whose name matches the flow name in the input table) that models the emissions produced in electricity generation from the grid. The purpose of the “Electricity, at grid” flow inside the “Bioethanol production” process is to quantify the amount of electricity used to produce bioethanol.
The outputs table includes the bioethanol produced as an output (reference product, highlighted in bold) and animal feed co-product. The outputs table also includes an elementary flow, biogenic carbon dioxideFootnote 3 , which represents the process emissions associated with the conversion process. Process emissions only include those associated with the reactions involved in making the bioethanol. For example, the emissions associated with combusting the natural gas input are already accounted for in the natural gas combustion unit process. This properly accounts for GHG emissions for each unit process and avoid double counting.
If another process requires the use of bioethanol as an input, then the “Bioethanol production, from corn” flow will appear in the inputs table of the process, thus linking the process with the “Bioethanol production, from corn” process.
Since each unit process is a mass-energy balance, the quantities of input and output flows are quantified relative to the quantity of the main output (reference flow) of the unit process, which in the example below is the produced bioethanol. For example, this process requires 26 000 MWh of electricity per 5900 TJ bioethanol (i.e. 0.044 kWh/MJ bioethanol). This allows for proper scaling if the bioethanol is used by another process.

Long description
This figure shows an example of a unit process, basic bioethanol production process. In the top left-hand corner, the heading "Bioethanol production, from corn" appears. Just below it, the term "Inputs" appears. Subsequently, the figure is structured with two tables, one above the other, each framed in a black box: the first, at the top, shows the process's inputs, while the second, at the bottom, details the outputs.
Under the heading "Inputs", the table of inputs is presented as follows:
Flow |
Amount |
Unit |
Electricity, from grid |
26,000 |
MWh |
Chemical use per MJ of conventional ethanol |
5,900 |
TJ |
Natural gas combustion |
1,700 |
TJ |
Corn, at bioethanol plant |
587,000 |
t |
Note that in the table of inputs, the column headings are shown in bold type on a black background, while the rest of the table is shown on a grey background.
A red arrow from "Electricity, from grid" points to the statement "Intermediate flows (blue) come from other unit or system processes", also in red.
Just below the input table, the term "Outputs" is inscribed on the left, introducing the outgoing flows table at the bottom, as follows:
Flow |
Amount |
Unit |
Bioethanol production, from corn |
5,900 |
TJ |
DDGS from corn |
3,400 |
TJ |
Carbon dioxide, biogenic |
7,730 |
t |
Note that in the output table, column headings are displayed in bold type on a black background, while the rest of the table is presented on a grey background. The contents of the second row of the table appear in bold blue type, while those of the third and fourth rows are in normal blue and green type, respectively.
A red arrow from the number "5,900" points to the statement "The amounts of each flow (both inputs and outputs) are relative to the reference flow", also in red.
Another red arrow points from "Carbon dioxide, biogenic" to the statement "Elementary flows (green) are exchanged with the environment", also in red.
6.2.2 Fuel pathway
The Model contains several fuel pathways intended to be representative of common LCIF life cycles. Each fuel pathway represents the life cycle of an LCIF, usually starting at the feedstock production and ending at fuel combustion. A fuel pathway is modelled using a collection of unit processes, modelling parameters, and background data allowing the determination of the CI. Users are able to complete these pathways using their data and building blocks known as system processes, which are stored in the Data Library of the Model Database. An example of a fuel pathway is provided below.
Example: Corn-based bioethanol fuel pathway
As shown in Figure 21, the corn-based bioethanol pathway includes corn cultivation, corn transportation, bioethanol production from corn, bioethanol distribution and bioethanol combustion. Each of these stages considers the material and energy inputs required, the process emissions, as well as potential co-products.

Long description
This figure shows the logical sequence of steps involved in the life-cycle analysis of the corn-based bioethanol fuel pathway. It serves as an example of a fuel pathway in the Model.
In the top left-hand corner of the figure, "Bioethanol from corn fuel pathway" is written in bold type.
Below, the stages are arranged from left to right, connected by arrows indicating the order of progression, each in a green box:
- Corn cultivation
- Corn transportation
- Bioethanol production
- Bioethanol distribution
- Bioethanol combustion
Feedstock Production: resource acquisition (e.g., natural gas extraction, or soybean cultivation, etc.) and transformation (e.g., natural gas upgrading, or soybean oil extraction, etc.) into substances ready for transport to the fuel production plant.
Feedstock Transportation: transportation of feedstock from its last transformation activity to the fuel producer.
Fuel Production: (or fuel conversion) conversion of feedstock into fuel, including potential pre-processing of feedstock, and post-processing and upgrading of fuel to final fuel product.
Fuel Distribution: storage and handling of fuel, transport of finished fuel product to storage and to final user.
Fuel Combustion: combustion of the final fuel product by the end user.
Product system
A product system is, according to ISO 14040, a collection of unit processes that altogether represent the entire life cycle of a product (in the case of the Model: a fuel). The Model uses the term Fuel Pathway to cover this definition. In the case of openLCA, product systems are created from processes and used to calculate CIs. See Chapter 5.2.9 for more details on product systems in openLCA.
6.2.3 Life cycle stage
In the Model, each fuel pathway is comprised of up to five life cycle stages, which are outlined in Figure 22. This provides a structure that regroups all activities and emissions that are part of the fuel pathway. Life cycle stages are connected by the product (or service) that flows between them. For example, in the case of the bioethanol from corn pathway presented in Figure 23 corn is going from the corn cultivation stage to the corn transportation stage, and from the corn transportation stage to the bioethanol production stage, while bioethanol is going from the bioethanol production stage to the bioethanol distribution stage, and from the bioethanol distribution stage to the bioethanol combustion stage.

Long description
This figure shows the logical sequence of the five steps involved in the life-cycle analysis of a low-carbon fuel in the Model. On the top left is the title “Life cycle stages” written in bold.
The stages are arranged from left to right, connected by arrows indicating the order of progression, each within a light green box:
- Feedstock Production
- Feedstock Transportation
- Fuel Production
- Fuel Distribution
- Fuel Combustion
Functionally, life cycle stages are collections of unit processes connected by a network of flows, which are explained in the following sections.
Example: Bioethanol production life cycle stage
Figure 23 below shows some of the unit processes involved in the fuel production life cycle stage of bioethanol from corn. Each box in the figure represents a different unit process of the life cycle stage. The output of the life cycle stage is the produced bioethanol. All unit processes within the life cycle stage are needed to model the bioethanol production. Note that the “Corn, at bioethanol plant” unit process is part of the feedstock transportation life cycle stage. Similarly, the “Bioethanol production” unit process is then connected to the next life cycle stage: fuel distribution.

Long description
This figure provides a simplified illustration of some of the processes involved in the life-cycle stage of bioethanol production.
In a dotted black box, "Fuel production life cycle stage" is written at the top, in bold type. Below, on the left, the following processes appear from top to bottom, each in a turquoise box:
- Electricity
- Chemical inputs
- Natural gas
A blue arrow points from each of these processes to the fourth process, "Bioethanol production", on the right, in a turquoise box. The blue arrows coming from each process on the left indicate that the flows generated by these processes constitute inputs for the fourth process.
A fourth blue arrow, coming from outside the dotted black box, points to "Bioethanol production", with the indication "Input flow from process “Corn, at bioethanol plant”".
A blue arrow pointing to the right starts from "Bioethanol production" and extends beyond the dotted black box, with the indication “Output flow to process “Bioethanol distribution”” below it.
Below the dotted black box, a legend appears. It features a small turquoise box, with "Process" written to its right.
6.2.4 System processes
System processes are a type of process used in openLCA. While a unit process represents the smallest divisible process for which inputs and outputs are quantified, a system process is an aggregation of unit processes that sums all elementary flows involved. Unlike a unit process, a system process has no intermediate flows in the inputs or outputs, except for the flow of the reference product. It only contains cumulative elementary flows representing the LCI of the aggregated unit processes.
Example: illustrating the concept of a system process
Figure 24 illustrates an example of a collection of unit processes and their corresponding system process. Their functional unit (see the following section) is the same: 1 MJ of “Z”. The elementary flows (GHG emissions) of the system process are equivalent to the sum of the elementary flows involved in the collection of unit processes it represents (e.g., 1 kg of CO2 from process X + 2 kg of CO2 from process Y + 5 kg of CO2 from process Z = 8 kg of CO2). In other words, the inventory of the system process is identical to the inventory the collection of unit processes it represents. Therefore, their CI is also identical.

Long description
The figure shows an example of emission tracking of GHGs resulting from both a unit process and a system process on a white background.
In the top left corner of the image, the annotation “Unit processes” is written in black, bold text. Below it is a dotted black box containing four turquoise boxes with black borders representing four subprocesses to the unit process.
For the unit processes, the first box is located on the left side of the interior of the dotted box with the inscription “Process X”. A green arrow emits from the center of the top of the box pointing upwards, with the annotation “1 kg of CO2,” indicating the GHG emissions associated with the process.
On its right is a black, rightward-pointing arrow connecting to the left side of another turquoise box with “Process Y” written in it. There are two green arrows pointing upwards emanating from the top of the box, with the annotations “2 kg of CO2” and “3 kg of CH4” respectively. Directly below is another turquoise box with the inscription “Process W”. There is a green arrow emitting from its top with the annotation “4 kg of CH4”.
Both the “Process W” and “Process Y” boxes have black arrows emanating from the right pointing towards the left side of a fourth turquoise box with the inscription “Process Z as unit process”. A green arrow emanates from the top to the box pointing upwards with the annotation “5 kg of CO2”. A black arrow pointing rightwards emanates from the right of the box and out of the dotted box with the annotation “1 MJ of Z,” indicating the main product of the unit processes.
In the middle right of the main image, the annotation “System process” is written in bold, black text. Below it is another dotted black box containing a single turquoise box with a black border with the inscription “Process Z as system process”. There are two green arrows pointing upwards of the top of the box, with the annotations “8 kg of CO2” and “7 kg of CH4” respectively. A black arrow pointing rightwards emanates from the right side of the box out of the dotted box with the annotation “1 MJ of Z.”
At the bottom of the figure, the following annotation is shown:
“In both cases:
- Life cycle inventory: 8 kg of CO2 and 7 kg of CH4 per MJ of Z
- Carbon Intensity: 8 kg of CO2/MJ of Z * 1 kg CO2eq/kg CO2 + 7 kg of CH4/MJ of Z * 30 kg CO2eq/kg CH4 = 218 kg of CO2eq/MJ of Z”
System processes in the Data Library
As seen in Chapter 4.2.1, the Model Database includes a Data Library of system processes that can be used when modelling a fuel pathway. These system processes represent an aggregation of all the unit processes required to model the life cycle of the product or the function they represent.
In developing the Model Data Library, ECCC created hundreds of unit processes modelling several aspects in the Canadian industries (as well as some international unit processes). ECCC used these unit processes to create the system processes available in the Data Library. The development of the unit processes is explained in the Fuel LCA Model Methodology. Figure 25 illustrates how unit processes are aggregated into the system processes found in the Data Library. This is further explained in the Fuel LCA Model Methodology.

Long description
This figure illustrates a graphical representation of the development of the Model Data Library.
The figure presents two black cylinders, one to the left and one to the right, both within a black box. Above the latter, the title “Development of the Fuel LCA Model Data Library” is written.
In the larger left cylinder, on the left, two dotted boxes are arranged one on top of the other. On the right, two other boxes are positioned in the same way, but they overlap slightly.
Inside each dotted box, turquoise squares, each representing a unit process, are arranged. On the left side, the top box contains two squares, and the one below contains three. On the right side, in the top box, two squares are found in the zone not overlapping with the bottom box, and two others are in the overlapping zone. The bottom box also contains two squares in the part not overlapping with the top box.
In the right cylinder, four green-coloured squares, each representing a system process, are arranged as follows: two above, two below. Below the cylinder, the comment “Fuel LCA Model Data Library” is written.
Four blue arrows emanate from the left cylinder and point towards the right cylinder in the following manner:
- An arrow from the top left box towards the green square positioned in the upper right
- An arrow from the bottom left box towards the green square positioned in the lower right
- An arrow from the top right box towards the green square positioned in the upper left
- An arrow from the bottom right box towards the green square positioned in the lower left
These connections indicate that each system process results from the aggregation of several unit processes
In the lower left corner of the figure, there is a legend. It consists of two squares, one on top of the other, coloured turquoise and green respectively. The annotation “Unit process” appears to the right of the turquoise blue square, whereas “System process” is written to the right of the green square.
6.2.5 Functional unit
According to ISO 14040, the functional unit defines the quantification of the function (performance characteristic) of the product (flow). It is defined to allow a fair comparison in LCAs. The system boundaries and the scaling of an LCA model are then built in accordance with the functional unit.
In the case of the Model, the main functional unit is “1 MJ of energy content based on the HHV delivered to the end user and used for its energy content”. As a consequence, the reference flow of the unit processes used to create product systems is usually 1 MJ HHV of an LCIF. Chapter 4.5.1 shows where the reference flow is documented in the metadata of each process of the Data Library.
6.2.6 Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) method
An LCIA method is composed of one or several sets of characterization factors, each set representing an environmental issue. While LCIA methods can include a wide range of environmental issues such as acidification, toxicity or water scarcity, the LCIA of the Model is limited to a CI.
A characterization factor is an impact intensity value associated to a specific elementary flow and a specific environmental issue. It allows the translation of the LCI into potential impacts. The characterization factors used in the Model are the GWP for a 100-year time horizon based of IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) and Sixth Assessment Report (AR6). The results calculated from the Model are expressed in grams of CO2e per MJ of HHV energy delivered to the user.
6.2.7 Allocation
In most cases, unit processes are monofunctional. This means they are associated with one single product (i.e. one single intermediate output flow) called the reference product. However, some unit processes are multifunctional (i.e. have several products) and in certain cases data is not available to separate and attribute the environmental burdens (in the case of the Model, GHG emissions) of the process to each of its products. Those environmental burdens are associated to elementary and intermediate input flows as well as elementary output flows (i.e. all non-product flows).
In those cases, allocation is used to partition the non-product flows using a set of allocation factors. ISO 14040 defines the requirements to perform allocation, namely that allocation should be avoided if data can be collected individually for each product or the system boundary can be expanded to encompass them. Otherwise, an allocation procedure must be applied.
The following sub-sections explain the main types of allocation found in the Model. For instructions on when to use each type of allocation, please refer to program specifications when applicable. Otherwise, ISO 14044 contains guidance for determining the appropriate allocation method.
Energy-based allocation
The default allocation method for most unit processes in the Model is the energy basis. In the case of a production process which generates a fuel (reference product) and co-products, the non-product flows are partitioned between the fuel and co-products based on the energy content (HHV) of these outputs. Energy-based allocation is part of the “physical” allocation methods in openLCA.
Figure 26 illustrates how energy allocation divides the environmental burdens based on the energy content of each product. In the figure, the unit process generates two products: 0.25 MJ of product 1 and 1 MJ of product 2. As a consequence, energy allocation attributes 20% (=0.25 MJ/(0.25 MJ + 1 MJ)) of all non-product flows to product 1 and 80% (=1 MJ/(0.25 MJ + 1 MJ)) of all non-product flows to product 2.

Long description
This figure illustrates the energy allocation of a multifunctional unit process. It highlights the distribution of environmental impacts via the use of energy factors based on the energy content of each product resulting from the unit process.
In the upper left corner of the figure, a black box is shown, with the description “Unit process”. The upper portion of the box is blue, symbolizing the first product resulting from the unit process, whereas the lower portion is orange and represents the second product resulting from the unit process. About 20% of the box is blue and 80% is orange.
A black arrow to the left of the box points towards it and indicates “1.00 kg input,” also written in black. From the right side of the box, a blue arrow, pointing towards the right, emanates from the blue portion with the description “0.25 MJ,” representing the energy associated with the first product. An orange arrow, pointing towards the right, emanates from the orange potion with the description “1 MJ,” representing the energy associated with the second product. Three green arrows emanate from the top of the box and point towards the top. They symbolize the elementary flows related to greenhouse gas emissions.
A red arrow points towards the box and indicates “Unit process with more than one product,” also written in red.
A black arrow situated at the center of the figure, pointing towards the energy allocation factors of the products that are represented by a diagram situated at the right of the figure. Above this arrow, the statement “Allocation factors distribute environmental burdens to each product” is written in red.
The diagram begins with a branch with the statement “1.00 kg input,” then separating into two distinct arrows: one above and one below. The upper arrow indicates “x0.2,” in blue, pointing towards “Unit process” written in a box that is also blue. Similarly, the lower arrow indicating “x0.8” points towards “Unit process” written in a box that is orange.
The values “0.2” and “0.8” represent the allocation factors of each product pertaining to each of the unit processes.
Three green arrows emanate from above each box and point upwards. They symbolize the unit flows related to greenhouse gas emissions. To the right of the arrows associated with the upper box, “x0.2” written in blue, whereas to the right of the arrows associated with the lower box, ”x0.8” is written in orange.
To the right of the upper box, a blue arrow points towards the right and indicates “0.25 MJ,” also written in blue. To the right of the lower box, an orange arrow points towards the right and indicates “1 MJ,” also written in orange. These indicators represent the energy values associated with the products resulting from each of the unit processes.
In the lower left corner of the figure, there is a legend. It is composed of two boxes, one on top of the other in blue and orange respectively, and a green arrow just below. The descriptor “Product 1” is to the right of the blue box, whereas “Product 2” is written to the right of the orange box. “Elementary flow (GHG emissions)” is written to the right of the green arrow.
In the lower right corner of the figure, the details of the calculations for the allocation factors are written in black and appear as follows:
- Allocation factor 1 = 0.25/(1+0.25) = 0.2
- Allocation factor 2 = 1/(1+0.25) = 0.8
In the first expression, “0.25” and “0.2” are in blue, whereas in the second one, “1” and “0.8” are written in orange, referencing the unit processes to which these values are associated.
Mass-based allocation
Mass-based allocation attributes environmental burdens based on the mass of each product. The Model uses mass allocation for wood fibre, animal fats, and oilseed feedstock production processes. An example for mass-based allocation would be similar to the one in Figure 26, but the amounts of products would be expressed in terms of mass (e.g., kg) instead of energy. Mass allocation must be based on the dry mass (wet mass from which the water content is removed). Mass-based allocation is part of the “physical” allocation methods in openLCA.
Cut-off allocation
The Model applies the “cut-off” allocation approach to waste recycling, except if the use of the waste material for LCIF production results in significant and real methane reductions (see section on avoided product allocation below). Under the “cut-off” allocation approach, if a waste material (first life) is used for another purpose (second life) instead of disposal, the producer of the waste material is not attributed any burdens for disposal, and the user of the waste material is not attributed any burdens for the upstream production of the material. Consequently, waste products used as feedstock are represented in the Model by empty processes (and associated with zero carbon intensity).
Avoided product allocation (system expansion)
System expansion is not allocation, but rather a method to avoid allocation, as described by ISO 14044. System expansion considers that the products of multifunctional processes will be used by other processes, instead of the products they usually use. Those products usually used are called "avoided products" or “displaced products”. To evaluate the environmental burdens associated with one of the products of a multifunctional process, the environmental burdens of the products displaced by the other products of this multifunctional process are subtracted from those of the multifunctional process (e.g., using the example from Figure 26: CI of product 1 = CI of entire multifunctional process – CI of product(s) avoided by product 2).
In an LCA software, avoided products can be computed in the form of input flows with negative value amounts. In the Model, system expansion is used for excess electricity and steam produced at fuel production facility, where the produced electricity and steam alongside a product can be used to heat other processes within another product system. It is also applied when some waste material is used as feedstock for LCIF production and results in real methane reductions. In this case, the system boundary around the waste material for fuel production is expanded to include the emission differential between using the waste material for fuel production and a baseline scenario that would have occurred if the waste material were not used for fuel productionFootnote 4 . With system expansion, the emissions associated with the avoided electricity and steam production or the baseline scenario for waste management are subtracted from the CI value of the fuel.
Causal allocation
Causal allocation is a term used in openLCA to represent a custom allocation approach that can be used to model specific allocation scenarios, including the energy and mass-based allocations. Allocation factors are entered manually for each flow.
Appendix A: Example of using the Fuel LCA Model to calculate a CI
This appendix presents a hypothetical example of using the Model to calculate a carbon intensity. The example goes through how to use the Data Library and fuel pathways to complete a product system for a specific scenario, but the general modelling concepts are applicable to a wide variety of scenarios and situations.
A.1 Example: Bioethanol produced from corn
The example, as described in Figure 27, models the production of bioethanol produced from corn following the life cycle stages defined in Chapter 6.2.3. In this example corn is produced and then transported to the bioethanol plant. Then, energy and chemical inputs of natural gas and hydrogen respectively, alongside the corn, are used to produce the bioethanol. This generates process emissions and produces an animal feed coproduct. Finally, the produced bioethanol is distributed to end users, where it is combusted in an internal combustion engine. The quantities associated with the example are shown in Figure 27.

Long description
This figure represents the first example available in Annex A of the User Manual. The example concerns the production of bioethanol from corn, according to the life cycle steps from the Model. The steps are represented one below the other in the center of the figure. Each step is represented by a green rectangle. The rectangles are connected by arrows which illustrate the logical progression from one step to the next. The steps are listed as follows:
- Feedstock production
- Feedstock transport
- Fuel Production
- Fuel distribution
- Fuel combustion
To the right of the step “Feedstock production,” it is indicated “275,000 t of corn(14% moisture content)”. In the same manner, to the right of the step “Feedstock transport,” the indication “150 km by truck” is listed.
Two black arrows situated one below the other are positioned to the left of the step “Fuel production” and are pointing towards this step. The following annotations of “350 TJ of natural gas” and “1 350 t of hydrogen” are associated with the arrows. Two other black arrows are positioned one below the other, on the right side of this step, and are directed towards the right. The following annotations are associated with the arrows:
- Process emissions
0.05 g CH4/MJ of fuel
0.01 g N2O/MJ of fuel - 38 000 tons of animal feed
(15% moisture content)
The annotation “100 million liters of ethanol” in bold, blue characters, is positioned to the left of the black arrow linking the “Fuel production” step to the step “Fuel distribution” step.
To the right of the step “Fuel distribution”, it is indicated “450 km by train”. To the right of the step “Fuel combustion,” the annotation “In an internal combustion engine vehicle” is shown.
Figure 28 shows how the system will be modelled in openLCA. The example will walk through each of the life cycle stages, from feedstock production to fuel combustion, as they are modelled with the Model. It will also show how to use each unit process within the pathway. As explained in Chapter 4.2.2, the fuel pathways in the Model Database are not structured in the same way as what would occur in reality. This structure enables simpler modelling of a highly customizable systems that can be used for a variety of scenarios.

Long description
This figure illustrates the modelling of the life cycle stages of each unit process in the Fuel Pathway of the Model. The figure also illustrates the links between these processes and the specific life cycle steps with which they are associated.
On the figure, the life cycle steps are represented by green boxes, whereas the unit processes of the Fuel Pathway are represented by teal boxes.
At the top of the figure, the life cycle steps are shown from left to right and are connected by arrows indicating the logical sequence between them. The steps are listed as follows:
- Feedstock Production
- Feedstock Transportation
- Fuel Production
- Fuel Distribution
- Fuel Combustion
“Feedstock Production” and “Feedstock Transportation” are circled in red, whereas “Fuel Production”, “Fuel Distribution,” and “Fuel Combustion” are circled in blue, yellow and green respectively.
Below, the unit processes of the Fuel Pathway are shown in the center, one below the other:
- 1-[Fuel] production, at [Fuel] plant
- 2-[Fuel] distribution, to end user
- 3-[Fuel] combustion, to end user
The unit process “Feedstock A/B/C, at [Fuel] plant” is positioned to the left of “1-[Fuel] production, at [Fuel] plant”. These two processes are connected by a black arrow going from “Feedstock A/B/C, at [Fuel] plant” and directed towards “1-[Fuel] production, at [Fuel] plant”. This indicates a sequence between the two processes, with the arrow pointing from the first to the second.
On the right of the figure, the unit process “[Fuel] CI from Feedstock A/B/C” appears. Black arrows coming from the other unit processes: "1-[Fuel] production, at [Fuel] plant,” “2-[Fuel] distribution, to end user,” and “3-[Fuel] combustion, to end user” point towards “[Fuel] CI from Feedstock A/B/C”. This indicates that these processes serve as inputs to the latter.
The process “Feedstock A/B/C, at [Fuel] plant” is framed in red. Similarly, the process “1-[Fuel] production, at [Fuel] plant” is framed in blue. The process “2-[Fuel] distribution, to end user,” it is framed in yellow. Finally, the process “3-[Fuel] combustion, to end user” is framed in green.
There is a legend to the bottom left of the figure, showing two boxes one above the other and separated by a grey line. The first box is green and has the description “Life cycle stage” written to its right. The second box is teal and has the annotation “Unit process part of the Fuel Pathway”.
Figure 29 shows a screenshot of the model graph of the completed pathway in openLCA (see Chapter 5.3.1). The model graph shows the processes and linkages involved in modelling the bioethanol product system. Note that the example is theoretical and different systems may use different building blocks from the Data Library. System processes from the Data Library will be used alongside the data provided in the example to model the bioethanol life cycle.

Long description
This figure represents a screen capture of the graphic modelling of the life cycle of the product system for corn-based bioethanol of the Model in openLCA.
On a white background, in the centre of the figure, the processes implicated in the modelling are present. The processes are listed from top to bottom and each of them is individually circled. The processes appear in the following order:
- 1-Bioethanol production, at bioethanol plant
- 2-Bioethanol distribution, to end-user
- 3-Bioethanol combustion, at end-user
In both the left and right corners of each frame, the sign “-“ appears, wherever there is a connection with an arrow. All these processes are framed in a green box, indicating that it involves a unit process of the Fuel Pathway.
To the left of these processes, other processes serving as inputs are listed one below the other and each one is individually circled. The processes are displayed as such:
- Corn, at bioethanol plant
- Natural gas combustion
- Hydrogen production, at producer
- Train transport, diesel
- Bioethanol combustion
The process “Corn, at bioethanol plant” is encircled by a green box, indicating that it involves a unit process that is part of the Fuel Pathway. The following four processes from this list are encircled with a blue box, indicating that it involves linked processes from the Data Library and other sources.
In the right corner of each frame, the sign “-“ appears.
The first three elements, titled “Corn, at bioethanol plant”, “Natural gas combustion,” and “Hydrogen production, at producer,” are, for their part, connected to the process “1- Bioethanol production, at bioethanol plant”. A grey arrow connects “Train transport, diesel” to “2- Bioethanol distribution, to end-user,” whereas another grey arrow connects “Bioethanol combustion” to “3-Bioethanol combustion, at end-user”. These grey arrows indicate that the flow from the first process serve as an input to the second.
To the right of the unit process “Corn, at bioethanol plant,” two other processes whose flows serve as inputs are shown. These processes appear individually encircled and are shown one below the other as follows:
- Corn, at farm
- Truck transport, diesel, 45 tonnes
In the right corner of each frame, the sign “-“ appears
A grey arrow symbolizing the flow from each process leaves from each of them and is oriented towards “Corn, at bioethanol plant”.
To the right of the figure, the unit process “Bioethanol CI from Feedstock A” from the fuel production line is framed by a green box. In the box, below the title of the process, a table listing the inputs and outputs of the process is shown. The table appears as such:
Inputs |
Outputs |
1-Bioethanol from Corn 1 MJ |
Bioethanol CI from Feedstock A 1 MJ |
Three grey arrows from the processes “1-Bioethanol production, at bioethanol plant,”2-Bioethanol distribution, to end-user,” and “3-Bioethanol combustion, at end-user” located at the center of the figure, point towards the following entries listed in the table to the right of the figure respectively:
- 1-Bioethanol from Corn
- 2-Bioethanol distribution, to end-user
- 3-Bioethanol combustion, at end-user
In the lower right corner of the figure, a legend consists of a box with a blue outline and the annotation “Linked processes from Data Library and other sources” on its right side. Just below is a box with a green outline with the annotation “Unit process part of the Fuel Pathway” to its right. Below, the final element of the legend is a grey arrow with the statement “Flow of input/output (Quantified with applicant data or predefined amounts)” to its right.
The following sections show the steps to model each of the life cycle stages in openLCA and how to calculate the CI of the completed system.
A.1.1 Feedstock production and transport
The information needed to model the feedstock production and transport is shown in Figure 30. This figure shows how corn production and transportation are modelled in the first unit process of the bioethanol fuel pathway, including necessary calculations and conversions.

Long description
This figure illustrates the modelling of the production and transport of corn in the Model.
At the top of the figure, the unit process “Feedstock at bioethanol plant” of the Fuel Pathway is written in bold characters in a box with a red border and a turquoise interior.
Two black arrows located one below the other are positioned to the left of the box and are directed towards the latter. The following annotations are associated with each of the arrows: “1 kg of corn” and “Truck transport (150km)”.
A bold, black arrow is positioned to the right of the box and is directed towards the right. The annotation “1 kg of corn transported to the bioethanol facility (dry mass)” is shown in bold, at the point of the arrow.
Immediately below, the following equation is presented:
Transport Amount (kg.km) = distance (km) * (1 kgdry-basis/ (1-Moisture contentfeedstock))
In the lower left corner, a legend consists of a box with a red outline and a turquoise interior and the annotation
“Unit process part of the Fuel Pathway” to its right. Just below is a black arrow with the statement “Flow (input/output)” to its right. Below, a bold, black arrow with the statement “Reference flow” to its right.
To model the feedstock production and transport, follow these steps:
- In the Processes folder of the database, go to the folder Fuel Pathways/Bioethanol pathway/Feedstock at bioethanol plant, and open the process “Feedstock A, at bioethanol plant” by double-clicking it. As a reminder, the processes are found in the navigation pane on the left side of the screen (Chapter 4.1)
- Go to the Inputs/Outputs tab of the unit process (Chapter 4.2.3 shows the layout of a process in openLCA)
- As you notice, the unit processes in the fuel pathways are often empty. These unit processes are templates and must be filled with user data to calculate a custom CI
With the “Feedstock A, at bioethanol plant” process, corn and truck transportation are needed as inputs, as shown above. These inputs will be taken from the Data Library. To add the processes as inputs, follow these steps:
- Click-and-drag the processes (called Corn, at farm and Truck transport, diesel, 45 tonnes) from the navigation pane and into the Inputs Table of the process (see Chapter 5.2.3)
Figure 31 shows what the Inputs Table should look like after dragging the processes into the “Feedstock A, at bioethanol plant process”.

Long description
This figure represents the table of process inputs “Feedstock A, at bioethanol plant” once the desired process has been added.
In the upper right-hand corner of the screen capture, the tabs “Welcome” and “Feedstock A, at biodiesel plant” appear on a grey and white background respectively, each with its own icon. Immediately to the right of the text “Feedstock A, at biodiesel plant” is the “*” symbol, indicating the changes to the process are not yet saved. On the right of the window, the icons for minimizing and maximizing the window is visible.
Immediately below, to the left, the description “Inputs/Outputs: Feedstock A, at bioethanol plant” is displayed in bold characters indicating that the table “Inputs/Outputs” of this process is open. To the left of the title is a purple icon resembling a rectangle and gear. To the right, a reload icon is visible.
Below, on the left, “Inputs” is written in bold characters, and a small, downward pointing arrow is positioned immediately to the left. On the right, three small, coloured icons (a green plus sign, a red “x” and black numbers) representing the actions “create new,” “delete section,” and “display values” are shown.
Below, the following table presenting the characteristics of the flows entering the process is shown:
Flow |
Category |
Amount |
Unit |
Costs/ |
Uncertainty |
Avoided Waste |
Provider |
Data Quality |
Location |
Description |
Corn, at farm |
Crops/grains |
1.0 |
kg |
- |
none |
- |
Corn, at farm |
- |
- |
- |
Truck transport, diesel, 45 tonnes |
Transportation/Generic Transport |
1.0 |
kg*km |
- |
none |
- |
Truck transport, diesel, 45 tonnes |
- |
- |
- |
The next step is to determine the quantity and units to enter in the unit process. As explained in Chapter 6.2.1, the unit process is an independent mass balance that transforms inputs into outputs. In this process, 1 kg of corn is transported to the bioethanol production facility. Therefore, the input for Corn, at farm is balanced with the output, 1 kg of feedstock A, at bioethanol plant. The functional unit (Chapter 6.2.5) of the unit process is on a dry basis, as is the corn flowFootnote 5 . However, the corn is transported to the bioethanol production facility on a wet basis. Therefore, the transportation flow needs to account for the entire mass of corn being transported, and not just the dry mass. An example of this conversion is as follows:
transportation amount (kg*km) = distance (km)*(1 kgdry basis)/(1-moisture contentfeedstock)
transportation amount = 150 km*(1 kgdry basis)/(1-0.14)
transportation amount = 174.4186 kg*km
Follow these steps to add the transportation amount and finish modelling the unit process:
- Enter the transportation amount into the “amount” column in the Inputs Table either as a formula or as the calculated value (see Chapter 5.2.2)
- After the amount is entered, select the unit of “kg*km” by opening the drop-down menu for the unit column
- Rename it to represent the customization that has been made. Rename the unit process by going to the General information tab (see Chapter 5.2.6)
- Rename the reference flow to match the new unit process name
- Save the unit process
Figure 32 shows a screenshot of the unit process with the updated values and names.

Long description
This figure represents the table of inputs and outputs of the process “Corn, at bioethanol plant” once certain values and titles have been updated.
In the upper left corner of the screen capture, the tab “Corn, at bioethanol plant” is shown, on a white background, with a purple icon to the left resembling a rectangle with a gear. The tab is framed in red. In the upper right corner, the icons to reduce or increase the window size are visible.
Immediately below, to the left, the title “Inputs/Outputs: Corn, at Bioethanol plant” is attached, in bold characters indicating that the tab “Inputs/Outputs” of this process is open. To the left of the title, a purple icon resembling a rectangle and a gear is shown. On the right, the reload icon is visible.
Below, on the left, “Inputs” is written in bold characters, and a small arrow pointing downwards is positioned immediately to its left. On the right, three small, coloured icons (a green plus sign, a red “x” and black numbers) representing the actions “create new,” “delete section,” and “display values” are shown.
Next, the table presenting the characteristics of the process’s input flows is listed as such:
Flow |
Category |
Amount |
Unit |
Costs/ |
Uncertainty |
Avoided Waste |
Provider |
Data Quality |
Location |
Description |
Corn, at farm |
Crops/grains |
1.0 |
kg |
- |
none |
- |
Corn, at farm |
- |
- |
- |
Truck transport, diesel, 45 tonnes |
Transport/Generic Transport |
150/(1-0.14) |
kg*km |
- |
none |
- |
Truck transport, diesel, 45 tonnes |
- |
- |
- |
The column elements “Amount” and “Unit” associated with the flow “Turck transport, diesel” is framed in red.
Below, on the left, the word “Outputs” is written in bold characters, and a small arrow oriented downwards is positioned immediately to its left. On the right, three small, coloured icons (a green plus sign, a red “x” and black numbers) representing the actions “create new,” “delete section,” and “display values” are shown.
Next, the table presenting the characteristics of the process’s output flows is listed as such:
Flow |
Category |
Amount |
Unit |
Costs/ |
Uncertainty |
Avoided Waste |
Provider |
Data Quality |
Location |
Description |
Corn, at bioethanol plant |
Bioethanol pathway/Feedstock at bioethanol plant |
1.0 |
kg |
- |
none |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
All of elements shown in the table are in bold characters and the title of output flows, “Corn, at bioethanol plant” is circled in red.
At the bottom of the window, the tabs “General information,” “Inputs/outputs,” “Administrative information,” “Modelling and validation,” “Parameters, “Allocation”, “Social aspects,” and “Direct impacts” appear from left to right.
Now that the feedstock and transportation life cycle stages have been modelled in openLCA, the bioethanol production life cycle stage can be modelled.
A.1.2 Fuel production
The details of the example used to model the fuel production life cycle stage are shown in Figure 33 below. This diagram shows how bioethanol production is modelled in the second unit process of the bioethanol fuel pathway, including necessary calculations and conversions.

Long description
This figure illustrates the modelling of the production of bioethanol in the Model.
At the top of this figure, the unit process “1-Bioethanol production, at bioethanol plant” of the Fuel Pathway is written in bold characters in a box with a blue outline and a turquoise blue interior.
Three black arrows situated one below the other are positioned to the left of the box and are pointing towards the latter. These arrows symbolize the input flows to this process. The following annotations are associated with each of the respective arrows “275 000 t of feedstock,” “350 TJ of natural gas,” and “1 350 t of hydrogen”.
Two black arrows are positioned to the right of the box and are situated one below the other. These arrows point towards the right and the higher one is in bold. The higher, bold arrow symbolizes the reference flow of the process whereas the lower one represents an outlet flow of the process. The annotations “100 million liters of ethanol” and “38 000 t of animal feed (15% moisture content)” are associated with the upper and lower arrows respectively, with the first written in bold characters.
A black arrow positioned on top of the box and pointing towards the right indicates:
Process emissions
0.05 g CH4/MJ of fuel
0.01 g N2O/MJ of fuel
Immediately below, the calculations related to the conversion of units of corn, hydrogen, ethanol and co-products are shown on a grey background. The calculations appear one below the other as follows:
- The title “Corn unit conversion”, which is underlined, with the following calculation shown directly below:
Quantity (kg dry mass) = Wet mass (kg) * (1-Moisture Content)
Moisture content: 14% - The title “Hydrogen unit conversion”, which is underlined, with the following calculation shown directly below:
Quantity (MJ) = Mass (kg) * HHV (MJ/kg)
HHV (hydrogen) = 141.92 MJ/kg - The title “Ethanol unit conversion”, which is underlined, with the following calculation shown directly below:
Quantity (MJ) = Volume (L)* HHV (MJ/L)
HHV (bioethanol) = 23.42 MJ/L - The title “Co-product unit conversion”, which is underlined, with the following calculation shown directly below:
Quantity (MJ) = Mass (kg, wet basis) * (1-Moisture content) * HHV (MJ/kg)
HHV (animal feed) = 21.75 MJ/kg (dry basis)
In the lower left corner of the figure, a legend illustrates the different elements of the figure. Each element of the legend is separated by a light grey horizontal line.
The legend contains a box with a blue outline and a turquoise blue interior and the annotation “Unit process part of the Fuel Pathway” to its right. Just below, there is a black arrow with the statement “Flow (input/output)” to its right. Below, the final element of the legend is given, a bold black arrow with, on its right, the statement “Reference flow”.
The transported corn is used alongside natural gas and hydrogen to produce bioethanol and a coproduct. Like the feedstock production unit process, this process is empty and can be filled in with building blocks from the Data Library. In addition, the process will be linked to the previous life cycle stage (the feedstock production and transportation processes from the previous section).
Corn input
First, follow the step below to link the two life cycle stages:
- Open the “1- Bioethanol production, at bioethanol plant” unit process in the fuel pathways section of the database
- Click-and-drag the feedstock process from the navigation pane and into the Inputs Table of the bioethanol production process. (This is the same way as adding the inputs from the previous section.)
For the quantity of corn, there are 275 000 t being used to produce the 100 million litres of ethanol. This mass is a wet basis mass, so it must be converted to dry mass to properly represent the functional unit of the corn process. The conversion is as follows:
Unit processes are independent mass/energy balances. So while the quantities within a unit process must be balanced, this means that the inputs and outputs of the unit process do not rely on the quantity of inputs and outputs of other unit processes.
Quantity (kgdry basis) = mass (kgwet basis)*(1-moisture content)
Quantity = 275000 t*(1000 kg/1 t)*(1-0.14)
Quantity = 2.365E8 kg
- Enter the calculated quantity or the formula into openLCA. Since the quantity has been converted to kg, there is no need to change the unit for the input. Also note that openLCA allows the use of scientific notation
Hydrogen input
In this example scenario, hydrogen is used as a chemical input in the production of bioethanol. Therefore, it can be found in the chemical inputs folder of the Data Library.
- Click-and-drag the hydrogen process into the Inputs Table. As explained in Chapter 5.2.3, you can also search for flows in the database using the green plus button at the top-right of the Inputs Table
After adding the input you will realize that the flow property (i.e. the types of units, Chapter 4.5.2) is in units of energy. Since we have the mass of hydrogen used, we must convert the amount of hydrogen using hydrogen’s HHV. The conversion is shown below.
Quantity (MJ) = mass*HHV(MJ/kg)
Quantity (MJ) = 1350 t*(1000 kg/1 t)*141.92 MJ/kg
Quantity = 1.91592E8 MJ
- Enter either the formula or the calculated value into the Inputs Table. Keep the unit as the default MJ
Natural gas input
The natural gas input can be found in the fossil fuels folder of the Data Library.
- Since natural gas is being burned, use the “Natural gas combustion” process as the input
Once added into the Inputs Table, you will notice that the flow is in MJ. Since our quantity of natural gas is already reported in units of energy, there are only two things to do:
- Select TJ from the unit field
- Enter the amount of natural gas used (350 TJ) directly into the amount field
Ethanol output
The ethanol output represents the functional unit of the process (the bolded flow in the output table). All inputs and other outputs must be balanced to this quantity. Since the functional unit here is in MJ, a conversion must be performed. The conversion, which uses the HHV of ethanol, is shown below.
Quantity (MJ) = volume (L)*HHV (MJ/L)
Quantity (MJ) = 100E6 L*23.42 MJ/L
Quantity=2.342E9 MJ
- Enter the quantity or formula into openLCA. In this case it may be better to leave the value as a formula because this formula can be copied and pasted for the upcoming section, Process emissions output
- Open the bioethanol flow (double-click the flow from the output table) and rename the flow to “1- Bioethanol from corn”
Note that the process has other outputs called “Bioethanol from Feedstock B” and “Bioethanol from Feedstock C”. These are available to use if there is more than one feedstock, but since this is out of scope for this example the two flows can stay at 0.
Animal feed coproduct output
The production of bioethanol also results in a coproduct that can be used as animal feed. Unlike the inputs, which come from other processes, the outputs are flows and are therefore found in the flows folder of the database (see Chapter 6.2.1 for a description of processes and flows, and Chapter 4.3.2 for the organization of the intermediate flows). The “Fuel pathways” section of the “Flows” folder contains common coproducts for each fuel pathway. In this case, follow the step below to add the coproduct:
- Add the “Animal feed from Feedstock A” flow from the Flows folder to use as the output. Click-and-drag the flow into the outputs table
The coproduct is reported in mass, but must modelled in energy. The HHV and the moisture content of the animal feed are used to convert the amount to MJ as shown below.
Quantity (MJ) = mass (kgwet basis)*(1-moisture content)*HHV (MJ/kg)
Quantity (MJ)=38000 t*(1000 kg/1 t)*(1-0.15)*21.75 MJ/kg
Quantity = 7.02525E8 MJ
- Enter the quantity or formula into openLCA. The unit is already in MJ
- Open the animal feed flow (double-click the flow from the output table) and rename the flow to “Animal feed from Corn”
Process emissions output
The final flows to consider are those for the process emissions. Note that these process emissions only correspond to emissions that directly result in the chemical production of bioethanol. Emissions from other sources, such as through the combustion of natural gas, have already been accounted for in their respective processes. The flows themselves are elementary flows, i.e. GHGs. They can be found in the “Elementary flows” section of the “Flows” folder in the database (see Chapter 4.3.1).
- Click-and-drag the “Methane (CH4), biogenic” and “Nitrous oxide (N2O)” flows from the “Elementary flows” section of the database into the outputs table of the unit process
Like the inputs and other outputs, the process emissions must be balanced with the amount of ethanol being produced, which is the reference flow of the process. The process emissions have been reported in g/MJ. Therefore, we need to convert the values to grams per [amount of MJ of ethanol being produced]. To do so, simply copy the formula of energy (MJ) we previously calculated (in step (a) in the section Ethanol output) and apply it to the amount of emissions being released. This is shown below for each elementary flow.
Quantity CH4 (g) = amount released (g/MJ)*amount of ethanol produced (MJ)
Quantity CH4 (g) = 0.05 g/MJ*100E6 L*23.42 MJ/L
Quantity CH4 = 1.171E8 g
Quantity N2O (g) = amount released (g/MJ)*amount of ethanol produced (MJ)
Quantity N2O (g) = 0.01 g/MJ*100E6 L*23.42 MJ/L
Quantity N2O = 2.342E7 g
- Enter the results in openLCA as formulas or quantities. For each flow, change the unit from “kg” to “g”
- Save the unit process
Figure 34 presents a screenshot of the process including all of the inputs and outputs.

Long description
This figure represents the input and output tables of the process “Bioethanol production, at bioethanol plant” once all inputs and outputs are added.
Immediately below, to the left, the title “Inputs/Outputs: 1- Bioethanol production, at bioethanol plant” is listed in bold characters indicating that the tab “Inputs/Outputs” of this process is open. To the right the reload icon is visible.
Below, on the left, “Inputs” is written in bold text, and a small arrow oriented downwards is positioned immediately to its right. On the right, three small, coloured icons (a green plus sign, a red “x” and black numbers) representing the actions “create new,” “delete section,” and “display values” are shown. These actions reference the flows listed in the Inputs table.
Next, the following table presents the characteristics of the input flows of the process:
Flow |
Category |
Amount |
Unit |
Costs/ |
Uncertainty |
Avoided Waste |
Provider |
Data Quality |
Location |
Description |
Corn, at bioethanol plant |
Bioethanol pathway/Feedstock at bioethanol plant |
275000* |
kg |
- |
none |
- |
Corn, at bioethanol plant |
- |
- |
- |
Hydrogen production, at producer |
Chemic Inputs/Chemicals |
1350*1000 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
Hydrogen production, at producer |
- |
- |
- |
Natural Gas Combustion |
Combustion Emission Factors |
350 |
TJ |
- |
none |
- |
Natural gas combustion |
- |
- |
- |
All table elements shown in the columns “Flow,” “Category,” “Amount,” and “Unit” are shown in a red box.
Below, on the left, the word “Outputs” introducing the table of output is written in bold text, and a small arrow oriented downwards is positioned immediately to its left. On the right, three small, coloured icons (a green plus sign, a red “x” and black numbers) representing the actions “create new,” “delete section,” and “display values” are shown. These actions reference the flows listed in the Outputs table.
Next, the table presenting the characteristics of the output flows of the process is displayed as such:
Flow |
Category |
Amount |
Unit |
Costs/ |
Uncertainty |
Avoided Waste |
Provider |
Data Quality |
Location |
Description |
Bioethanol from Corn |
Bioethanol production. at bioethanol plant/Bioethanol |
100e6*23.42 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Bioethanol from Feedstock A |
Bioethanol production. at bioethanol plant/Bioethanol |
0.0 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Bioethanol from Feedstock B |
Bioethanol production. at bioethanol plant/Bioethanol |
0.0 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Animal Feed from Corn |
Bioethanol production. at bioethanol plant/Co-products |
38000*1000*(1-0.15)*21.75 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Methane (CH4), biogenic |
Elementary flows/Emissions to air |
0.05*100e6*23.42 |
g |
- |
none |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) |
Elementary flows/Emissions to air |
0.01*100e6*23.42 |
g |
- |
none |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
All elements from the table showing in the columns “Flow,” “Category,” “Amount,” and “Unit” are framed in red. The table row associated with the flow “Bioethanol from Corn” is in bold characters.
At the bottom of the window, the tabs “General information,” “Inputs/outputs,” “Administrative information,” “Modelling and validation,” “Parameters, “Allocation”, “Social aspects,” and “Impact Analysis” appear from left to right.
Each tab is grey, except for the “Input/Outputs” tab which is white, indicating that it is currently open.
Allocation of bioethanol production
Before moving on to the next life cycle stage, allocation needs to be performed on the outputs of the unit process. Follow the steps below to perform allocation on the process.
- Before doing allocation, ensure all values are correctly input and save any changes
- Go to the allocation tab of unit process. Select “Physical allocation” (see method 2 in Chapter 5.2.8) and then click “Calculate factors”.
- Save the process
A screenshot of the completed physical allocation table is shown in Figure 35.

Long description
This figure represents the allocation tables for the “1-Bioethanol production, at bioethanol plant,” processes, highlighting, in particular, the table of physical and economic allocations.
On the top left, the title “Allocation: 1-Bioethanol production, at bioethanol plant” is shown in bold characters indicating that the tab “Allocation” for this process is open. To the right, the reload icon is visible.
Below, to the left, “Default method” is written on a white background, with a rectangle to its right in which the word “Physical” is framed in red. An arrow pointing downwards, in the right corner of the rectangle indicates the presence of a drop-down menu allowing the selection of the default method. To the right of the rectangle, “Calculate factors” appears.
Below, on the left, “Physical & economic allocation” is written in bold characters, and a small arrow pointing downwards is positioned immediately to its left.
Next, in the figure is a four-column table, with the last column being empty. The first three columns contain the characteristics of the physical and economic allocation of the process, as follows:
Product |
Physical |
Economic |
1-Bioethanol, from Corn [2342000000.00] |
0.7692497187574416 |
0.7692497187574416 |
1-Bioethanol from Feedstock B [0.00 MJ] |
0.0 |
0.0 |
1-Bioethanol from Feedstock C [0.00 MJ] |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Animal feed from Corn [702525000.00MJ] |
0.23075028124255836 |
0.23075028124255836 |
Total |
1.0 |
1.0 |
All the elements in the columns “Product” and “Physical” are framed in red.
Below, on the left, “Causal allocation” is written in bold characters, and a small arrow pointing downwards is positioned immediately to its left.
The rest of the section is presented in a nine-column table of the characteristics of the causal allocations:
Flow |
Direction |
Category |
Amount |
1-Bioethanol from Corn |
1-Bioethanol from Feedstock B |
1-Bioethanol from Feedstock C |
Animal feed from Corn |
Total |
Corn, at bioethanol plant |
Input |
Bioethanol pathway/Feedstock at bioethanol plant |
2.36500e8 kg |
0.7692497187574416 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.23075028124255836 |
1.0 |
Hydrogen production, at producer |
Input |
Chemical Inputs/Chemicals |
1.91592e8 MJ |
0.7692497187574416 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.23075028124255836 |
1.0 |
Natural Gas combustion |
Input |
Fossil fuels/Combustion fossil fuels |
350.0 TJ |
0.7692497187574416 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.23075028124255836 |
1.0 |
Methane (CH4), biogenic |
Output |
Elementary flows/Emissions to air |
1.17100e8 g |
0.7692497187574416 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.23075028124255836 |
1.0 |
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) |
Output |
Elementary flows/Emissions to air |
2.34200e7 g |
0.7692497187574416 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.23075028124255836 |
1.0 |
At the bottom of the window, the tabs “General information,” “Inputs/outputs,” “Administrative information,” “Modelling and validation,” “Parameters, “Allocation”, “Social aspects,” and “Impact Analysis” appear from left to right.
Each tab is grey, except for the tab “Allocation,” which is white, also indicating that it is presently open.
A.1.3 Bioethanol distribution
After the bioethanol has been produced, it needs to be transported to the end user. This life cycle stage can be modelled using a single unit process, called “2- Bioethanol distribution, to end-user”. The bioethanol is transported via train, so the “Train transport, diesel” system process from the Data Library can be dragged into the Inputs Table. This is visualized in Figure 36. This figure shows how bioethanol distribution is modelled in the third unit process of the bioethanol fuel pathway, including necessary calculations and conversions.

Long description
This figure illustrates the modelling of bioethanol distribution in the Model.
At the top of this figure, the unit process “2-Bioethanol distribution, to end-user” of the fuel pathway, is written in bold characters in a turquoise blue box with a yellow outline.
A black arrow positioned to the left for the box is directed towards the latter. This arrow symbolizes an input flow for this process. The annotation “Train transport 450 km” is associated with this arrow.
A bolded arrow is positioned to the right of the box and it points towards the right. This arrow symbolizes the reference flow of the process. The annotation “1 MJ of bioethanol distributed to the end user” is associated with this arrow and is shown in bold characters.
Immediately below, the calculation related to the transportation amount is shown on a grey background that extends across the length of the figure. The expression is as follows:
Transport amount (kg*km) = distance (km) * 1/(HHVbioethanol)
HHV (bioethanol) = 29.67 MJ/kg
In the lower left corner of the figure, a legend illustrates the different elements of the figure. Each element of the legend is separated by a light grey horizontal line.
The legend features a turquoise blue box with a yellow outline and the annotation “Unit process part of the Fuel Pathway” to its right. Just below, is a black arrow with the statement “Flow (input/output)” to its right. Below, the final element of the legend is a bold, black arrow with the statement “Reference flow” to its right.
Follow the steps below:
- Open the “2- Bioethanol distribution, to end-user” process
- Add the “Train transport, diesel” system process from the Data Library into the Inputs Table
Once the train transport flow has been added to the Inputs Table, its amount and unit can be determined. Just like with feedstock transportation, the distribution distance needs to be entered in units of mass*distance. Note that the functional unit of the process is 1 MJ bioethanol being distributed. Therefore, we can use the HHV of bioethanol and a basis of 1 MJ to convert our amount of ethanol to kg. The calculation is shown below.
Quantity (kg*km) = mass (kg)*distance (km)
Quantity (kg*km) = (1 MJ)*(1 kg)/(29.67 MJ)*450 km
Quantity = 15.167 kg*km
- Enter the value or formula in openLCA. Select the unit “kg*km”
- Save the process
A screenshot of the completed distribution process is shown in Figure 37.

Long description
This figure represents the input table for the process “2-Bioethanol distribution, to end-user” once completed.
In the top left corner, the title “Inputs/Outputs: 2- Bioethanol distribution, to end-user” is displayed, in bold characters indicating that the tab “Inputs/Outputs” of this process is open. To the right, the reload icon is visible.
Below, on the left, “Inputs” is written in bold characters, and a small arrow pointing downwards is positioned immediately to its left. On the right, three small, coloured icons (a green plus, a red “x” and black numbers) representing the actions “create new,” “delete section,” and “display values” are shown. These actions reference the flows listed in the Inputs table.
Next, the following table showing the characteristics of the input flows of the process are shown:
Flow |
Category |
Amount |
Unit |
Costs/ |
Uncertainty |
Avoided waste |
Provider |
Data Quality, Input |
Location |
Description |
Train transport, diesel |
Transport/Generic Transport |
450/29.67 |
kg*km |
- |
none |
- |
Train transport, diesel |
- |
- |
- |
The column elements “Flow,” “Amount” and “Unit” are framed in red, highlighting them.
A.1.4 Bioethanol combustion
The final life cycle stage to model is fuel combustion. A visualization of the combustion stage is shown in Figure 38. This figure shows how bioethanol combustion is modelled in the fourth unit process of the bioethanol fuel pathway, including necessary calculations and conversions.

Long description
This figure illustrates the modelling of bioethanol combustion in the Model.
At the top of the figure, the unit process “3-Bioethanol combustion, to end-user” of the Fuel Pathway is written in bold characters in a blue box with a green outline.
A black arrow positioned to the left of the box points towards the latter. The arrow symbolizes an input flow to this process. The annotation “Combustion emissions” is associated with this arrow.
A bolded arrow is positioned to the right of the box and points towards the right. This arrow symbolizes the reference flow of the process. The annotation “1 MJ of bioethanol combusted at end-user” is associated with this arrow and is shown in bold characters.
Immediately below, in the lower left corner of the figure, a legend illustrates the different elements of the figure. Each element of the legend is separated by a light grey horizontal line.
The legend features a blue box with a green outline and the annotation “Unit process part of the Fuel Pathway” to its right. Just below is a black arrow with the statement “Flow (input/output)” to its right. Below, the final element of the legend is shown, a bold black arrow with the statement “Reference flow”.
To model combustion emissions, we can again use the Data Library for the input. Bioethanol combustion emissions are included in the “Combustion emission factors” section of the Data Library. Note that while the rest of the Data Library contains system processes that model the life cycle emissions of certain activities, the processes in the combustion emission factors only model the emissions for combustion. This avoids double counting and allows us to use the process to model combustion emissions for the fuel pathways.
- Open the “3- Bioethanol combustion, at end-user” unit process
- Click-and-drag the “Bioethanol combustion” process into the Inputs Table
- Save the process
No other calculations are needed here as the unit process is balanced. A screenshot of the completed process is shown below.

Long description
This figure represents the table for entries for the process “3-Bioethanol combustion, at end-user” once completed.
In the upper left corner of the screen capture, the tab “3- Bioethanol Combustion, at end-user” is shown, on a white background with a distinct icon. In the upper right corner, the icons that reduce and increase the window size are visible.
Immediately below, to the left, “Inputs” is written in bold characters, and a small arrow pointing downwards is positioned immediately to its left. On the right, three small, coloured icons (a green plus sign, a red ”x” and black numbers) representing the actions “create new,” “delete section,” and “display values” are shown. These actions reference the flows listed in the Inputs table.
Next, the following table presenting the characteristics of the process input flows is shown:
Flow |
Category |
Amount |
Unit |
Costs/ |
Uncertainty |
Avoided waste |
Provider |
Data Quality, Input |
Location |
Description |
Bioethanol combustion |
Combustion emission factors |
1.0 |
MJ |
- |
none |
- |
Bioethanol combustion |
- |
- |
- |
The elements shown in the columns “Flow,” “Amount” and “Unit” are framed in red, highlighting them.
A.1.5 Bioethanol CI calculation
Now that all of the life cycle stages have been modelled, the bioethanol CI can be calculated.
- Open the “Bioethanol CI from Feedstock A” unit process
- Change the names of the unit process and reference flow to “Bioethanol CI from corn” to better represent the system
- Follow the steps outlined in Chapter 5.2.9 to create a product system
- Once the product system has been created, go to the “Model graph” tab (see Chapter 5.3.1). Here, you will see the exact same model graph as the one presented in Figure 29 in the beginning of this example
- To calculate the CI, go back to the “General information” tab and use the calculate button according to instructions stated in Chapter 5.2.10
The CI calculated is 43.54029 g CO2e/ 1 MJ bioethanol combusted, HHV, viewable in the “Impact analysis” tab of the calculated results. Note that the value of the CI may be slightly different depending on the version of the Model being used. This intensity represents the customized product system that includes all of the life cycle stages modelled in the previous section. A screenshot of the “Impact Analysis” tab is shown in Figure 40.

Long description
This figure represents the tab “Impact analysis” of the process product system “Bioethanol CI from corn”
At the top, to the left, the title “Bioethanol CI from corn” is displayed, in bold characters.
The remaining portion of the figure is divided into two sections on a white background, displayed one after the other. In the upper left corner of the first section, the term “Impact analysis: FuelLCAModelCIA_AR5”is written in bold characters, and a small arrow pointing downwards is positioned immediately to its left. Immediately below, to the left, the statement “Sub-group by:” is shown with options “Flow” and “Process” to the right, each with a radio button directly to the left. The button associated with “Processes” is marked with a black dot.
To the right of the option “Process,” the statement “Don’t show” is followed by a white rectangle with the number “1” affixed. Inside the rectangle, in the right corner, two arrows are positioned, one above the other. One points upwards and the other points downwards. These arrows allow the user to modify the number on the rectangle by clicking upward or downward. To the right of the rectangle is the symbol “%,” indicating that the current figure shown in the rectangle represents a percentage.
Just below, the second section, presented in a five-column table, is the carbon intensities of all the elements included in the process “Bioethanol CI from corn”
Name |
Category |
Inventory result |
Characterization factor |
Impact assessment |
Carbon Intensity (AR5) |
- |
- |
- |
43.54029 g CO2e |
Corn, at farm |
Data Library/Feedstocks/Crops/Grains |
- |
- |
25.92099 g CO2e |
Natural gas combustion |
Data Library/Combusted fossil fuels | - |
- |
6.93753 g CO2e |
Hydrogen production, at producer |
Data Library/Chemical Inputs/Chemicals |
- |
- |
4.73661 g CO2e |
1-Bioethanol production, at bioethanol plant |
Fuel Pathways/Bioethanol pathway |
- |
- |
3.11546 g CO2e |
Bioethanol combustion |
Data Library/Combusted fossil fuels | - |
- |
1.93719 g CO2e |
Truck transport, diesel, 45 tonnes |
Data Library/Transport/Generic Transport |
- |
- |
0.65869 g CO2e |
All of the elements of the table are framed in red, highlighting them.
At the bottom of the window, the tabs “General information,” “Inventory results,” “Impact analysis,” “Process results,” “Contribution tree,” “Groupings,” “Locations,” “Sankey diagram” and “LCIA Checks” appear from left to right.
Additional openLCA analysis tools are explained in Chapter 5.3.
A.2 Additional modelling scenarios
The following examples show how to model certain scenarios when using the Model outside of a specific program.
A.2.1 Inputs from outside the Data Library
While the example only includes information from the Data Library, the Model allows the creation of unit processes to model any activity using other sources of data. This unit process can then be added to a fuel pathway, just like adding anything from the Data Library. For example, if you have data to model a feedstock that is not in the Data Library, follow the steps in Chapter 5.2.4, then, follow the principles outlined in the example, such as ensuring a proper mass-energy balance for the new unit process.
When creating a new unit process, just like the fuel pathway processes, any input from the Data Library can be added as an input to model certain activities. Any elementary flows can also be added in the outputs to model process emissions.
Once the new unit process has been created, it can be added as an input to the fuel pathway in the same way as described in the example.
A.2.2 Avoided emissions or waste feedstock processes
A simple way to model avoided emissions is to use a negative elementary flow in the output of a process. Any of the elementary flows can be added to process output as described in Chapter 5.2.3. Similarly, a waste feedstock that results in avoided emissions can be modelled in the same way. A process can be created as described in Chapter 5.2.4, and then the elementary flow corresponding to the avoided emissions can be added to the process outputs as a negative value.
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