List of Acronyms
AAS: atomic absorption spectrophotometry
AES: Auger electron spectrometry
AETE Program: Aquatic Effects Technology Evaluation Program
ANCOVA: analysis of covariance
ANOVA: analysis of variance
AQUAMIN: Assessment of the Aquatic Effects of Mining in Canada
APHA: American Public Health Association
AVS: acide volatile sulphides
EPS: Environmental Protection Service of Environment Canada
ASPT: average score per taxon
ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials
ATW: Aquatic Toxicity Workshop
AWWA: American Water Works Association
BACI: before/after control-impact
BAR: B.A.R. Environmental Inc.
B-C Index: Bray-Curtis Index
BEAK: Beak International Inc.
BL: biotic ligand
BLM: biotic ligand model
BMWP: biological monitoring working party
CABIN: Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network
CAEAL: Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories
CALA: Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation
CALK: combined alkaline stream
CBR: critical body residues
CCME: Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment
CES: critical effect size
CETTP: Complex Effluent Toxicity Testing Program
C-I: control-impact
COSEWIC: Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada
CPUE: catch per unit effort
CVAAS: cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry
CVAFS: cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry
D.L.: detection limit
DDW: double distilled water
df: degrees of freedom
DGT: diffusive gradient thin film
DOC: dissolved organic carbon
DQOs: data quality objectives
EC: Environment Canada
EC25: 25% effect concentration
EC50: 50% effect concentration
EDA: effect directed analysis
EDTA: Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
EEM: environmental effects monitoring
ELAP: Environmental Laboratory Approval Program
ESG: ESG International Inc.
EU: European Union
exp.: exposure
FDP: final discharge point
FF: far-field
FRAP: Fraser River Action Plan
GC: gas chromatography
GFAAS: graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
GLP: good laboratory practice
GIME: gel integrated minielectrode
GM-IC25: geometric mean of all IC25s
GPS: global positioning system
GSI: gonadosomatic index
HALW: hardness-adjusted laboratory water
HFPLM: hollow fibre permeation liquid membrane
HPLC: high performance liquid chromatography
HSB: hyper-saline brine
IC25: 25% inhibition concentration
IC50: 50% inhibition concentration
ICP-AES: inductively coupled atomic absorption spectrophotometry
ICP-MS: inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
ID: internal diameter
INRS: Institut national de la recherche scientifique
INAA: instrumental neutron activation analysis
IOC: investigation of cause
IOS: investigation of solutions
IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer
ISO/IEC: International Organization for Standardization
LC50: median lethal concentration
LCL: lower control limit
LIMS: laboratory information management system
LOE: lines of evidence
LPL: lowest practical level
LSI: liver somatic index
LT25: time to 25% mortality
LT50: time to 50% mortality
LWL: lower warning limit
MC-I: multiple control-impact
MDDEP: Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs du Québec
MDL: method detection limit
MFO: mixed function oxygenase
MG: multiple gradient
MME: metal mine effluent
MMER: Metal Mining Effluent Regulations
MOE: Ministry of the Environment
MS: mass spectrometry
MS: mean square
MSE: municipal sewage effluent
MSI: mantle somatic index
MT: metallothionein
NABS: North American Benthological Society
NAMC: The North American Metals Council
NF: near-field
NOM: natural organic matter
NRBS: Northern River Basins Study
NSERC: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PLC: Public Liaison Committee
PME: pulp mill effluent
PPER: Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations
QA/QC: quality assurance / quality control
R2: coefficient of variation
RCA: reference condition approach
ref.: reference
RG: radial gradient
RISS: Regulatory Information Submission System
SD: standard deviation
SE: standard error
SEC: size exclusion chromatography
sem: simultaneous extracted metals
SEM: scanning electron microscopy
SETAC: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
SG: simple gradient
SIMS: secondary ion mass spectrometry
SOP: standard operating procedure
SPE: solid phase extraction
SQT: sediment quality triad
SRM: standard reference material
SS: sum of squares
TER: toxicity emission rate
TIE: toxicity identification evaluation
TKN: Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen
TRE: toxicity reduction evaluation
TOC: total organic carbon
TSRI: Toxic Substances Research Initiative
U.S. EPA: United States Environmental Protection Agency
UCL: upper control limit
UWL: upper warning limit
UV: ultraviolet
VECs: valued ecosystem components
WAWW: whole-animal wet weight
WEF: Water Environment Federation
WHO: World Health Organization
WMI: Whitehorse Mining Initiative
WQG: water quality guideline
XPS: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
XRF: X-ray fluorescence
XAFS: X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
XRM: X-ray microanalysis
YOY: young of the year
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