Metal mining technical guidance: sublethal toxicity checklist, chapter 5
Report Assessment Checklist for the Pulp and Paper and Metal Mining EEM Program: Test of Larval Growth and Survival using Topsmelt*
(Revised: April 2005)
Effluent Sample Identification
Client Name/Location: _____________ Collection Approach: Single or Multiple sample(s) (circle one)
Testing Lab Name/Location: ____________________
Instructions for Completion of Checklist
- Column one of the table lists reporting & method requirements (including the Regulations Amending the Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations and Schedule 5 of the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations). Reporting requirements are specified in regular type, while “must” requirements are indicated in bold type.
- In column two of the table, mark under the Y if data have been reported, or under the N if data have not been provided as required by the minimum reporting of the test result.
- For column 3, this reported information can be either method minimum reporting or an EEM program requirement which is needed to evaluate whether “must” requirements have been met. If data meet the “must” requirements specified, mark under the Y in the third table column or under the N if it is not the case. Items which have no associated method or EEM “must” requirement have been hard-coded with an X under the NA.
Reporting & Method Requirements | Reported Data? | Met “must” Requirement? | |||
Y | N | Y | N | NA | |
Effluent Sample | |||||
Effluent type (eg: process effluent, final effluent etc.) | X | ||||
Information on labelling/coding of sample | X | ||||
Temperature of sample upon arrival at lab | X | ||||
Date for sample collection and date/time for sample receipt at lab | X | ||||
Date for test start (within 3 d of sample collection)1 | |||||
Test Organisms Cultured at Testing Facility | |||||
Species (Atherinops affinis) and source of organisms | |||||
Age at start of test (9 - 15 days post-hatch) | |||||
Any unusual appearance, behaviour, or treatment of larvae, before their use in the test | X | ||||
Health Criterion | |||||
X | ||||
Test Organisms Imported from External Supplier | |||||
Statement that EC guidance document on the importation of test organisms has been followed (September 1999) | |||||
Species (Atherinops affinis) and source (name and address of test organism supplier) | |||||
Age at start of test (9-15 days post-hatch) | |||||
Any unusual appearance, behaviour, or treatment of larvae by the supplier prior to shipping, or by the testing laboratory upon arrival at the testing laboratory or in the period immediately preceding the test (excessive crowding of larvae during shipment must be avoided (i.e., such that stress is minimized and oxygen deficiency prevented); test organisms must be disease free, appear healthy (not discoloured or otherwise stressed), and behave normally; test organisms recovered from disease or previous test exposure must not be used in a test) | |||||
Brief confirmation of inflated swimbladders and normal feeding behaviour (larvae must not be used if they are not actively feeding and if their swimbladders are not inflated) | |||||
Temperature and D.O. of water in which organisms are shipped just before being shipped and upon arrival at the testing laboratory (temperature change ≤ 3°C per 24 hours during transport; D.O. maintained at > 6.0 mg/L during transport) | |||||
Brief description of test organism acclimation rate and procedure at the testing laboratory (test organisms must not be stressed during acclimation) | |||||
Any deviations from test-method-specific “must” requirements for culturing of test organisms, facilities and apparatus used for culturing test organisms, and culture /holding-water conditions | |||||
Health Criteria | |||||
Recommend that organisms not be used in toxicity test if mortality preceding the test > 10% or if organisms appear to be unhealthy, discoloured or otherwise stressed | |||||
Test organism mortality rates (%) upon arrival at the test laboratory and in the 24- hour period preceding a test (mortality ≤ 10% in 24-hour period preceding the test) | |||||
Test Conditions and Facilities | |||||
Test method (EPA/600/R-95/136, Section 11) | |||||
Test type (static-renewal; renewal daily (≤ 24h) for test duration; 7-day test) | |||||
Dates or days during test when sub-samples or multiple samples used (ie: days 1-2; days 3-4; days 5-6-7) | |||||
Date for test completion | X | ||||
Description of test vessels (size, shape, type of material) | X | ||||
Person performing test | X | ||||
Duration/rate of preaeration or aeration (recommend none unless D.O. < 4 mg/L; then aerate all test solutions at minimal effective rate, not exceeding 100 bubbles/min) | X | ||||
Procedures, if any, for pH adjustment and sample filtration | X | ||||
Statement that EC guidance document on salinity adjustment has been followed | |||||
Direct salt addition procedure for salinity adjustment of sample (28 - 32 g/kg; as per EC guidance document on salinity adjustment-December 2001) | |||||
After dry salt addition, was the stabilization (aging) period of 16 to 24 hours respected (4 ± 2°C in darkness and in sealed containers with minimum air space)? | |||||
Type(s) and source(s) of control/dilution water (as per EC guidance document on salinity adjustment-December 2001) | |||||
Type and quantity of any chemical(s) added to control/dilution water | X | ||||
# and conc. of test solutions (≥ 5 conc. plus direct salt addition control; and, if natural sea water has been used as dilution water, a second set of controls comprised of natural sea water) | |||||
Volume and depth of solution in each test vessel (volume 200 mL) | |||||
# of replicates per conc. (5 replicates for each conc. including controls) | |||||
# of organisms (5 fish per test vessel) | |||||
Manner and rate of exchange of test solutions (daily) | X | ||||
D.O. and pH of sample just before its use | |||||
Temperature, D.O., pH and salinity of test solutions and controls (measured at least at start and end (just before or immediately after renewal) of each 24h exposure period in representative conc. and controls in both the fresh and used solution; Temperature 20 ± 1 °C) | |||||
Anything unusual about the test, any deviation from the test method, any problems encountered, any remedial measures taken | X | ||||
Results | |||||
# and % of mortality in each test solution (including controls) as noted during each 24h observation period (test is invalid if control mortality > 20%) |
Average dry weight per original fish in each test vessel (in each replicate of each conc. and controls) (test is invalid if average dry weight per surviving control larvae does not attain 0.85 mg when fish are dried and weighed immediately after the test; or 0.72 mg if fish are first preserved in 4% formalin or 70% ethanol) | |||||
LC50 (and 95% confidence limits) for survival; indication of quantal statistic employed | |||||
IC25 (and 95% confidence limits) for growth; indication of quantitative statistic used | |||||
Results and duration of the reference toxicant test(s) (LC50 for survival must be within the warning limits (± 2 SD) of the historic reference toxicant mean; LC50 for survival with copper must be < 205 µg/L) | |||||
Was a reference toxicant test conducted within 30 d of the topsmelt test being performed on an effluent? | |||||
Was it conducted under the same experimental conditions? | |||||
Was a reference toxicant test conducted on the same batch of externally supplied topsmelt used in the test performed on an effluent? | |||||
Was it conducted under the same experimental conditions | |||||
Were the test endpoints bracketed by at least 1 test conc. (except for “ > 100%”)? | |||||
For the Pulp and Paper Program: Was report submitted within 90 d of test completion? |
* Covers reporting and method requirements outlined in the test of larval growth and survival using topsmelt, and the Regulations Amending the Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations and Schedule 5 of the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations (June 2002).
1 For more information on test start date, please refer to Sections 7.2 and 7.4 of the Metal Mining EEM Guidance Document and Section 6.3 of the Pulp and Paper EEM Guidance Document.
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