NAVTEX decode table
Environment Canada issues NAVTEX compatible forecast bulletins as part of its marine weather products for select marine areas in the Pacific, Arctic, Great Lakes, St. Lawrence River, Gulf of St. Lawrence and Atlantic regions.
Time / Date
Cardinal Direction
Forecast Parameters
Freezing Spray
Technical Synopsis - Trend
Technical Synopsis - Systems
Technical Synopsis - Position
Technical Synopsis - Canada
Cardinal Direction in Synopsis
Ice - General
Ice Type
Ice Concentration
Ice Terms
Ice Direction
Term | Abbreviation |
April | APR |
August | AUG |
December | DEC |
February | FEB |
Friday | FRI |
January | JAN |
July | JUL |
June | JUN |
March | MAR |
May | MAY |
Monday | MON |
November | NOV |
October | OCT |
Saturday | SAT |
September | SEP |
Sunday | SUN |
Thursday | THU |
today | TDY |
tonight | TNGHT |
Tuesday | TUE |
Wednesday | WED |
Term | Abbreviation |
- eastern half | -E |
- northeastern half | -NE |
- northern half | -N |
- northwestern half | -NW |
- southeastern half | -SE |
- southern half | -S |
- southwestern half | -SW |
- western half | -W |
Term | Abbreviation |
east | E |
north | N |
northeast | NE |
northwest | NW |
south | S |
southeast | SE |
southwest | SW |
west | W |
Term | Abbreviation |
corrected | COR |
except | XCPT |
implies | IMPL |
indicated | IND |
knots | KT |
and locally | LCLY |
meters | M |
millibar | MB |
nautical mile | NM |
unless | UNL |
valid | VLD |
Term | Abbreviation |
light | LGT |
variable | VRB |
warning | WNG |
wind | WND |
with gusts to | G |
Term | Abbreviation |
drizzle | DZ |
flurries | LGT-SN |
freezing drizzle | FRZ-DZ |
freezing rain | FRZ-RA |
hail | HL |
heavy rain | HVY-RA |
heavy snow | HVY-SN |
heavy thunderstorm | STRG-TS |
ice pellets | IP |
in precipitation | IN-PRECIP |
light snow | LGT-SN |
rain | RA |
rain and snow mixed | MIX-RASN |
scattered | SCT |
showers | SHWRS |
snow | SN |
thunderstorm | TSTM |
waterspout | WTSPT |
Term | Abbreviation |
above 1 | ABV 1 |
as low as 1 mile | NR 1 |
at times | OCNL |
blizzard | BZ |
blowing snow | BS |
fog | FG |
fog banks | PTH-FG |
heavy | HVY |
ice fog | IFG |
mist | MST |
mist patches | PTH-MIST |
near zero | NR 0 |
occasional | OCNL |
one mile or less | 0-1 |
sea smoke | SEA SMOKE |
visibility | VIS |
Term | Abbreviation |
at times | OCNL |
freezing spray | FRZ-SPR |
moderate | MOD |
outside the ice edge | OUT-EDGE |
over open water | OVR-OW |
risk | RSK |
severe | SEV |
Term | Abbreviation |
approaching | APCHG |
building | BLDN |
dissipating | DISS |
deepening | DPN |
departing | DPRTG |
intensifying | INTSF |
merging | MERG |
quasi-stationary | Q-STNR |
splitting | SPLIT |
weakening | WKN |
Term | Abbreviation |
col | COL |
cold front | C-FRONT |
disturbance | DISTURB |
flat low | FLAT LOW |
frontal system | FRONT |
high | HIGH |
hurricane | HURR |
low | LOW |
post tropical storm | POST-TROP-STRM |
ridge | RIDGE |
storm | STRM |
tropical depression | TROP-DEP |
tropical storm | TROP-STRM |
trough | TROUGH |
warm front | W-FRONT |
Term | Abbreviation |
cape | CAP |
coastal | CSTL |
extending | EXTDG |
from | FM |
island | IS |
lake | LK |
latitude | LAT |
located (cardinal) | (CARDINAL) |
located (xx miles) | (XX MILES) |
located at | AT |
located from | FM |
located near | NR |
located off | OFF |
located on a line | ON LINE |
located over | OVR |
longitude | LONG |
near | NR |
over | OVR |
peninsula | PEN |
river | RIV |
strait | STR |
Term | Abbreviation |
Alberta | ALTA |
British Columbia | BC |
Great lakes | GRT LKS |
Gulf of St. Lawrence | GU ST LAW |
Labrador | LAB |
Manitoba | MAN |
New Brunswick | NB |
Newfoundland | NFLD |
Newfoundland and Labrador | NL |
Northwest Territories | NWT |
Nova Scotia | NS |
Nunavut | NU |
Ontario | ONT |
Pacific | PAC |
Prince Edward Island | PEI |
Quebec | QUE |
Saskatchewan | SASK |
Yukon Territory | YT |
Term | Abbreviation |
central |
east | E |
east - west | E-W |
eastern | ERN |
north | N |
north - south | N-S |
northeast | NE |
northeastern | NERN |
northeast-southwest | NE-SW |
northern | NRN |
northwest | NW |
northwestern | NWRN |
northwest-southeast | NW-SE |
south | S |
southeast | SE |
southeastern | SERN |
southern | SRN |
southwest | SW |
southwestern | SWRN |
west | W |
western | WRN |
Term | Abbreviation |
ice covered | ICE |
Term | Abbreviation |
conditions | CDNS |
edge | EDGE |
estimated | EST |
except | XCPT |
ice | ICE |
including | INCL |
possible | POSS |
Term | Abbreviation |
first-year ice | FYI |
grey ice | GI |
grey-white ice | GWI |
medium lake ice | MEDI |
new ice | NI |
old ice | OI |
thick lake ice | TKI |
thin lake ice | THI |
very thick lake ice | VTKI |
second-year ice | SYI |
multi-year ice | MYI |
new lake ice | NI |
Term | Abbreviation |
1 tenth | 1 |
10 tenths | 10 |
2 tenths | 2 |
3 tenths | 3 |
4 tenths | 4 |
5 tenths | 5 |
6 tenths | 6 |
7 tenths | 7 |
8 tenths | 8 |
9 plus tenths | 9+ |
9 tenths | 9 |
9 to 10 tenths (lake ice) | 9-10 |
bergy water | BW |
consolidated | CONS |
ice free | IF |
open water | OW |
trace of | TR- |
Term | Abbreviation |
light | LGT |
moderate | MOD |
pressure | PRESS |
strong | STRG |
Term | Abbreviation |
along the coast | ALNG CST |
eastward | EWD |
northeastward | NEWD |
northward | NWD |
northwestward | NWWD |
southeastward | SEWD |
southward | SWD |
southwestward | SWWD |
westward | WWD |
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