Seasonal pesticide concentrations: Carrot River 2011

This table gives median monthly concentrations of 2,4-D, MCPA and Clopyralid (column headings) for 2011 (row headings).

Seasonal Pesticide Concentrations Carrot River 2011
Date MCPA Median
Concentrations (ng/L)
Clopyralid Median
Concentrations (ng/L)
2,4-D Median
Concentrations (ng/L)
2011-01-06 6.59 16.7 56.6
2011-02-10 4.55 16.8 27.1
2011-03-17 2.74 16.9 13.8
2011-04-20 11.9 7.96 49.7
2011-05-17 9.69 6.52 27.3
2011-06-16 4.16 6.03 7.19
2011-07-13 113 52.1 48.6
2011-08-24 8.11 12.3 6.34
2011-09-21 4.27 14.1 7.63
2011-10-19 1.58 12.5 6.15
2011-11-16 1.47 10.4 4.83
2011-12-14 1.32 9.32 3.78

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