Pesticide concentrations: Carrot River 2006 to 2011

This table gives median annual concentrations of 2,4-D, MCPA and Clopyralid (column headings) for the years 2006 to 2011 (row headings).

Pesticide Concentrations Carrot River 2006-2011
Year 2,4-D Median Concentrations (ng/L) MCPA Median Concentrations (ng/L) Clopyralid Median Concentrations (ng/L)
2006 44.3 0.58 23.4
2007 11.6 3.995 29.1
2008 1.96 1.32 14.75
2009 1.73 1.32 3.94
2010 37.7 9.14 11.1
2011 10.715 4.41 12.4

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