10-step process of federal contaminated sites decision-making framework

The 10-step process

Step 1: Identify Suspect Site
Step 2: Historical Review
Step 3: Initial Testing Program
Step 4: Classify Site (optional)
Step 5: Detailed Testing Program
Step 6: Re-Classify Site
Step 7: Develop Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
Step 8: Implement Remediation/Risk Management Strategy
Step 9: Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting
Step 10: Long-Term Monitoring (if required)

Documents and tools useful throughout the 10-step process

These are documents and tools that may be of value to a custodian throughout the 10-step process. Custodians should also refer to the Interdepartmental Data Exchange Application (IDEA) secure website and the step-specific reference lists found at the end of each step in this decision-making framework (DMF).

Legislation and policy



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