Boil water advisories

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Drinking water advisories are public health protection messages about real or potential health risks related to drinking water. These advisories are generally precautionary, meaning they are typically issued before drinking water quality problems occur. The advisories can take 3 forms: do not consume, do not use and boil water. Boil water advisories are by far the most common, representing about 98% of the drinking water advisory data each year. Therefore, this analysis looks only at this type of advisory.

The indicator provides a long-term view of why boil water advisories are issued. It also shows the relationship between community size and the frequency of boil water advisories.


Causes of boil water advisories

Key results

  • In 2023,
    • 2% of boil water advisories were due to the detection of Escherichia coli (E. coli)
    • 11% were due to other microbiological parameters
    • the remaining 87% were due to equipment and process-related problems
  • Between 2010 and 2023, the percentage of boil water advisories issued on a precautionary basis due to E. coli and other microbiological parameters decreased, while the percentage of boil water advisories issued due to equipment and process-related problems increased

Causes of boil water advisories, Canada, 2010 to 2023

Causes of boil water advisories, Canada, 2010 to 2023 (see data table below for the long description)
Data table for the long description
Causes of boil water advisories, Canada, 2010 to 2023
Year Water quality, E. coli
(percentage of boil water advisories)
Water quality, other microbiological parameters
(percentage of boil water advisories)
Equipment and process
(percentage of boil water advisories)
2010 8 28 64
2011 5 18 77
2012 5 18 77
2013 7 17 76
2014 5 14 81
2015 5 17 78
2016 4 15 81
2017 4 13 83
2018 4 10 86
2019 3 11 87
2020 2 9 89
2021 2 8 90
2022 4 11 86
2023 2 11 87

Note: Percentages may not add up to 100 due to rounding.

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How this indicator was calculated

Note: Data used in this indicator come from various agencies and jurisdictions across Canada that use or share information with the Canadian Network for Public Health Intelligence's Drinking Water Advisories application. They represent a subset (less than 50%) of the Canadian population. A more comprehensive national dataset is not available. The "Water quality, other microbiological parameters" category includes detection of total coliform bacteria and high turbidity levels in drinking water systems. The "Equipment and process" category includes issues such as broken water mains, planned system maintenance, power failures or equipment problems. See the Data sources and methods section for more information.
Source: Canadian Network for Public Health Intelligence (2024) Drinking Water Advisories application.

Boil water advisories are issued as a means to inform consumers that they need to boil their water in order to protect their health against the potential presence of disease-causing bacteria, viruses or parasites.

Most boil water advisories are issued because the equipment and processes used to treat, store or distribute drinking water break down, require maintenance, or have been affected by environmental conditions. In 2023, this accounted for 87% of boil water advisories.

The "Water quality, E. coli" category includes boil water advisories issued due to the detection of E. coli in drinking water samples. This can indicate the potential presence of disease-causing bacteria, viruses or parasites in the water. In 2023, E. coli-related boil water advisories accounted for 2% of the total.

The "Water quality, other microbiological parameters" category includes boil water advisories issued due to the detection of total coliform bacteria or elevated turbidity levels in drinking water. These parameters are not directly linked to health but provide an indication of changing conditions within a drinking water system. This category accounted for 11% of boil water advisories in 2023.

By community size

Boil water advisories by community size

Key results

  • In 2023, 89% of boil water advisories were issued for drinking water systems serving communities of 500 people or less

Boil water advisories by community size, Canada, 2010 to 2023

Boil water advisories by community size, Canada, 2010 to 2023 (see data table below for the long description)
Data table for the long description
Boil water advisories by community size, Canada, 2010 to 2023
Year 0 to 100 people
(percentage of boil water advisories)
101 to 500 people
(percentage of boil water advisories)
501 to 5 000 people
(percentage of boil water advisories)
More than 5 000 people
(percentage of boil water advisories)
2010 48 32 19 1
2011 43 36 21 1
2012 44 33 21 2
2013 41 38 19 2
2014 43 39 17 1
2015 43 37 18 2
2016 38 32 25 5
2017 45 32 21 2
2018 44 33 21 2
2019 46 34 19 1
2020 56 31 13 1
2021 56 33 11 1
2022 59 30 11 0
2023 57 32 11 0

Note: Percentages may not add up to 100 due to rounding.

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How this indicator was calculated

Note: Data used in this indicator come from various agencies and jurisdictions across Canada that use or share information with the Canadian Network for Public Health Intelligence's Drinking Water Advisories application. They represent a subset (less than 50%) of the Canadian population. A more comprehensive national dataset is not available. See the Data sources and methods section for more information.
Source: Canadian Network for Public Health Intelligence (2024) Drinking Water Advisories application.

Between 2010 and 2023, the majority of boil water advisories were issued in communities of 500 or fewer people. Boil water advisories are more common in small communities because of the unique challenges those communities face, including limited operational capacity.Footnote 1  For example, a broken water main in a larger city is usually isolated and repaired quickly by staff with no need for a boil water advisory. In a smaller community, the same problem may take longer to fix and a boil water advisory may be issued while repairs are completed.

Annual variations in the proportion of boil water advisories issued for communities of a specific size may be explained by several factors, including:

  • many communities have populations around the 500 or 5 000 mark
    • a community's population may fluctuate from one side of the category boundary to the other
  • approximately 50% of advisories each year are due to broken water mains or planned maintenance work on distribution systems
    • these are often localized in an affected sub-area of a bigger municipal distribution system
    • some agencies and jurisdictions will estimate and report on the size of the population affected in the localized area only (because the advisory does not apply to other parts of the town or city), whereas others will report on the overall population served by the entire distribution system, even if only a portion is affected
About the indicators

About the indicator

What the indicator measures

The Boil water advisories indicator provides an overview of the main reasons why boil water advisories are issued, namely:

  • due to the detection of Escherichia coli (E. coli), which suggests the possible presence of disease-causing microorganisms in drinking water
  • as a precaution, due to other microbiological parameters, which are non-health-related water quality indicators
  • as a precaution, due to equipment and process-related issues

It also reports on the relationship between community size and the percentage of boil water advisories issued each year. The indicator excludes "Do not consume" and "Do not use" advisories, which represent approximately 2% of all drinking water advisories in Canada annually. The indicator does not report on the length of time a boil water advisory is in effect.

Why this indicator is important

Drinking water advisories are public health protection messages issued by public health or regulatory authorities. The advisories inform those impacted about actions they should take to protect themselves from real or potential health risks related to their drinking water supply.

Although Canada's drinking water is among the safest in the world,Footnote 2  understanding key trends related to drinking water advisories helps identify priorities to improve our drinking water infrastructure and operations. This information helps foster consistency and coordination of efforts to enhance the safety and sustainability of drinking water in Canada.

Related initiatives

This indicator supports the measurement of progress towards goal 6 of the 2022 to 2026 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy: Clean water and sanitation – Ensure clean and safe water for all Canadians.

In addition, the indicator contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is linked to Goal 6, Clean water and sanitation and Target 6.1, "By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all."

Related indicators

The Water quality in Canadian rivers indicators provide a measure of the ability if river water across Canada to support plants and animals.

The Phosphorus levels in the offshore waters of the Great Lakes, Nutrients in the St. Lawrence River, Nutrients in Lake Winnipeg and Reductions in phosphorus loads to Lake Winnipeg indicators report the status of total phosphorus and total nitrogen levels in these 3 ecosystems.

Data sources and methods

Data sources and methods

Data sources

Data used in this indicator originate from various agencies and jurisdictions across Canada, using or sharing information with the Canadian Network for Public Health Intelligence Drinking Water Advisories application. The data do not currently represent all jurisdictions. However, the results are representative of key drinking water issues in Canada.

Data for this indicator covers the period from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2023. It represents all boil water advisories issued by participating agencies and jurisdictions included in the Drinking Water Advisories application (the application) for that period.

The indicator is reported biennially, but data are contributed to the application by participating agencies and jurisdictions when the advisories are issued, or shortly thereafter. The Boil water advisories indicator is calculated using the most recent data available at the time when the indicator is produced. As new agencies and jurisdictions begin to use the application, they may choose to add historic data to the system. In such cases, the historic data are included in the appropriate year.

More information

The Canadian Network for Public Health Intelligence (CNPHI) provides a suite of secure surveillance and alerting applications for use by federal, provincial and territorial health protection agencies. The CNPHI's Drinking Water Advisories application has been created to meet the needs of the agencies and jurisdictions responsible for overseeing the safety of drinking water. The application enables them to manage and share information to coordinate response efforts during a drinking water incident. It also helps capture, analyze and report on the context of drinking water advisories so that lessons can be learned and priorities identified.

In Canada, the responsibility for making sure drinking water supplies are safe is shared between federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments. Drinking water advisory data are generated by oversight agencies as the advisories are issued.

When an advisory is issued, the CNPHI's Drinking Water Advisories application helps the agency or jurisdiction quickly communicate it to personnel at the local and regional level while capturing key information describing the incident. The system helps agencies and jurisdictions communicate information to the public quickly and allows for analysis of accumulated drinking water advisory data to reveal key trends such as water quality or operational reasons for the advisories and the characteristics of the drinking water systems or communities affected.


To calculate the indicator for each year, all boil water advisories in the Drinking Water Advisories application (the application) were categorized. The number of boil water advisories in each category were then summed and divided by the total number of boil water advisories captured by the application.

More information

The reasons for issuing boil water advisories are organized into 3 categories:

  1. Water quality, E. coli
  2. Water quality, other microbiological parameters
  3. Equipment and process

These categories represent a consolidation of the broad array of more detailed water quality reasons for boil water advisories captured by the application (Table 1). Figure 1 shows how all individual reasons contributed to the issuance of boil water advisories.

Most boil water advisories are issued because the equipment and processes used to treat, store or distribute drinking water break down, require maintenance or have been affected by environmental conditions. This includes issues such as broken water mains, planned system maintenance, power failures or equipment problems. In some cases, climate change impacts such as extreme weather (for example, heavy rains) or forest fires may cause the quality of surface or ground water sources to temporarily worsen, challenging the drinking water treatment and distribution system. Boil water advisories issued for equipment and process-related reasons are generally issued before any actual decline in drinking water quality occurs and are in place until conditions return to normal.

E. coli is naturally found in the digestive systems of all warm-blooded animals, including humans, and is commonly found in lakes and rivers. However, its presence in treated drinking water indicates a serious breach in treatment and/or fecal contamination. Some strains of E. coli can cause stomach illness and more serious health problems in humans.

The "Water quality, other microbiological parameters" category identifies advisories issued due to changing conditions inside the drinking water system that typically do not represent a health risk to consumers. This category includes total coliform bacteria and turbidity. Total coliforms are a broad family of bacteria commonly found in the environment. Turbidity is a measure of the cloudiness of water caused by particles. When unusual or elevated levels of these water quality parameters are measured in the drinking water system, the cause is investigated and the findings may contribute to the decision to issue a boil water advisory.

Table 1. Categories of boil water advisories used in the indicators
Indicator category Reason Definition
Water quality,
E. coli
E. coli detected in drinking water system The chief bacterial indicator of drinking water safety. Its presence indicates fecal contamination and the possible presence of disease-causing micro-organisms in drinking water.
Water quality, other microbiological criteria Unacceptable turbidity or particle counts A measure of the cloudiness of water caused by suspended particles. Provides information on the effectiveness of treatment and helps identify changing conditions in the drinking water system.
Water quality, other microbiological criteria Total coliforms detected in drinking water system Common group of environmental bacteria used to assess general conditions within the drinking water system. Also provides information on the effectiveness of treatment.
Equipment and process Water main breaks or pressure losses Includes instances when distribution system pipes break resulting in a breach of integrity, leakage and loss of system pressure. It also includes system pressure losses due to maintenance work, power failures or depleted reservoir storage.
Equipment and process Suspected contamination Contamination is suspected due to observed operational conditions and not due to test results.
Equipment and process No applicable water quality reason Operational reasons with no observed water quality issues.
Equipment and process Insufficient quantity The capacity of water storage is depleted resulting in a potential loss of pressure in the drinking water system.
Equipment and process Significant deterioration of source water quality Decline in source water quality has potentially impacted drinking water quality.
Equipment and process Cross-connection, backflow suspected or confirmed Inappropriate connections to a drinking water system resulting in potential contamination of drinking water.

Figure 1. Percentage of boil water advisories grouped by the reason for issuance, Canada, 2010 to 2023

Figure 1. Percentage of boil water advisories grouped by the reason for issuance, Canada, 2010 to 2023 (see data table below for the long description)
Data table for the long description
Percentage of boil water advisories grouped by the reason for issuance, Canada, 2010 to 2023
Reason for boil water advisory General category of reason for boil water advisory 2010
(percentage of boil water advisories)
(percentage of boil water advisories)
(percentage of boil water advisories)
(percentage of boil water advisories)
(percentage of boil water advisories)
(percentage of boil water advisories)
(percentage of boil water advisories)
(percentage of boil water advisories)
(percentage of boil water advisories)
(percentage of boil water advisories)
(percentage of boil water advisories)
(percentage of boil water advisories)
(percentage of boil water advisories)
(percentage of boil water advisories)
E. coli detected in drinking water system Water quality, E. coli 8.1 5.5 4.9 7.0 5.3 5.4 3.9 3.9 3.9 2.7 2.2 2.0 3.5 1.9
Unacceptable turbidity or particle counts Water quality, other microbiological parameters 8.1 8.3 6.8 4.3 4.4 5.0 4.0 3.6 3.2 3.3 3.7 2.5 1.9 3.0
Total coliforms detected in drinking water Water quality, other microbiological parameters 19.9 9.9 11.0 12.7 9.1 11.7 11.2 9.0 7.2 7.3 5.4 5.9 9.1 7.8
Cross connection, backflow suspected or confirmed Equipment and process 0.2 0.0 0.3 1.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0
Insufficient quantity Equipment and process 0.8 1.4 1.1 1.6 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.8 0.7 0.3 0.1 0.8 0.7 0.9
Significant deterioration of source water quality Equipment and process 1.2 4.0 0.3 2.0 2.2 0.5 1.4 0.5 0.9 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2
Suspected contamination Equipment and process 15.3 9.3 9.1 2.0 1.1 1.7 1.2 1.1 1.4 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.8 1.1
No applicable water quality reason Equipment and process 10.9 14.8 14.8 20.7 17.7 18.8 19.1 20.0 16.2 17.5 18.4 18.4 16.9 17.7
Water main breaks or pressure losses Equipment and process 35.5 46.8 51.7 48.5 59.2 56.0 58.5 60.7 66.4 68.0 69.5 69.5 66.7 67.5

Note: Percentages may not add up to 100 due to rounding.

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How this indicator was calculated

Note: Data used in this indicator come from various agencies and jurisdictions across Canada that use or share information with the Canadian Network for Public Health Intelligence's Drinking Water Advisories application. They represent a subset (less than 50%) of the Canadian population. A more comprehensive national dataset is not available. See the Data sources and methods section for more information.
Source: Canadian Network for Public Health Intelligence (2024) Drinking Water Advisories application.

Recent changes

As new agencies and jurisdictions adopt the Drinking Water Advisories application, they may add retrospective data to the system. For this update, the results for 2010 to 2021 remain unchanged, and those for 2022 and 2023 have been added.

Caveats and limitations

The Canadian Network for Public Health Intelligence Drinking Water Advisories application (the application) is a national tool developed and enhanced over time through partnerships and collaborative work involving federal, provincial and territorial partners. The front-line users of the system are the regulatory and health protection agencies who oversee drinking water safety. The data in the system belong to these agencies, as they created that data in the course of their oversight activities.

The application became a live surveillance and alerting tool in 2008. The number of agencies and jurisdictions using the system is growing each year, and the end goal for the Boil water advisories indicator is to represent the full national picture. Although this has not yet been achieved, the data are representative of prevailing trends in a variety of regions across Canada and provide useful insight into issues that challenge the delivery of safe drinking water.

The Boil water advisories indicator presents an overall view of the trends emerging in the system, rather than focusing on the specific data for any particular province, territory or agency. Percentages reported in these indicators may differ from previous and future publications as historic data are added to the system and as new agencies adopt the application.




Health Canada (2009) Guidance for Issuing and Rescinding Drinking Water Avoidance Advisories in Emergency Situations. Retrieved on October 22, 2024.

Health Canada (2012) Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality: Guideline Technical Document – Turbidity. Retrieved on October 22, 2024.

Health Canada (2012) Our Health, Our Environment: A Snapshot of Environmental Health in Canada. Retrieved on October 22, 2024.

Health Canada (2015) Guidance for Issuing and Rescinding Boil Water Advisories in Canadian Drinking Water Supplies. Retrieved on October 22, 2024.

Health Canada (2020) Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality: Guideline Technical Document – Escherichia coli. Retrieved on October 22, 2024.

Health Canada (2020) Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality: Guideline Technical Document – Total Coliforms. Retrieved on October 22, 2024.

Related information

Drinking water quality in Canada

Water quality – reports and publications

Water in First Nations communities

First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care Program Indicators

First Nations Health Authority – Drinking Water Safety Program

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